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Old 10-19-2010, 04:54 PM   #1
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Default TSA Theater: Airline pilot vs. invasive TSA screening -- in his own words

Airline pilot vs. invasive TSA screening -- in his own words

http://bit.ly/cluBCa (Expressjet Forums)
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Old 10-21-2010, 12:50 AM   #2
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Here is a working link to the story: http://www.expressjetpilots.com/the-...ay-was-the-day

Interesting read. I guess the scrotal patdown I got was SOP.

One of these pilots posted something I found really interesting, "I can name atleast 6 stations where we are permitted to bypass security. Security is assessed purely on the station location, not the individuals that may clear through that station on any given day. It is laughable. Not that I don't appreciate being able to bypass at the occasional outstation. That being said, the fallacy in this whole TSA joke, is that it was created after 9-11 to solve all the security woes, and as a result, they have effectively stripped millions of their mouthwash and nail clippers. However, what they fail to account for is that nail clippers were not the weapon of choice on 9-11, the airplane was; so unless they are going to start stripping us of our aircraft when we show up, the rest is just an illusion of security. 9-11 could have just as easily occurred without the use of box cutters. Several guys could have jumped up, threatened to detonate a bomb, put the FA in a headlock and threatened to snap her neck if the pilots didn't open the door, and we would still have had our 9-11. It's sad, but very true. The weapon was the aircraft. Their is no replacement for a competent, properly screened (background, etc. at hire), properly trained, and rested crew. Sadly, the joke is on the TSA themselves, b/c they screen us at security check points, pat us down, strip of of any simpler access, remove our clippers only to have us arrive at the real weapon of 9-11 a few minutes later. The terrorists weapon of choice, is actually on the other side of the security checkpoint. How much money and time has been wasted on this illusion? And sadly, the lemmings we call Americans actually fall for it. I kinda get that security may need to perform more indepth screening on a traveling passenger, as they are an unknown, but a verifiable airline pilot with proper credentials????

All this being said, you can never forsee the individual crew member that shows up one day with ill intentions on his mind; but I guarantee you, he won't be using a water bottle, nail clippers, etc. to reap havoc."

Then you read that the people who operate the airplane ramps aren't screened. So any of them could stick an explosive on the plane and blow the damned thing up no problem.

Bottom line is that you look a little deeper and this thing is even more screwed up than you could possibly imagine.

I think the best way to treat these TSA nazis is with humor. http://www.cafepress.com/+tsa+bumper-stickers?page=1

I am going to paste some of these stickers on my luggage.
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Old 10-21-2010, 04:56 AM   #3
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Word, Woody.

Thanks for the link clean up, too. Not sure why it went bad.
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:47 AM   #4
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Default Sowing the Seeds of Fascism

Having spent my fair share of airport screening time as well as having had those new scanners irradiate the crown jewels already. It wouldn't surprise me if they implemented rectal exams in the future.
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Old 10-21-2010, 07:04 AM   #5
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Does that mean we have to pay $50 to $100 more for greek at the scanners?
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:49 AM   #6
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Woody, really well said. The plane is the real weapon not the stuff in our overnight cases.

I agree with the X-rays and the metal detectors at screening. It is common sense and not all that intgrusive. It’s hard to believe there was a time when you could fly without that. I thought the puffer-machines were supposed to detect explosives. The puffer-machine operators are even polite enough to warn you to hold hour skirt down. If metal detectors detect metal and the puffer-machine detects explosive, why do they need the strip-search machine? And really, why would the TSA think it’s okay with the public to submit to a strip-search, virtual or otherwise, to get on an airplane?
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Old 10-21-2010, 10:22 AM   #7
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Ugh...as a once & future frequent traveler, the whole concept of the TSA & airport screening just puts me on full-life monkey tilt!!!

I understand the "need" to put the "general flying public" at ease by assuring them that their government is doing everything it can possibly do to protect them but - quite frankly it's a joke! I promise not to let them in on if you'd just leave me alone. The secret is safe, I assure you...

Originally Posted by woodyboyd View Post
That being said, the fallacy in this whole TSA joke, is that it was created after 9-11 to solve all the security woes, and as a result, they have effectively stripped millions of their mouthwash and nail clippers.
I agree that it's a joke but I think the motivation was a total snow job. Supra. How do you get a bunch of freaked-out sheep in a pen? Let the collie do it...

Originally Posted by woodyboyd View Post
I think the best way to treat these TSA nazis is with humor. http://www.cafepress.com/+tsa+bumper-stickers?page=1

I am going to paste some of these stickers on my luggage.
Agreed! There is certainly no arguing or reasoning with them...that's for sure! Love the "Sippy Cup Terrorist" one....brilliant!!

Originally Posted by SR Only View Post
Does that mean we have to pay $50 to $100 more for greek at the scanners?
My guess is THEY are doing the "pitching"...YOU should be GETTING the green backs!!

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
It’s hard to believe there was a time when you could fly without that. I thought the puffer-machines were supposed to detect explosives. The puffer-machine operators are even polite enough to warn you to hold hour skirt down. If metal detectors detect metal and the puffer-machine detects explosive, why do they need the strip-search machine? And really, why would the TSA think it’s okay with the public to submit to a strip-search, virtual or otherwise, to get on an airplane?
I haven't seen a "puffer" machine in ages. Went through one once at BWI years ago. Very weird. Felt kinda like the glaucoma test at the optimist's office...just from the toes up! I just assumed it was a test program that went nowhere.

If you've been through one recently, I'm flying....with you! Just the opportunity to experience an OH/MM-esque moment makes the rest of the asinine experience worth while!!
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Old 10-21-2010, 12:48 PM   #8
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Tony award winning security theater.
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Old 10-21-2010, 01:13 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Sisyphus View Post
I haven't seen a "puffer" machine in ages. Went through one once at BWI years ago. Very weird. Felt kinda like the glaucoma test at the optimist's office...just from the toes up! I just assumed it was a test program that went nowhere.

If you've been through one recently, I'm flying....with you! Just the opportunity to experience an OH/MM-esque moment makes the rest of the asinine experience worth while!!
I think it was a couple of years go in Harlingen, Texas. I assume it's still there. I guess they would rather look at the public quasi naked than detect weapons in a non-invasive manner. (Wish there was a shoulder shrug smiley face.)
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Old 10-21-2010, 05:36 PM   #10
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I hate to fly, not because flying is unpleasant but because all the horse shit you have to do to get on the fucking plane.The airline industry should be allowed to go bankrupt so real airlines (korea air) can do a good job.
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
I think it was a couple of years go in Harlingen, Texas. I assume it's still there. I guess they would rather look at the public quasi naked than detect weapons in a non-invasive manner. (Wish there was a shoulder shrug smiley face.)
Hmmmnnnn....if it's still up & running there, methinks it's a different sort of "residue" they are really more interested in detecting...which fits right in the "it's all a big show" POV....

In related news, I read with much distain/amusement that the airline lobby is petitioning to do away with air marshals in first class.
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