for the fun of it, left field logic based on names
Ten vs NYG - titan vs a giant, both big but titans are bigger - titans
Cin vs CAR - bengal vs panther, bengals are bigger - bengals
PIT vs TB- steeler vs buccaneer, steeler being a guy working with steel vs a guy with a big ship with cannons and a sword - bucs
BUF vs NE- buffalo vs patriot, patriot's got a gun - pat
SF vs KC- a 49er vs a chief, 49er has a shovel and a pick, a chief has an army of indians, ever hear of little bighorn? - chiefs
DAL VS HOU- cowboy vs texan, cowboys carry guns, but so do all texans plus every texan thinks he's a cowboy, so they will probably just shoot everyone in the confusion. - tie, as last texas cowboy shoots himself
DET vs MIN- lion vs a viking, vikings are mean and they got big axes - vikings
ATL vs NO- falcon vs saint, falcon's got claws but saints got God, going with God on this one - saints
WAS VS STL- redskin vs ram, bows and arrows vs horns - redskins
PHI vs JAC - eagle vs jaguar - cats win - jags
IND vs DEN- colt vs bronco, isn't that like a grow man beating up a kid? - broncos
OAK vs ARI - raider vs cardinal - raiders should win, but i think these raiders aren't smart enough to look up and would run for cover as soon as they got pooped on.
SD vs SEA - charger vs seahawk, pretty sure a bolt of lightning can fry a bird. - chargers
NYJ vs MIA - jet vs dolphin, jets got guns and missiles, dolphins just got bad fish breath - jets
GB vs CHI - packer vs bear, as long as we are going meat packer instead of fudge packer, the packers got a big sharp knife, but still think the claws and teeth of the bear win - bears
CLE vs BAL - brown vs raven, what the hell is a brown? a pile of poo? and if it is that raven from the poem, it'll freak everyone out by saying nevermore over and over, and everyone will have brown in their shorts. - ravens
