Originally Posted by LexusLover
"lets" ... includes YOU!
In 200 years name the "wars" that the United States of America STARTED.
Oh God mmmmm too many to mention BUUUUT
K. let me enlight your brain with a little bit of history sir.
1- 1798-1800 Franco-American Naval War.
2- 1801-1805; 1815 America fought a BARBARY war with this poor nations Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli.
3- 1812-1815 AMERICA vs. Great Britain.
4- 1813-1814 United States vs. Creek Indians.
5- 1836 Texas ( with the help of other American states ) vs. Mexico.
5- 1846-1848 United States vs. Mexico.
6- 1898 America vs. Spain.

America might not start these horrific wars, but it indeed enlish their blood thiersty/ warmongering.
7- 1914-1918 World war 1
8- 1941 -1945 WW11
9- 1950-1953 The Korean war.
10- 1960-1975 The Vietnam war.
11- 1961 Bay og pigs invasion America vs. Cuba.
12- 1965 invasion by American marines into the Dominican Republic.
13- 1983 Granada invasion.
14- 1989 Panama invasion.
15- 1990-1991 Persian gulf war.
16- 1993 invasion of Mogadishu
17- 1995-1996 Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina ( American forces as NATO peace keeper, let us be clear on that )
18- 2001 Invasion of Afganistan.
19- 2003 Invasion of Iraq.
20- Not to mention the American civil war 1861-1865 Union vs. Confederacy.
21- American in one way or the other helping/participating in military aid/money.
22- in the 80's in Iraq/ Iran war.
23- El Salvador civil war.
24- Nicaragua civil war.
And this are the next victim IRAN.
And i do believe Iran is a terrorist sponcer state and yes,

they are seeking the A-bomb and America will go to war ( again )..
What else Bud?