Originally Posted by harry
Wow, I wonder how the big bad cops treat their wives when they've had a bad day?
As far as your idea, FrancoBob...while inherently funny....it's not entirely practical.
True Story... I know a girl that showed up to a sting a couple of months back. She didn't discuss anything sexual prior to or during the meeting, didn't accept the money when they attempted to hand it to her...she even verbally denied the acceptance of it
so loudly, she
knew it would be on the 'recorder.' Little did she know, it's really common for them to "lose the evidence" in circumstances like that. Who'd have thought? Their verbal offer and physical attempt to give her money put her on guard immediately. She never removed any clothing. She never made any offer of physical contact
or actual physical contact with the officer. She made small talk, mentally starting to plan her moment of departure...and her departure was exactly what was going through her mind when they came busting in through the adjoining door.
Of course, that's not what they said happened in the police report or in court.
And who do you think the judge believed? Even with no physical evidence?
Now, I do get appointment requests from 'hobbyists' that I highly suspect are cops. I
love to make the appointment and not show up. I'm usually running 'late' on purpose...and make excuses to stall for more time until.......I don't show up.

Sometimes, I try to reschedule...for the next day or two. I hope they're not setting up another sting just for little old me!
I figure it's fun, and they can't arrest someone else while they're waiting to arrest you. As long as they're wasting taxpayer dollars, I will do my part to help.
There's not really a whole lot they can do...except move you higher up on their priority list of targets. Which, ironically, gives you more opportunities to repeat the joke...
The key is to never be in the same physical location with them at the same time. They won't have an opportunity to lie and say this or that happened....if you were never there to begin with.