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Old 10-26-2010, 10:18 PM   #16
Katy Alexander
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My theory is the entire D&T forum jumped the shark right around the time I started posting, and no one stopped me.

Leah I agree that this forum has changed a lot from what I remember lurking on ASPD's HDH forum.The one thing that has remained the same as far as escort boards go the D&T group is still a much kinder, gentler bunch compared to the other escort forums you may visit. That is why I feel safe when posting here .I think it is the absence of any personal bullying that still makes this place special. If that ever changes that will be when I find a good book to read instead.
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Old 10-27-2010, 12:14 AM   #17
Juliet LaRoche
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Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill View Post
I think that's a bullying post in itself. Do keep in mind that relationships in this world are often long distance, so both gents and ladies vanish and reappear based on their travel, day jobs and relationships.
Lauren, as usual, well said. I'd stop short of 'bullying post,' but certainly a post that's casts puts people on a hierarchy that isn't necessarily reflective of reality. I agree, Leah, that posts spattered with acronyms standing in for physical acts are a bit too crass for many (me included), and there is such a thing as a certain standard. But I don't think that standard excludes all women who enjoy using the modern venues we find available to us, like boards such as these, from being truly classy courtesans, regardless of how much or how little time they spend perusing them.

For those of you who know me, you know that I can be impossible to reach, terribly unresponsive, and constantly "soooo busy, life is nuts!" I can also be a nagging pest to people from whom I want an answer about something, or for some reason be fixated for a few days somewhere and post/write/email everyone about everything. Neither of those modes by themselves completely neither encompasses or entirely detracts from my "value" overall as a person, or how interesting I am. In fact I think they very much fuel each other. Whatever proportion a lady chooses to spend perusing the boards and communicating, privately and publicly through posting, depends on her desire, whether she likes to write or not, her time management skills and the aggregate amount of time she has to spend on it.

There are no women that I know of who "only" do this, meaning they're escorts in today's understanding of the word and do nothing else. Everyone must do something else, since 24 hours of every day are not spent escorting. And frankly, a woman who did, may have the most unique and psychologically riveting tale of all. Women who do everything BUT enjoy their sensual natures...well, give us a chance to entertain their husbands.

My point is that these two elements of a courtesan - her sensual escapades and all the other qualities, skills, life experiences and joys that make up who she is - are both not only necessary but together sum to more than those parts alone, even in their epitome. In other words, a part of one of these elements, regardless of how small, when added to the other makes the whole person significantly more "interesting" than either one part exercised to its fullest.

So, Ms. Leah, um... I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say. Maybe you can guide us in understanding a bit better what is frustrating you about some courtesans today and ones that existed before the digital age?

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Old 10-27-2010, 07:50 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
I think it is the absence of any personal bullying that still makes this place special. If that ever changes that will be when I find a good book to read instead.
When I told my husband I had been asked to write an article about bullying, he was naturally confused. “You are writing about BOWLING? But you don’t know anything about bowling!”

“No! I am writing about BULLYING.”

“Really? What is the theme?”

“What are you talking about? You think there are pros and cons to bullying?”

“Well, I suppose that there is a positive side to it. If you were to ask a bully.”

“You want me to interview a bully and find out why he/she thinks it is a good thing to brutalize others?”

“Well, I am sure that most bullies like what they do.”

“Good grief, and you think that we need to give bullies a VOICE?”

“Well, for instance, I wonder if bullies feel the need to keep their weight up. You know, so that they can be more dominant.”

“Wait—you think there is a link to bullying and obesity? This is nuts. YOU are nuts.”

“But has anyone ever thought of things from the bully’s point of view?”

“Let me get this straight. You, a 90 pound weakling, who has probably had your share of bullying in the past, want me to go out and find a bully to interview, in order to get his side of the story?”

“Well, that would be an interesting read.”

“No one wants to sympathize with a bully. Everyone wants to stop them!”

“Well, perhaps if you interviewed some bullies, you would be able to find out why they do it, and then convince them to stop.”

“Ok, now you want ME to save the world from the bullies by TALKING to them?”

“Well, yeah. That might work.”

So here is the thing about bowling: there is an alley, a bunch of pins, and a big, heavy ball…
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Old 10-27-2010, 08:14 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Juliet LaRoche View Post
So, Ms. Leah, um... I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say. Maybe you can guide us in understanding a bit better what is frustrating you about some courtesans today and ones that existed before the digital age?

Seemed pretty simple, she sounded tired of hearing some lecture on the
nuances of art and then turn around and finger paint. That was it for me in a nutshell

I know from my POV it could, not saying it does but it could become frustrating to say have someone misinterpreted what you say on the boards , you point out you said no such thing and then hear nothing back from that poster while a shitstorn ensues over that very misinterpretation. Some just may be reaping what they sow.

Was it a little harsh? I'd say yes but maybe whomever Leah was taking exception with, will take stock of their( seemingly) braggadocios posts before posting.
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Old 11-08-2010, 01:49 PM   #20
Leah Ireland
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(Ainsley's post.)

? Looks the same as yours to me - correct.
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Old 11-08-2010, 01:56 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Seemed pretty simple, she sounded tired of hearing some lecture on the
nuances of art and then turn around and finger paint. That was it for me in a nutshell

I know from my POV it could, not saying it does but it could become frustrating to say have someone misinterpreted what you say on the boards , you point out you said no such thing and then hear nothing back from that poster while a shitstorn ensues over that very misinterpretation. Some just may be reaping what they sow.

Was it a little harsh? I'd say yes but maybe whomever Leah was taking exception with, will take stock of their( seemingly) braggadocios posts before posting.

Gosh, a note of intelligence! But nope, apparently one of the people I alluded to totally didn't get it. But if they were capable, they'd never pitch what they do in the first place.

