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Old 09-20-2010, 12:08 AM   #16
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Most of the ladies that use the tools of chat, IM, and text as marketing tools to either generate business or to keep regulars coming back. To them, they are using their down time in a revenue enhancing manner. There ladies take the time to get to know their customers helps them (the provider) provide a better product for those customers. That results in repeat business, as well as other revenue enhancers like good reviews and word of mouth recommendations.

Done correctly, the tools you criticize are successful marketing techniques. No one says you have to respond to every buzz, and you can always use the block feature on your smart phone.

If I may, Ginger, I want to point out that the way you asked the question hasn't helped your marketing persona. Read dentonseek's post, he my be too harsh but he makes some valid points. Remember, every sale takes many, many contacts. And you won't gain many contacts if you project the impression you view clients as ATMs to dispense money to you for simply being near you. Yes, I know that's not what you wanted to convey (or actually feel); however, it is an obvious extrapolation of what you wrote. Each and every time you post on eccie or ant other escort board become a part of the marketing message that is GingerB. Remember that, and use all the tools to your best advantage.
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Old 09-20-2010, 12:09 AM   #17
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The original poster is missing out on a lot of repeat business with a policy such as this. But you just can't explain it to the girls that think they should get paid for every second they communicate with you.

For the gals that do text me out of the blue to see how I'm doing, or wish me a happy holiday - if they text me when they need an appointment or business is slow, I will see them rather than another provider I planned on seeing.

GingerB, keep doing what you're doing.
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Old 09-20-2010, 12:58 AM   #18
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If I may be so bold as to inquire, what exactly does the B stand for?

Though an unconventional view I would not dismiss the premiss. I personally have been engaged in PM chats with a particular individual that were so delightful that I would gladly put her on a retainer. And believe it or not better than some private sessions, she is that freaking awesome.

And Ginger, I expended two minutes composing this, so if you read it $0.36 will be billed to your account.
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Old 09-20-2010, 01:32 AM   #19
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Don't really get the point of the OP starting this thread. If you don't believe in those various forms of communication that you mention and you have strict polices against them, why do you care what the other ladies do?

I am guessing you may be the only person I know who gets paid for every minute that you are awake and you must never have any down time. But for most people, there is some down time.....There is a reason why companies have SG&A expenses on their income statements. Unlike you, companies have to spend money to actually pay people to market their product, but you obviously feel you need to get paid by potential clients to market your own product - quite the interesting marketing ploy....I strongly suggest you read up on Porter's 5 forces with this current economy here in DFW and elsewhere.

Here is the simplified Wiki version for a quick read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porter_...orces_analysis

I would expect a thread such as this to be started by some youngster but aren't you damn near 50 years old?
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Old 09-20-2010, 01:55 AM   #20
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Makes you wonder how much she'd charge to attend a social.. That is IF there were any socials
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Old 09-20-2010, 02:38 AM   #21
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They think that just because they are not sitting in front of you...and touching you....that there is no fee for this?

Because there isn't one. There is no BCD involved.

It is still TAKING TIME OUT OF OUR DAY....and keeping us from other tasks, like perhaps booking an appt with someone who WILL pay for our time?

So next time your Mother, Brother, Aunt or family member text's you, tell them they need to pay you for your "time"...see how well THAT goes over.

I just ask these guys to please consider it is still valuable time for the provider to do this.

As it is for everyone. Why being a "provider" is different...ya got me.

Perhaps we could start a program.....TEXT and CHAT gift cards?
You can purchase so many minutes of chat....and then use your minutes when you feel the need!

Uhm...never mind.

NOW, if the chat or text is instigated by the provider....then that is a completely different story.

Nope. In the eyes of the hobby, that would be considered a "cold call upsell".


Someone takes up your time texting? Do what I do, respond with "hey, gotta run, gimmeaholla when ya wanna get together...ciao" or something that gets the point across, politely, but gets the point across. If they text back....dont respond. If they keep texting, don't respond. If they don't get the hint? Tell them to either schedule, or txt someone else, you don't have time for the bs. Of course, as politely as you can.

If they dont get the hint then? Do what I do...tell them "sorry, cleaning out the idiots in my contact list. Oh damn, your on the list. Ciao"

Tell ya what. If you can get this to pass, then we as all providers can go back to every appointment, add up the time anyone has stayed passed that 60 minute mark, and charge them for the extra time. Yeah....exactly!!

Simple..don't respond if you dont want to.
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Old 09-20-2010, 03:42 AM   #22
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what is the opposite of threAD?
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Old 09-20-2010, 04:43 AM   #23
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@ Ginger - You are in a sales position. I'm sorry if you don't like that fact. By your definition, if its all about wanting to maximize your revenue for spending time with a client, then clients should also expect you to be lubed and ready the second they come in your door and have you pleasuring them the entire session. No wasted time talking or bonding or any of that. It's a waste of their money to do so. Right?

Like pretty much everyone else has said, it's done by the more successful ladies to keep their clients engaged and enjoying your companionship. So when the time comes to do business, its a far easier decision to go see someone you sexxt to than a complete stranger.
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Old 09-20-2010, 05:14 AM   #24
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I miss Sabrina Nicole already........
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Old 09-20-2010, 06:03 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
what is the opposite of threAD?
haha i read this last night when it was 1st posted and thought the same exact thing, i knew exactly where this was going.
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Old 09-20-2010, 06:03 AM   #26
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Don't think twice it's alright.

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe, it don't matter anyhow.

And'it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe. If you don't know by now.

I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul. (refrain)
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Old 09-20-2010, 06:03 AM   #27
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A lot of us don't sext text or IM with those we've never met. Not that it's a bad thing, but we have come to understand that it can become time consuming with no end results more often than not. There are way more time wasters who are bored and whacking away than there are gentleman who use it to actually find out about the lady. I do show up in Chat now and again to say hello to those who participate there and meet "new friends" at the non-existent functions to enhance my biz. Up close and personal is a better marketing tool than any other I've found, but that's just me.

Ginger, everyone wants something for nothing. Men who seek sexy women for play are no different. Sexting is a marketing tool that is available for you to use or not. If it makes you uncomfortable, then don't do it. If you spent several hours sexting back and forth with guys who have no intention of seeing you, then you may discover, as many of us have, that it's not worth your while to utilize your time in this manner. There are plenty of quality gentlemen who will want to see you without you having to spend hours sexting with the masses, before one will decide to take the plunge and spend time with you. These are usually the gentleman that do their research and discover more about you from reviews, your site and your showcase. All of these are great resources for them to discover what kind of personality you have and what some of your likes and dislikes are. Always remember, the way you conduct yourself and your business will be considered by those who want to see you and when trying to obtain the type of clientelle you wish to see. WALDT

BTW....I do think that "Thank You" Pm's or emails are a great way to show appreciation for patronage after an encounter. Best of Luck, hon.
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Old 09-20-2010, 06:29 AM   #28
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Allow me to patronize you, I am wishful and I will be thankful.

$0.19 per minute. Free lunches.
I am featured in the LDH section.

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Old 09-20-2010, 08:14 AM   #29
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Your correct. text, IM, email, etc can eat huge amounts of time. But, you manage it. Don't reply, just delete if you don't want it. Just like I do with the 100's of spam I get daily
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Old 09-20-2010, 09:18 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Bubba3452 View Post
Your correct. text, IM, email, etc can eat huge amounts of time. But, you manage it. Don't reply, just delete if you don't want it. Just like I do with the 100's of spam I get daily
Bubba I am betting most are from that dannie, look what she did to that poor herpes ridden newbie the other night. All (he-she) wanted was a little blister rub.
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