I do a fare amount of travel and have heard some helpful hints.
1. Never unpack your suitcase. The little buggers live in dressers, closets, and just about anywhere in a room. They are not just limited to the bed. I put a plastic bag in the suitcase for used clothes and seal it tight prior to leaving. If anything had gotten on the clothes, it is now self-contained.
2. Check the seam around the mattress. If you see dark stains (they don't have to be big), RUN! This is the easiest sign to find that that the room has issues.
3. Other places to look - outlets, behind any hanging pistures, headboards.
4. Bedbugs don't discriminate. I am in NYC frequestly and some of the higher end hotels have had "outbreaks". Recently they have even popped up in retail stores..and I don't mean Walmart. Don't think that just because the hotel doesn't charge by the hour that it will be bug free.