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Old 10-31-2010, 12:03 AM   #1
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Smile Last Chance!

This Tuesday is our last chance to make it known on Capital Hill that we do not want Socialism, wealth redistribution and especially Obama Care forced upon us. This country has been going down the tubes for two years and Obama is determined to devolve this country to force its wealth towards Third World countries to serve his Social Justice agenda. Tuesday is our last chance. Vote for anyone not a Democrat or watch this country crumble and fall under Obama and his Social Justice agenda.
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Old 11-01-2010, 05:30 PM   #2
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Absolutely well put and TRUE!!!!!! Please vote and take our country back to the people!
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Old 11-02-2010, 05:51 AM   #3
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Default Ignorance apparently has no limit.

Take our country back.....from who? (I suspect the answer is "a black man").
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Old 11-02-2010, 09:15 AM   #4
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No, you're voting against, among other things....

Obama-Care ---the legislated mandate that FORCES people, under penalty of Law to buy something


Obama's interpretation of Social Justice which is to devolve this country down towards the level of a Third World country by driving all the money towards Africa and other places to accomplish wealth re-distribution

NASA---it's now the Muslim Feel Good About Themselves Agency

the I.R.S has been empowered to enforce, by the use of lethal weapons, the collection of fees for Obama Care. It's now a Gestapo.

should I go on...?
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Old 11-02-2010, 09:17 AM   #5
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There is nothing more I love is a discussion about politics on a site that he dedicated to the pursuit of pussy.
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Old 11-02-2010, 10:28 AM   #6
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Oh, let's not forget about line number 4,128 (of Obama Care). It talks about clients (of Providers) must pay a 10% excise tax. Also, all Providers must fill out 1099 starting 1/1/11. It's okay, to put down, 'services rendered'.
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Old 11-02-2010, 10:45 AM   #7
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WTF has the country being doing the previous 8 years before this administration.Its funny how the previous administration made no mistakes.Everyone was prospering during the bush years and in the last two years.I love to watch how each party swears the decline of the country with the other in office. Politics shows the lack of education people have.A small group use propaganda to push their agenda.I have no true political party.You can't divide yourself into two parties over dozens of issues.Both sides are full of it.Forget politics its more like sales.
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Old 11-02-2010, 10:49 AM   #8
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I'll pay for your ticket to Russia.
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Old 11-02-2010, 01:28 PM   #9
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I agree that we all should vote today, simple. Vote your conscience.

I disagree with the issues TGL stated, I am not for Health Care reform, I am not for IRS laws being tightened up and allowing lethal force, I am not for NASA being dismantled, and I am not for re-distribution of wealth. Thus, I am voting Republican even though I am not Republican, just my position. These are all things that were started and created by the present administration and these are the issues I am voting on today.

Wanna re-hash all the crap Bush did while in office go ahead, but that's not the issues I am voting on today - that simple. I agree Bush was not a good President and he screwed a lot up but I also believe Obama is taking a bad situation and just making it worse. His policies - suck - simple. Please tell me he will not be re-elected!!!

Oh and BTW why is it every time I disagree with what the present President is doing I am told it is because he is black? The color of his skin has nothing to do with the fact that I disagree with his position and policies on a number of things, and I also disagreed with the war in Iraq, when Bush did it, but I did not disagree with it because he was white, just me.
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Old 11-02-2010, 02:17 PM   #10
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Obama is not black anyway lol, so that statement shows the true ignorance of the one who made it. He himself has admitted to being of mixed heritage. If the only reason you want a guy running the country is based on his color and not his credentials and experience, then we really do have a problem.

Personally I have not liked a President since Reagan, and they have all been white until Obama. I don't care if the guy is Green, either figure out what you are doing or get off the platform!

As someone in Health Care I can assure you his methods with the exception of PRACA and closing the doughnut hole with Medicare Part D, are all leading us into more debt than ever before.

Mandatory Health Insurance is a crock! Just like with car insurance....people who can't afford it still won't have it and when they need medical care those who pay taxes will still get the bill. I am so sick of people whining about what everyone else should do for them....take responsibility for YOURSELF. The government really does not owe us a thing. Each and every one of our choices has got us whereever it is we are today...time to change ourselves I think.

Republicans get my vote...period!
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Old 11-02-2010, 03:45 PM   #11
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I think we ought to vote all the incumbants out they all let this happen. It might even send a message to rest of them get your shit together or go hone.

As far a NASA goes they are the most wasteful agency I have ever dealt with. I just spent a week at Kennedy doing a job that should have taken a day tops. It also cost five times what it should have because every jackass engineer that works there had to get involved.

London you know I love you,but you weren't even alive when Reagan took office!!!
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Old 11-02-2010, 04:31 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Outdoorsman View Post
I agree that we all should vote today, simple. Vote your conscience.

I disagree with the issues TGL stated, I am not for Health Care reform, I am not for IRS laws being tightened up and allowing lethal force, I am not for NASA being dismantled, and I am not for re-distribution of wealth.
I never said I was for any of those things. I was creating a partial list of things of why to vote. That list is of the things that we have a chance to vote against by voting Republican. So, then you agree with me. I voted already and all Republican.
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Old 11-02-2010, 04:47 PM   #13
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Bodilly, I agree with your thoughts. Vote out ALL the incumbents. London, I understand your point, his mom is a white woman from the Mid West. However, all everyone sees is a black man from Africa. All I hear at work is the hatred for this man from day 1, well before any of his policies took effect. One of the guys even admitted that he couldn't vote for a black man who is not even an American citizen. When I told him that Obama's mom is from the Mid West he gave me this dumb ass look that truly showed he only listened to conservative talk radio. I take hell from both parties because I don't let them place my vote. Voting for a party and not the person is why we are in this mess in the first place. If your votes for the actual PEOPLE running for office fall out Republican or Democrat, then so be it. Voting blindly for a party? Keep going with the rest of the sheep.
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Old 11-02-2010, 05:19 PM   #14
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My biggest concern is what ever happened to, For the people by the people. We have no say in what they do to us no matter who we vote for. The new ones get in and learn the ropes fast on how to become milloniares on a $170,000 a year salary. The system is broken. They claim that Obama care can't be fully repealed. Why not ? It's a law it can be repealed. I'm just fed up with all of them.

London, I agree with you, Reagan was the best we've had in a long time, but are you that old to remember him. LOL
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Old 11-02-2010, 05:28 PM   #15
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Damn, we can't even agree on whether the president is black or not? I hate to break it to you guys, but in this country your ethnicity is identified by your skin color. There are people who "pass" as white because outwardly they appear to be. If Barack Obama had come into politics stating that he was white, everyone would have thought he was either delusional or didn't own a mirror. It's funny how since he is an educated guy who happens to be President (no matter what you think of his politics, he IS President) we sit around and try to determine how black he is, or try to identify him as biracial or mixed. Remember historically "one drop of black blood" etc.....

And before the usual suspects come out to post a reply: NO, I don't believe everyone who disagrees with the President is a racist. I have my concerns about how he has done some things. The difference is that I actually waited until he got into office before I decided what I didn't like about his agenda. If you are someone who jumped three feet into the air and had steam coming out of all your orifices the second he announced his candidacy, then you may have a problem. For those who don't believe there are people out there who cannot get past his ethnicity and are only judging him on his actions, CONGRATULATIONS, you are naive.
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