Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
So far, I've had to settle for the fantasy.
Given the issues you've raised here many times re "customer satisfaction"...'tis probably for the best, no? If one woman habitually leaves you disappointed, why double the (dis)satisfaction?
Ok, cheap zingers aside...me neither!
I was having a wonderful conversation with a great friend the other night though & here's the thing...at least for me. When I first stumbled onto the hobby, it occurred to me that all kinds of things I would never have the opportunity - or the bravado - to explore in my "real" sex life were now, theoretically, in play. Yipee! All kinds of doors were gonna open!!! I was gonna get in touch with my inner freak....yada, yada, yada..
I now know that's why lots of us do this...more power to you! As for me, I no longer believe I need to ACT on every sexual fantasy that may pop up (pun intended...sorry!) in my head.
My experience has been the act doesn't live up to the hype...or I don't! If there's anything MORE disappointing than figuring out something you've made in your mind to be "all that" ain't...it's that you aren't "all that" either!!!