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Old 09-20-2010, 07:19 PM   #16
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Actually, the Cowboys AREN'T the Yankees of the NFL thanks to revenue sharing. The Yankees actually lose money occasionally in pursuit of titles because there's no upper limit on how much they can spend to acquire players. Meanwhile, the Cowboys and the NFL basically pool the money and support owners who aren't even remotely committed to winning titles like Jerry Jones (Cardinals owner comes to mind). The boatload of revenue Dallas brings to the NFL benefits all the other teams, particularly the small market ones. Jerry Jones has his flaws, but he's committed to making the Cowboys a winner again. If it wasn't for the leagues' handcuffs ( better known as the salary cap) then Dallas would truly be the Yankees of the league, and would be very near winning a Super Bowl every year, or better.

There's some degree of irony in hating the Cowboys. Without them (and other major contributing markets), the league wouldn't be what it is today.

Of course, one could argue that if the Dallas Cowboys were never invented, then another team would simply fill the void (as in team everyone loves to hate). It would be true, but that's for an alternate universe to ponder.
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Old 09-20-2010, 07:57 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post

There's some degree of irony in hating the Cowboys. Without them (and other major contributing markets), the league wouldn't be what it is today.
Without the NFL there would be no Cowboys but as usual only a pompus Dallas COWPUKE FAN would think the rest of the NFL revolves around the

Rambo lets see if you can understand this, without the other teams the Cowgirls wouldn't have anyone else to play, if the Cowgirls left there would still be the other teams left to play each other.

The NFL was around a long time before the Cowboys came along.

The Pittsburgh Steeler's have won six Super Bowls but you don't see any of there fans crying about handicap restrictions.

Rambro if you want to play in the Houston forum it can get real ugly real quick.
The men in the Houston forum play rough the Dallas forum is weak so think it over well.
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Old 09-20-2010, 08:19 PM   #18
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There's only one team arrogant enough to call themselves "America's Team." And until Landry comes back, I'll hate the Cowboys.
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Old 09-20-2010, 09:24 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by windowshopper View Post
I never worried about Indy....because Texans seemed to have their number last few years. It has never been a ridiculous blowup since the trade of David Carr. We seemed to have lost games due to prevent defense (zone) and weak offensive coordinating.

Just need more creative plays to ensure we never get in red zone and walk away with 3 points. and the bonehead missing 47 yarders....come on....only job is to kick the ball. Why he won starting job with Chris Brown has put up about 200 field goals in Texas career...and missed like 5.
I have no idea what you mean. Chris Brown was a a rb that sucked. Kris Brown was a kicker that lost his confidence that shanked way to many fg. The offense needed time to grow and develop. Which they are still one of the youngest teams in the nfl. But one of the best offenses this year. They can run and pass the ball.
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Old 09-20-2010, 11:23 PM   #20
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Sure, the league was around before the Cowboys came to be, but back then it didn't make the money it's making today. It makes the money it makes NOW because of teams like the Cowboys. Right now the Cowboys are the MOST VALUABLE FRANCHISE IN THE NFL. The Steelers and their fake/roid infested Super Bowl wins still don't have the following of the legendary Cowboys. The reason Pittsburgh fans aren't crying is because THEY are one of those small market leeches who benefit off the Cowboys, Giants, Redskins and such. The Cowboys and their ideas back in the day (like cheerleaders, TV deals, and national following) is what made the league as strong as it is today.

You arleady know this, but I'll say it anyway. Texan fans are nothing more than old Cowboy fans who either felt guilty for being a Cowboys fan while a local team was in town and switched over OR was simply bullied into becoming a Texan fan by Houston natives who simply hate the Cowboys. The Texans have 50 fans nationwide outside of Houston. The Cowboys have 10,000 fans...LIVING IN HOUSTON. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, guy!
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Old 09-21-2010, 12:11 AM   #21
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The Texans (soon to be 3-0) are aiight...

The Cowboys (soon to be 0-3) F'n SUCK...

Go Steelers!!!
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Old 09-21-2010, 04:33 AM   #22
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[quote=Rambro Creed;605104] You arleady know this, but I'll say it anyway. Texan fans are nothing more than old Cowboy fans who either felt guilty for being a Cowboys fan while a local team was in town and switched over OR was simply bullied into becoming a Texan fan by Houston natives who simply hate the Cowboys. quote]

============================== ============================== ===========================

Rambo, you are either very naive, you live in an extremely protected environment or you are sipping wayyy too much kool-aid! Many, if not most, Texans fans who were once die hard Luv ya Blue fans. Hell, I personally go all of the way back to being an Oiler fan during the old AFL/Jeppeson Stadium days. Perhaps that is well before your time! Back in the early 60's, the Oilers were my favorite AFL franchise and the Cowboys were my favorite NFL franchise. You might ask why? Because they were the closest team to my home in the two leagues! I was also a Colt 45/Astros fan. A Houston Cougar fan (check out my avatar) and I was soon to become a Houston Rockets fan. Do you get my drift?

