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Old 10-18-2010, 04:50 PM   #1
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Default Providers & Conventions

Fortunately, my line of work doesn't require me to attend conventions. It's kind of sad to picture grown men strutting about in funny uniforms (I had relatives in Knights of Columbus and didn't see the point of looking like a fool!) and lapels loaded with bullshit medals (10 years attendance, most well-taped Depends, etc...) and any conventions that are stupid enough to come to Dallas I avoid like the plague. But I am in curious whether they do, in fact, generate big turnouts from Providers. I can see it for things like the Super Bowl but conventions? Really!

It's kind of amusing picturing some Provider trying to pick up some geek dressed up like a Kilngon but I digress!
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Old 10-18-2010, 08:20 PM   #2
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If that geek dressed up like a Klingon treats me like a princess and becomes a regular, I might just learn the damn language. :P I <3 me some geeks.

Honestly, I have no idea. Most of my business is from locals, with the occasional traveling businessman. I never even know when the conventions are in town. It will be interesting to read what the other ladies have to say.
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Old 10-19-2010, 12:43 AM   #3
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I can't speak from the ladies side but I do know that numerous corporations have large meetings here in the metroplex. There are a number of conventions that have nothing to do with anything silly, well except the drunken stuff that happens after a few trips to the open bar. Dallas has lost a number of them to the Gaylord after it opened. And now Fort Worth has grabbed some of the pie.

What I do know is a number of guys do go to the strip clubs and a number of gals can be seen leaving some of the large hotels in the wee hours of the morning. Keep in mind some of the larger events that have a number of women attending can have a built in crowd of pay to play, or even just the I am away from home and I am going to play crowd. One corporation I interacted with had a rep for playing openly amongst themselves in varying numbers. And they had a very high number of very nice looking women, I think my neck was sore and I was dehydrated from all the drooling.

But now that I think about it a little more, what happens for the three weeks of M Kay. I know a small number of guys come also but one year about half of the ones I ran across tried to get me into selling it.
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Old 10-19-2010, 11:41 AM   #4
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From talking with past conventioneers, I think the amps get a good workout because of no screening and location, especially Hawaii. Some out of towners are a bit nervous about the area around Smile later at night....
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Old 10-19-2010, 12:06 PM   #5
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If that geek dressed up like a Klingon treats me like a princess and becomes a regular, I might just learn the damn language. :P I <3 me some geeks.
Amen!! If the client is good and wants me to come to the convention and be his Uhura, I am THERE (been there! lol)--- so long as it's old school Nichelle Nicholls Uhura and not that new reboot Zoe Saldana Uhura. I only have the old costume LOL.

Oh wait... girl, I think they're talking about the other, non-sci-fi type of convention. Sucks, cuz I was about to dust off my bag of holding (dice) and break out the Storm costume.

Getting my hopes all up *grumble grumble*.
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Old 10-19-2010, 12:55 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore View Post
Amen!! If the client is good and wants me to come to the convention and be his Uhura, I am THERE (been there! lol)--- so long as it's old school Nichelle Nicholls Uhura and not that new reboot Zoe Saldana Uhura. I only have the old costume LOL.

Oh wait... girl, I think they're talking about the other, non-sci-fi type of convention. Sucks, cuz I was about to dust off my bag of holding (dice) and break out the Storm costume.

Getting my hopes all up *grumble grumble*.
I keep thinking of that scene out of Friends where Ross has Rachel (?) dress up as Princess Leah to fulfill his Star Wars fantasy.
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Old 10-19-2010, 11:18 PM   #7
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Default Great post

I've wonder about this ever since I started in the hobby.

And I've been joking about this for the past two years... If I was in charge of the Convention & Visitors Bureau, I'd put IBJ's pic on the cover of the CVB magazine. Not a skyline pic, not Cowboys stadium, not the zoo. IBJ. "Dallas, home of the best BBBJ."

I don't know. maybe it's just me. But I'd be that would boost attendance.
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Old 10-20-2010, 09:52 AM   #8
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I recall that Dallas' bookings for conventions took a steep fall when the holier-than-thou leaders of Big D got upset that delegates (i.e. the ones that recommended where to hold their conventions) were being taken to Dallas topless joints (gasp!!!) and they demanded his resignation. How's that working out for you Big D(umbasses)?
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