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Old 01-25-2010, 02:04 PM   #31
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Keep shopping. The market is tough so you should be able to find a few that are in sync with your expectations. One bit of advice I haven't followed is get an AMP as your standby plan.

Remember time-management and the email etiquette that is mandatory in civilian biz is often a totally alien concept to our lovelies. Some do have a 'tude, but many are part-time, or uber single-moms with no support system.

Don't take it personal either, your experience is real common.
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Old 01-25-2010, 03:12 PM   #32
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Combustion says it well!!
"Contact girls your interested in and ask them to prescreen you for a later date, if your already screened and you get ncns'd then its np as you have options.

Don't bother leaving a message unless you have seen her before. I used to do the same as you and call and wait when I first started, that just leaves you with a hard dick and a pissy attitude for getting your time wasted. If she does get back to you you've already started with a bad first impression of her."

Also, I always respond to my text messages and my emails. And I RARELY cancel an appointment. Keep up the good advice!!
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Old 01-25-2010, 04:55 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by vnurse View Post
Man, it's tough to be you guys! So many ladies, so many different rules! Text, don't text. Email, don't email. Call, don't call, Leave a message, don't leave a message. WOW!

I feel for the ladies too...too many scenarios and too many different answers! Call me, email me, text me, leave me a message, call during the day, at night...it's all good for me!

You said a mouth full vnurse

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Old 01-25-2010, 05:28 PM   #34
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You know Bossy, as disturbing as that cat is on one level, it makes me oddly warm and tingly between my legs...
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Old 01-25-2010, 05:57 PM   #35
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As the title of this thread is "Why all the bad business?", I will say that this is the "cost of doing business".

For my personal preference I make my appointments typically the day of, giving a couple to a few hours notice before I would like to meet. I do this for a couple of reasons:

I probably won't get stood up, what could come up within a couple of hours? It has happened once, but most times, not an issue.

I do not have the patience to deal with scheduling an appointment one, two or three days in advance, the anticipation is murder. Must be my ADD. Plus there are too many scenarios in my schedule to get screwed up, not accounting for the person I am going to see.
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Old 01-25-2010, 06:10 PM   #36
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As the old saying goes, "If you lie down with dogs, you'll come up with fleas!"
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Old 01-25-2010, 06:10 PM   #37
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First, I agree with you that many providers have poor business skills. But some have good business skills, too. I always try to comment on both when I do a review.

Second, Dharma makes an excellent point. When you leave a message, or send an e-mail, be very specific about when a provider can call you back. I know the last session I set up via P411, I provided my cell number and told the provider proximately what time I would be in Dallas and that it was safe to call me on the cell after x p.m. central time. Even if you are leaving a phone message, that sort of information can help you get a returned call more often.
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Old 01-25-2010, 06:12 PM   #38
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Plus there are always those odd 'can't get laid in a morgue' stretch every hobbyist has where it seems amazingly difficult to schedule an appointment.

I went through one earlier this month were a couple of very reputable ladies I'd seen before had last minute things that cancelled our appointment the day of and another reputable lady I hadn't seen before didn't show (though called shortly thereafter with an excuse.)

usually try to use p411 email to set things up, as it's much easier if you're booking anything for the next day or two to allow someone to respond. I've found calling anybody other than someone I've seen a few times before is usually VERY hit and miss.

Three weeks in a row I thought I had something lined up....only to see it fall apart at the last minute.

While it was pretty frustrating to have to try this hard to spend money....we all go through these periods from time to time.
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Old 01-26-2010, 12:42 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by gflip88 View Post
I've been in this hobby for almost a year, and some of my complaints about it you're probably familiar with. I have a P411 account with loads of Okays, and the providers I see regularly seem to like me. But here's my top Peev's:
1. Getting Stood up. This has happened too many times. Sometimes they call the next day to apologize. Others call at the very last second -- better than nothing. The only good excuse for not calling is you were in jail (got one of those -- turned out to be a great Provider). I just had a provider stand me up both last night and this.
2. Not answering the phone, or responding to appt requests via email. I'm always getting my ear bent by girls who claim they don't make enough dough, but it's hard to feel sorry for them when they don't answer the phone. I've left several voice messages with providers who never returned them. I understand that a few may be very busy, but if they aren't seeing new clients they should do me the courtesy of a brief email saying so.

I spent this entire weekend trying to make a connection, to no avail. A bunch of girls left something on the table.

Had to get this off my chest. Am I the only one getting this kind of treatment?

Oh dude you are so correct I feel you pain. But if you are in Dallas consider yourself lucky. You have so many choices. Just move on to the next one. Here in KC cancellations last minute appear to be the normal occurance reason why I stopped seeing the locals here. When I travel frequently to Denver they seem to be most reliable. While in Dallas I have had very few cancellations but readily made up for it by having a backup plan. Biggest issue I have faced the big D is I have never had a provider be on time.
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Old 01-26-2010, 08:41 PM   #40
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I have had a one shot rule for the past ten years in the hobby. If they cancel once without a good reason I move on to another girl or if they cancel twice with what sounds like a good reason (seems unlikely they would cancel twice with same guy). New girls pop up every day in this biz. Some make it and most do not. One thing for sure is that there is a never ending supply. It has been that way for 10 years and I see no end in sight.

As far as initial contact, I contact via email first. If no reply then on to the next gal.

On another note, being late for appointment by more than 15 minutes is unacceptable to me. They do it once and I will give them another chance. Do it twice and it is time to move on to a gal who can stay on task better. I have little tolerance for that stuff. Maybe if there were only a dozen gals in DFW I may be more understanding, but it's a buyer's market and there are probably at a minimum over 500 gals working right now.
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:03 AM   #41
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Make sure your hobby phone is a good one, and you speak clearly if that is the preferred means of communication. Nothing like replaying a voice message 10 times trying to understand what was said, or catch the last couple digits of a phone number.
Screen in advance.
Contact to set the appointment far enough in advance that she can schedule you.
Have a Plan 'B' and 'C'.
If its a last minute thing and you have to right now or you'll explode, go to an AMP.

That's the one TGO.
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