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Old 01-24-2010, 03:42 PM   #1
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Default A Couple of Bruises Here and There ...

I was looking at some escort ads and ran across an ad that featured a very pretty young lady who had several bruises showing on her leg. I was surprised that this wasn't airbrushed out because it didn't look very nice.

Which brings me to my question. If a lady has a few bruises on her bottom or in other areas, does it bother you? I would think a black eye would raise a big red flag but a bruise on a leg, toe or arm seems pretty harmless but it can be not very attractive looking.

What are your thoughts about this?

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Old 01-24-2010, 03:54 PM   #2
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Well this case is a little different. A friend of mine is a sub. She showed me the marks on her bottom from a recent session and on HER...it seemed so right. But then I know her and what she is about.

A bruise on an arm, a toe? Meh, not so much. In an ad...if it is not for BDSM or related, not at all attractive IMHO.
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Old 01-24-2010, 04:32 PM   #3
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Well, it all just depends on the bruise and the lady. A little bruise on the thigh or toe just means she bumped into something. A bruise on the face or neck or abdomen could mean abuse and I'd probably ask her about it. I care about my friends (too much, sometimes).

A bruise on the backside COULD indicate a different kind of fun is on the menu (as Steverino mentioned.)

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Old 01-24-2010, 08:53 PM   #4
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Bruises is big time no......just the slim chance that pimp is involved pisses me off...and I am gone. Also if the girls are too young...I stay away. I can't deal with a female being forced to do something she does not want to. Been some on BP, where I'm like.....hmmmm
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Old 01-24-2010, 09:45 PM   #5
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I've shown up for dates after having fallen off a climbing wall and whacked my legs on the holds/surface. Usually I remember to let the poor guy know ahead of time that I'll be a little more colorful than usual, but occasionally I forget. That's not fun for either of us. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED???" isn't the best pillow talk.
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Old 01-24-2010, 10:02 PM   #6
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Lightbulb Funny....

(Short story )

With my last photo shoot, I did a study (I covered my my tats with a blur, could have been mistaken for bruises with-out a doubt) to see if things like that could slow or increase my business. Also to see how the would sound.

Well, I found that my clients (new & old) were smarter than a 5th grader and decided to keep a professional relationship and not get personal. (Which I love! ) As far as the LMAO... most just wondered how I managed to survive, so it wasn't that bad.

My opinion, it boils down to what type of relationship you (*as a provider) carry on with the clients that you (*as a provider) see.
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Old 01-24-2010, 10:08 PM   #7
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Yes, facial bruises or arm bruises on a provider would raise red flags.

A lot of younger providerz are current or former dancerz, so stage and/or pole bruising on their legs is possible, especially for the girls that pole climb or twirl on the stripper pole. Most dancers quickly realize that they need to wear leggings and/or completely avoid pole theatrics to protect their legs.

Girls with a lot of bruising and/or tons of azz zits are typically the girls that most of us will avoid....

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Old 01-24-2010, 10:12 PM   #8
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It would depend on how bad the contusion was? Some people just bruise easy and do not get enough potassium in their diet. Yes it would be a turn on off and kind of sad to see people put themselves into that kind of situation.
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Old 01-24-2010, 10:14 PM   #9
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I wouldnt think that a girl with a pimp would actually have bruises in their photos.. most of those girls have the most professional ads & pics. I would just think she was careless maybe? I mean ppl do hit walls and stuff if they are drunk sometimes, but I would wonder. I dont prefer showing bruises in my pics but I will show my 2 tattoos because u will see them in person. No point in hiding something about myself. =]
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Old 01-24-2010, 11:41 PM   #10
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When I was actively seeing providers my reply would depend on the context of the ad for the persona she has like some others have alluded to. Outside of BDSM (Dom/Sub), it would bother me greatly if it was outside of her “role” that she plays. I am not one for BDSM activity but I know it goes on and a lot of people really get into it.

In one instance, I was with a provider years ago who was being very playful and was pretty darn strong for someone so short. When we were getting really frisky and she started to be aggressive in getting out of a hold I had her in, i.e. we were wrestling and it was a lot of fun, I put several bruises on her. Since we were seeing each other multiple times a week, she showed me where they were then told me that she bruised easily and not to worry about it. Point is, it really bothered me even with her telling me not to worry. I felt really bad because I am not that kind of person who wants to hurts a woman and when a woman has bruises that I caused, that is how I take it.

Plus, like others, it will make me really, really angry if I see bruising because someone else abused her even if she allowed it. I tend to be old-school in that whomever I am with gets my protection. I guess it is just a defect of my character to be protective and upset when I see a woman with bruises regardless of how she got them.
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Old 01-25-2010, 02:09 AM   #11
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When I do photos for a lady, I will photoshop out bruises and blemishes because they will fade and heal.. So far I have not worked with anyone showing signs of abuse.
A bruise on a leg is something I don't give a second thought when I see someone, Table corners, shopping carts, stripper poles, getting into and out of a car can cause a minor bruise, Falling off of stripper shoes hurrying to answer the door can cause some pretty good bruises also, Hell if I refused to see someone who had a bruise, I'd be jerking off a lot, Ride a motorcycle around the metroplex and not get a stone bruise on your leg...
Since it was brought up...
I will blur a Tattoo but not photoshop it away, I think it is false advertising and misleading .. Many guys do not like tattoos ..some do.. If you want photos with tattoos photoshopped away, Find someone else ...
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Old 01-29-2010, 05:53 PM   #12
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On the other hand, I find bruises on the wrist, ankles and ass sexy....
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Old 01-29-2010, 06:32 PM   #13
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I plug for stripper. I danced for years. Never climbed the pole or did tricks, because I am just not that graceful, and still spent years with my shins, knees and thighs covered with bruises. Especially if the bruises were on the legs only, I definitely say stripper.
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