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Old 10-21-2010, 08:21 AM   #1
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Default Price or Provider?

A simple question that has been bugging me for quite some time.
What do you guys, when the urge comes on, look for first?
Let me phrase this a different way here.
You have got the urge to see someone. Walk me through how you do this? What do you look for first? What makes you say, "Ah, she's the one!"?
Do you look for a pretty face? Then what? Read reviews? Look at her pictures? Then look at the donation? "damn, too high, but wow, I really do want to see HER!"
Would you turn down a visit with someone you really want to see due to her donation, and go look for a weekly special, and try to find another because the real one you want to see was too high? I suppose with so many to choose from, that wouldn't be too difficult, but just needed to know if you actually do walk away from "the one" due to her donation.

I just need someone to walk me through their own process of deciding who you will see next. There is a reason I need to know, but I will keep that to myself. Personal.

thanks to all who respond. And I hope I do get a few honest responses. It will really help me.

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Old 10-21-2010, 08:35 AM   #2
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Natalie, For me I look at the girls pics. Face pics help alot. Then the list of services, then the rate. If I find a few who are cute, and have the same services, then I'll go with the one who is more reasonable.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:38 AM   #3
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This is a market driven economy. We all value our dollars differently. I have a ceiling on which I will not go over, no matter how hot she is. But some are out there I would not do for free.

If it is a lady I have had my eye on and she drops her rate, then I am all there!
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:51 AM   #4
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I look for the attraction first, other than being HWP, tall, short, color, etc doesn't matter, she just has to be pleasing in my eyes and have good hygiene. Reviews count big too, but if negative I also consider who wrote it and decide if I'll take the chance. Price does play into it, 250/hr is usually max for me, I don't think more will get you any extras over any other provider. I'll add that below 200 would also be questionable unless it's a special or I know or have seen her before. Too cheap will raise a flag too, but, because of age, some of the older (mature and experienced providers, which I prefer) are offering lower rates and I'll certainly take advantage of that.

Lately, though, I find it just as easy to browse the web and keep the money in my pocket. I find it to be a hassle at times to make appointments a day or two in advance, when the my computer is waiting for me in the other room.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:52 AM   #5
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I agree...look is first, then services, with donation third. I do however have limits and won't break from those (My only two swings at the HDH were very disappointing so I am turned off to that experience) so it is important the donation is at least in line with what the market (the whole market, not the ladies perception of her market) is.

Just my 2¢.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:53 AM   #6
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If I see someone that catches my attention, I'll check the rate. I choose to have a cap limit on what I will spend. If she's within the budget, I'll explore further to check reviews, services, etc.

I've made a couple of exceptions, but mostly I won't see someone who is over my allotted budget.

BTW, my budget isn't such to where I have to go to Backpage looking for bargains.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:59 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Red Tex View Post
This is a market driven economy. We all value our dollars differently. I have a ceiling on which I will not go over, no matter how hot she is. But some are out there I would not do for free.

If it is a lady I have had my eye on and she drops her rate, then I am all there!
+1 ... Sometimes its hard because the lady may be extremely tempting, but I also have set a cap which I choose not to exceed. There are a plethora of lovely wonderful ladies here in our area who both wet my lips and (either regular suggested donations or occasional specials) fall within my chosen budget.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:04 AM   #8
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Pretty much what has been said. Start with photos, services, reviews with special attention to the intangible. That is, how the client felt.

Last year I wasn't as concerned about donations as I am this year. My circumstances changed and the pressure on the hobby budget has taken a hit. Part of this is because I prefer two hour visits. I pay special heed to providers who have an attractive two hour rate.

Fortunately, DFW has a bit of a Goldilocks situation. That is, there are some providers I would like to see but not comfortable spending that much at this time. There are other value providers who don't provide the kind of session experience I prefer, with emphasis on personality and charm of the provider. However, DFW does have a fair number of wonderful ladies who provide the type of session I enjoy.

I think it's unfortunate that the fee has become a larger factor in my selection. But it is what it is. At least ... now and probably for the next year.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:09 AM   #9
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thank you for all the responses so far. BTW, I decided to run a special. Something I haven't done in years. Check out the Provider Ads and Specials Dallas.

Thank you all again,
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:19 AM   #10
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I keep a small list of ladies as I come across them. To make the list I consider:
Appearance/Appeal- clear photos including face are important
Her posts on the forums
Price- I do have a cap that I stay under so yes, even if all the rest are great, I most likely will not exceed that cap.

Based on the factors above, ladies will move on and off the list over time. If I think I can see one in the next week or so, I will contact her to get screening out of the way, get a better feel for them, check availability, etc
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:39 AM   #11
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Strictly attraction, services, and dependability. I don't hobby very often so price is not an issue.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:45 AM   #12
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If I do not find the lady attractive price doesn't matter. If I find the lady attractive, ie photos, posts and reviews, then the question of price becomes a factor. With today's economy and the SO scrutinizing every cent, can I afford it and can I get away with it?

I think decent quality photographs go a long way, but then, I'm into photography more than most.

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Old 10-21-2010, 11:11 AM   #13
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Default Catch attention -> be in budget -> Check reviews -> Availability

Originally Posted by manofthebayou View Post
If I see someone that catches my attention, I'll check the rate. I choose to have a cap limit on what I will spend. If she's within the budget, I'll explore further to check reviews, services, etc.

I've made a couple of exceptions, but mostly I won't see someone who is over my allotted budget.

BTW, my budget isn't such to where I have to go to Backpage looking for bargains.
That is how I operate too, except that I have never gone over my alloted budget.
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Old 10-21-2010, 11:42 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by AgoodMess View Post
That is how I operate too, except that I have never gone over my alloted budget.
then you must have "manned up" and gotten some "cojones" to stick to that pledge.

Originally Posted by Bubba3452 View Post
I keep a small list of ladies as I come across them. To make the list I consider:
Appearance/Appeal- clear photos including face are important
Her posts on the forums
Price- I do have a cap that I stay under so yes, even if all the rest are great, I most likely will not exceed that cap.
natalie, there are two categories for me but bubba's process is similar to mine.

if it's a woman on my go-visit-her-again (gvha) list, it's availability and location. all the women i go back to visit have a consulting fee that i can afford. so, if she's available and within reasonable driving distance, i'll go visit her again [me = "damn it scotty, when are you going to have the transporter ready!!!" scotty = "capn, i'm givin' her all i got!!!" her = "oh scotty, Oh Scotty, OH SCOTTY GIVE IT TO ME!!!!"]

if it's a woman on my go-check-her-out (gcho) list or someone i want to add to my gcho list, my first criteria are a) do i find her attractive, b) does she have a consulting fee friendly to my budget, and c) is she reasonably close by. only if i can answer yes to all those will i go to my second set of criteria - the subjective items like reviews about her, her posts, her ads, etc. if i can answer yes to most if not all subjective items, then i see if we can get together. i have done so a few times, but rarely will i ever go over my consulting fee limit.

in both categories, what i'm looking for is an encounter where there's a high probability of a deliteful time. with a renewed emphasis on deliteful encounters and less on getting it on, so far this year, about 72% of my encounters were very deliteful, 10% were ok, and 8% were way less than deliteful.
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Old 10-21-2010, 12:37 PM   #15
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My process is simple... I'll check out her forum post first. You can tell a good deal about someone's attitude. If I like it, then I'll checkout her reviews. If I'm satisfied, then I'll contact her. For a guy like myself, I'm more interested in the level of service... looks and money don't enter into my equation.

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