There were many more who first became Texans fans when the Texans came into existence. I do not know of any Texans fans who falls in the category of being an old Cowboys fan that only became a Texans fans because they were made to feel guilty by Houston natives who simply hate the Cowboys. That is absolutely ludicrous. So much so that it is almost laughable!

Winning creates a broad fan base in professional sports. In simpler terms, it is easy to love a winner! The fact that there are not many Texans fans outside of Houston is an indication of their lack of success over the first 7 or 8 seasons of the teams existence. The Saints are a perfect example of the rags to riches environment that exists in the NFL. They have been around since the 60's and were viewed by NFL fans as a doormat for years. They are just now beginning to expand their natural fan base outside of S. Louisiana and Mississippi. In case you did not notice, the Saints won last years Super Bowl!

Once the Texans have a few winning seasons under their belt (and it will come with time) they will start to expand their fan base outside of the Houston area. It happens with every franchise. In fact, I still recall the first few years of the Cowboys existence. They were the NFL's first franchise in Texas. The Cowboys were winless in their first season.
Quite frankly, in the early going Cowboys fans outside of Texas and a few in Oklahoma were few and far between. The Cowboys did not begin to expand their fan base into other areas until they put together a few winning seasons.

The Texans are still a very young franchise. In fact they are the youngest franchise in the NFL. Trying to compare the Texans franchise to the Cowboys franchise at this point in time is about like trying to compare apples to oranges. Give the Texans a little time! I hate to be the bearer of bad news to the Cowboy faithful but the earth does not revolve around the Dallas Cowboys and the only owner stupid enough to fire Tom Landry! Never has and never will!
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Old 09-21-2010, 05:12 AM   #23
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Don't argue with the congenitally brain-damaged. The sun rises and sets on Jerry Jones' cock for this douche and his butt is hurt from getting raped by the Redskins and Bears. Let him keep griping. The W-L stat tells the rest of the rational world everything they need to know.
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Old 09-21-2010, 11:49 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
Sure, the league was around before the Cowboys came to be, but back then it didn't make the money it's making today. It makes the money it makes NOW because of teams like the Cowboys. Right now the Cowboys are the MOST VALUABLE FRANCHISE IN THE NFL. The Steelers and their fake/roid infested Super Bowl wins still don't have the following of the legendary Cowboys. The reason Pittsburgh fans aren't crying is because THEY are one of those small market leeches who benefit off the Cowboys, Giants, Redskins and such. The Cowboys and their ideas back in the day (like cheerleaders, TV deals, and national following) is what made the league as strong as it is today.

You arleady know this, but I'll say it anyway. Texan fans are nothing more than old Cowboy fans who either felt guilty for being a Cowboys fan while a local team was in town and switched over OR was simply bullied into becoming a Texan fan by Houston natives who simply hate the Cowboys. The Texans have 50 fans nationwide outside of Houston. The Cowboys have 10,000 fans...LIVING IN HOUSTON. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, guy!
Best Franchise with the worst record tis season.
Never been a Cowpuke fan like you Rambro, and have lived in Houston all my life and love my Hometown.
Rambro now I see the Cowgirls backtracking on all that SuperBowl talk also where's the rest of the Dallas forum they to scared to have your back.
Why don't you go give your Cowboys some dowm lo so they can fix those self esteem issues they have right now.
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Old 09-21-2010, 02:10 PM   #25
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Cowboys = South America's team...........sniff sniff sniff..........the smack about steeler/roids makes me laugh.
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Old 09-21-2010, 03:06 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by bbkid View Post
Am I the only one who has a problem with how Kubiak called for that time out just as that kid was kicking that field goal for the Redskins???

Was it legal? Yes. Was it right? Not in my opinion.

Nobody came out to protest so I'm sure it was legal but, imho, not morally right by no stretch.

But, I'm a baseball guy - what the hell am I talking about.
Originally Posted by notanewbie View Post
He learned that form Shanahan.
The student schooled the teacher. Shanahan definitely had that one coming. He new it too. You could see the look on his face. Priceless.
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Old 09-22-2010, 01:36 AM   #27
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Just when things were going good for the Texans, Duane Brown is caught with a banned substance in his system! How stupid is that?
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Old 09-22-2010, 04:13 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Just when things were going good for the Texans, Duane Brown is caught with a banned substance in his system! How stupid is that?
Yeah not smart especially after what happen to Cushing.
Rashard Butler is a good backup he could start on a lot of other teams.
They need to stay healthy Ephriam Salam was signed to provide depth....
How old is Ephram?
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Old 09-24-2010, 04:06 PM   #29
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See? The Texans are better than the Cowboys...
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Old 09-24-2010, 07:04 PM   #30
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When's your RAPIST due back?

Originally Posted by DickEmDown View Post
The Texans (soon to be 3-0) are aiight...

The Cowboys (soon to be 0-3) F'n SUCK...

Go Steelers!!!
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