Texas Cities To Tour?
Hello There Mister Gentlemen's and Madam Ladies,
Miss EDS is seriously considering touring several Texas cities and has even mapped such out. However, never having toured Texas (with exception, of El Paso and Odessa/Midland), which cities are best to tour? Cities to stay away from? Cities to add? When is best time to do the TX Tour? Etc.? Here is a list of Miss EDS mapped out plan. Your input is greatly appreciated! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Okay...so the driving tour will begin in Albuquerque, NM. From ABQ, here is the plan....
Amarillo, TX
Wichita Falls, TX
Irving, TX
Waco, TX
Austin, TX
Houston, TX
Corpus Christi, TX
San Antonio, TX
Abilene, TX
San Angelo, TX
Odessa/Midland, TX
Lubbock, TX
El Paso, TX
And then of course, return to home base in Albuquerque, NM