Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Yes, seriously.
You and PJ can go off and argue all you want about it wasting money and being ineffective and how its soooo discriminatory against men.
The fact is that the number of girls participating in sports is way, way up over what it used to be. Those girls are healthier, stay in school longer, and have better leadership skills for their participation in sports. Shockingly enough, the girls get the same benefit as the boys do from their sports programs.
Probably most important of all, women athletes are now recognized for their accomplishments in the sport and not just because they have a pretty face. Role models for young girls now come with stamina and courage instead of tiny feet and eye liner. That alone justifies the program.
My daughter was an athlete in both high school and college. It changed her life. I'm damn proud of her and what she achieved during that time - and I'm damn proud of a country that says young women and men deserve the same opportunities in life. If it had not been for Title IX there wouldn't even have been a program for her to play in.
Yes, Title IX works. Women throughout this country are better for it. I'm glad it's there.
And with that said, let the misogyny begin . . . .