Leah x
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Old 11-08-2010, 03:25 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Leah Ireland View Post
(Ainsley's post.)

? Looks the same as yours to me - correct.
Originally Posted by Leah Ireland View Post
Then there were/are those wierdos
Originally Posted by Ansley View Post
Weirdos wasn't spelled correctly.
Almost, but not quite.
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Old 11-08-2010, 05:47 PM   #23
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I just try to leave the house every morning with my pants zipped, socks matching and the drool wiped from my chin. Somehow, I manage to find my way home with more money in my pocket than when I left.
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Old 11-08-2010, 05:54 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
I just try to leave the house every morning with my pants zipped, socks matching and the drool wiped from my chin. Somehow, I manage to find my way home with more money in my pocket than when I left.
Life is good!
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:39 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
I just try to leave the house every morning with my pants zipped, socks matching and the drool wiped from my chin. Somehow, I manage to find my way home with more money in my pocket than when I left.
You must be one of Obama's Czars.
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Old 11-08-2010, 09:41 PM   #26
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Boy, thank god these forums haven't been reduced to people being allowed to espouse their personal thoughts and rants. Oh wait.
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Old 11-09-2010, 07:07 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Juliet LaRoche View Post
So, Ms. Leah, um... I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say. Maybe you can guide us in understanding a bit better what is frustrating you ...

This is what I was thinking. And let's not overlook the kernels of truth in her frustrations. There are some things that ladies and gentlemen don't discuss is polite and public society. These boards have always cycled between decency and indecency, from sorbets and shrimp forks to gumbo and bubble gum. Like congress, give it awhile and it will change. She's caught it at a lower point and brought that to our attention.

Hang with us, Leah. Tell us what we're doing wrong and we'll get PJ and WTF to quit doing it!
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Old 11-10-2010, 02:22 PM   #28
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By FLWrite - Hang with us, Leah. Tell us what we're doing wrong and we'll get PJ and WTF to quit doing it!
Good luck with that!
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Old 11-10-2010, 03:53 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by macksback View Post
You must be one of Obama's Czars.
Nah, I just think of myself as a Degenerate (in a good way)...
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Old 11-12-2010, 01:30 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Leah Ireland View Post
I almost feel nostalgic for the psycho-bitches who used to run boards like this, with their attempts at being smart and the 'we are the HDHs' propaganda which just about totally ignored the immense gains that real courtesans gained in more distant times. That even the best paid 'HDHs' couldn't hold a candle to at the best of times.
That makes one of us. Those psychobitches weren't HDHs. They were narcissists inflicted with grandiosity overcharging and praying on male suckers who thought that if they charged a lot that they must be worth it. The early HDHs like Anne Marie and Amy Taylor had more intelligence in one fingernail than those women did. I left the board when they began to dominate, and I heard a lot of complaints from some of the more classy women on this matter too.

I knew something was wrong with ASPD when those PBs were actively trying to recruit for another forum and no one stopped them. FWIW, I think the women who participate here now are head and shoulders above those women.

Originally Posted by Leah Ireland View Post
I know there are some smart people who lurk on this board - God I wish I'd hear more of it.
I doubt you will see it. What made the ASPD so special in the early days was that men and women could be honest, and we were all secure enough to handle it. Back in 2002/2003, there was societal shame in seeing and being an escort, so no one had that big of a head.

Then things got politically correct, and some strove for popularity. Being PC means telling lies to people but especially to women. These are lies that they are supposedly okay because people want to hear them.

Bill Maher calls it making women nod, and his examples are "women are smarter than men", "If women ran the world, there would be no wars", and "pregnant women are sexy." These are things that no/few men believe but because it is easier to make women nod than argue with them, we just go along with it.

For example, with intelligence, average intelligence between the sexes is about the same. However, studies show that men have a wider range so the smartest men are smarter than the smartest women. And the dumbest men are less intelligent than the dumbest women.

This goes along with my personal observations. I have seen women who are smarter than I am, but I haven't seen any in the mind blowing genius range of a few men I know. On the old ASPD board, I would be interested to see if other people have had similar observations and if so, why do they think that is? I could do so without fear of being flamed.

But I wouldn't even broach the subject here. What I would get is a constant haranguing of men falsely accusing me of saying men are smarter than women.

And to me, the most interesting topics are those that are not politically correct and challenge conventional wisdom. It is this alternate POV backed by facts and observations that some find offensive because it gets under their skin and challenges their preconceived notions.

So if even one woman gets offended at a subject, you can expect to see a huge piling on effect by the male WKs looking for a figurative pat on the head. Chances are if you are not running the risk of offending someone, your post is probably pretty boring. With most posts here, I can read the thread theme and/or the person posting and predict with fairly good accuracy what they are going to post before even reading it. And to me, predictability = boring.

When I started the thread, the glory days of the HDH are over, which is by far the most popular thread on this forum, I knew that I was going to be flamed. The first poster even warned me saying something to the effect that the glory days of the HDHs may not be over but yours are. I just didn't care.

That the thread devolved into a discussion of making women nod was sadly predictable. "Sugar babies are not competition to HDHs" and "the top 1% of men have plenty of money to shower on HDHs" were the head nodding equivalents of "women are smarter than men." The surprising part to me was how many people agreed with my premise.

When I was in college, a friend of mine chastised me for telling a woman the truth. He said, "Woody, what you said was exactly right, but you don't tell women the truth if you want to get anywhere with them. You have to tell them what they want to hear."

Now if I were a woman, and I learned that is how men really think of women, I would be offended to no end. How dare a man say women can't handle the truth? While I have noticed some exceptions to the rule, for the most part what my friend said was dead on.
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