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Old 01-22-2010, 12:38 AM   #31
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Default Whispers Makes Some Sense

Whispers - sorry for getting you mixed up with AE and 6. You actually DO have some intelligence. I appreciate debate based on facts.
Let's look at the facts -

The ASPD mods had a genuine objective overview of the whole "Hobby". Just as there are rip-off Providers and genuinely evil pimps, there are some shitbag clients as well. You see review sites as protection from the first 2 for clients, I see them as protection for Providers from the latter 2. A difference of opinion I can respect, to a degree. I still maintain the Providers are the true heroes and foundation of this hobby, not the clients. My first loyalty is to them.

As for TC and CK having knowledge about the quality of WF girls; that is not the issue. They don't, and neither I nor they ever said they did. They did refute some derogatory and unfounded comments made by nutless ankle-biters in LR and BCD posts about me and the agency in general. Which IS something they DO know about. Bogus argument. Strawman.

As for their posts and review count on ECCIE, you know, and we both know you know, CK is administrator, and TC moderator at Home2. Obviously, H2 is not as big as ECCIE, but Eccie is not as big as ASPD was, and they were both admin/mods there too. To pretend your qualifications are even in the same league with theirs is, well, just silly. False/Obsfucation.

Which brings us to your critique of my screening. Yes, I said you were cleared, since you had "a few hundred" reviews, and each review of a current provider is equal to an OK from that provider. Are you saying if someone PM's and has multi reviews, that's not good screening? Bullshit, and you know it, too. So that's another bogus critique. False.

Meeting a few buddies at a titty bar hardly qualifies as a "meet n greet".
As for people getting busted, that's not what I heard, and if true, they were doing things CK expressly told every attendee not to. Not his fault. Should he have checked vouches better? Yes. Would you or anyone else have done it better? I doubt it.

Your "original comments were not at me, but those I hang my laurels on"?
I offer CK and TC as objective references, which they are. I offer the opinion of every Wild Flowers girl as expert opinions as to my character, the way I treat them, and the way I do my job. And there's an even dozen of them, some of the sweetest and finest girls in this "hobby". Even the ex-Flowers, Anya, Melody, Sweetness, Seven and Joy can't say anything bad about me that's true, and they know it.

Like I said, we're not hiring right now. We've got an even dozen Flowers in The Garden, and since that's more than any other agency in this town, that's enough. I don't want to get worn out from too much "interviewing"...
(Though somehow, I don't really think that'll be a problem.)

As for "a few ladies of interest", you should check out our website! Your
screening is still good. Write a review, I'll make you a deal!
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:01 AM   #32
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ok shithead aka Max

I laid low on this thread. you do have some intelligence after all. you named drop some people trying to look slick and give something "legitimate" to your brand. you did this before doing research and you now come back with a reply that is basically you with your tail between your legs. even someone like "me" can see that.

and u are offering a deal?? lol who is the bottom feeder now? lol hopefully its you who's cut is taken out not the ladies.....

i did look at your website for a few laughs and u mentioned something about you decided to not raise your rates for 2010.... which in "street" language pal means business is not that good!

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Old 01-22-2010, 12:34 PM   #33
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Default Who's a "Bottom Feeder"?

You, of all people, have to ask?

You cruise CC looking for the most vulnerable, hapless girls in society, then low-ball them with chump change. $35 BBBJ? Couldn't even swing two twenties, had to run get (chump) change. What could possibly be lower than that?

Had some laughs looking at our website, did you? Sorry we don't have any $35 hotties for you. You're a little bit below our class. Maybe someday you'll pull yourself up out of the gutter. Can I help?

Your specialty is the $35 BBBJ, right? Hell, man, I'll give you $40!
You do swallow, right?
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Old 01-22-2010, 12:38 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers View Post
Which brings us to your critique of my screening. Yes, I said you were cleared, since you had "a few hundred" reviews, and each review of a current provider is equal to an OK from that provider. Are you saying if someone PM's and has multi reviews, that's not good screening? Bullshit, and you know it, too. So that's another bogus critique. False.
I'll jump in and say that I think saying a review is an okay is not good screening. As a matter of fact, its absolute ignorance. You don't think anyone is making up bogus reviews? And do you really think any lady on here would complain about a great review of her, whether it was real or fake? Post count, review count, etc have nothing to do with screening your clients. As someone who values his privacy, the fact that someone can be approved based on what could be completely bogus reviews and posts is not a comforting thought.

I wish you all the luck in the world. Of course, you would just say luck has nothing to do with it... it's all about babysitting for the girls.

Ooh, one last thought. I have to love this quote from Peach:

"Always go with your gut instinct. It'll usually point you in the right direction."

Big words from someone who probably knows your organization very well.
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Old 01-22-2010, 12:50 PM   #35
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max, max,

i am so offended! not, good try though.... sure ill cruise for a 35 BJ. u should see my inbox sometime, im not the only one. i make no apologies for anything. i am pretty sure your screening process is nil. i should call and i bet i can make an appointment, its not rocket science. would love to see the reaction on your face when i introduce myself. bet u would love that huh?
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:06 PM   #36
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I guess words speak for themselves in this case.. lol!

Maggie, this is an example of the drama that ensues in our lovely little world.
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:11 PM   #37
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Please, please do! I'll give you the $40 AND a tip!
Seriously. Anytime. I'd love to meet you.
But I bet I'll recognize you from the description
I posted of you on the "Price" thread...
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:38 PM   #38
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:54 PM   #39
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okay...what's this thread about again?

Oh yea, what's the advantage of working for an agency vs. independent...lets get this back on track and keep the personal crap to a minimum.

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Old 01-22-2010, 03:07 PM   #40
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To each their own, I guess. Thanks for the tips on screening. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and try writing a few fake reviews about registered providers and see if they say anything?

And it's not ALL about babysitting, but being there for the people I care about is just my style, and I'm multi-talented.

I would be interested in what Peach has to say about me. I hope she knows I wish her well. She was with Wild Flowers for the first couple of months. I'm sure she'll say I never treated her anything other than fairly, generously and as a friend. I was sad to see her go and get hooked up with one of the most horrible people I've ever met, (who looks a lot like this...)

so I guess "gut instinct" aint always right. I'm glad to see she seems to be doing OK these days. Good luck to you too.
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:10 PM   #41
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anytime anyplace pal........... after we meet......... ill own you and your crooked agency and set them girls free...............

sixx........... ill make you infamous........
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:13 PM   #42
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I think this thread is serving its purpose in some way.. an odd way.. but I think whoever reads it will get a good idea of the hobby world..

I keep to my own, thanks for asking, though.
My world is that of a private one, that very few get to see, and even more few get to enjoy.

Carry on, thread! ^_^
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:35 PM   #43
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you are absolutely correct. you are a higher market and i respect that. i believe that you should maximize the minimum. screening practices are not something that should be taken lightly. i have been in the P4P game for 16 years......... i am 34 now.......

i work with the dangerous element of society 50 hours a week at least. the best screening is done yourself. dont count on some crook to make sure your privacy is respected. i bet anything i have more knowledge in this game in one hand than some who claim they know this biz and make money off of others hard work...

respect ABT,

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Old 01-23-2010, 12:51 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers View Post
I was sad to see her go and get hooked up with one of the most horrible people I've ever met, (who looks a lot like this...)
Wow, Howard the Duck really let himself go.

Anywho, happy to see that you have gotten provider status, Maggie. Also, apologies for assuming that you were completely new to all of this. If you are looking for extra biz and experience, it wouldn't hurt to look-up one of the agencies where you can work a few nights a week and still be indy.

From what I can tell...which could be completely wrong, Austin is an indy town more than it is an agency town. The other city I worked in was an agency town and not fair to indy gals. But yeah, I have less working experience than most of these boys have mongering experience, so don't pay me tooooo much attention.
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Old 01-23-2010, 12:33 PM   #45
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I started out as an agency girl. It was great @ first. Great money and good guys. Things did go south... I was not paid @ all on 2 different occasions. The 1st time I was given no componsation but told I would not have to pay the agency fee on the next appointment... (so I lost 200 fpr the appointment but got to keep 80 for the next one... Wow big deal) the 2nd time the guy did not pay me for a 2 hour session but the agency paid me for 1 hour, so @ least I made something. Then after a while things slowed down, assuming because there were "new" girls. I was told no one was aking to see me, but upon going independent several guys (7 to be exact) stated they called to see me all the time but was always told I was not avalible. Who knows who was telling the truth. I love the guy I worked for but to this day I know I was lied to quite a bit... I've gotten the inside from several people. Even one of my best friends and I were broken apart by a lie. So I've got mixed feelings on the subject....
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