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Old 09-16-2010, 01:58 AM   #1
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Please guys lets be honest and please forgive me for my poor English skill, English is not my first language..

America is only 200 plus year old and have cause more bloodshet/war than any other nation in the world. America have the right to build nuclear weapons, but not the muslims or Africa or Latin America.

America was and still the only nation that drop discriminately 2 atomic bombs into 2 civilians city of Japon.

Did Russia have ever use atomic weopans to any state? or China or India?

I love this country and i will fight to death if any country ever dare to invade us.

And by the way, i dont need comentary from mmmm you know who you are.

Yes Lexus lovah tell me.
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Old 09-16-2010, 03:28 AM   #2
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What's wrong with your mind. Wrong place or time. Time for F and enjoy. no political.
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Old 09-16-2010, 06:21 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by eagle View Post
Please guys lets be honest ....
"lets" ... includes YOU!

In 200 years name the "wars" that the United States of America STARTED.
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:04 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by slowdownleo View Post
What's wrong with your mind. Wrong place or time. Time for F and enjoy. no political.
LOL i think i posted in the wrong forum.
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:37 AM   #5
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Wars America started...
The American Revolutionary War. Damn colonists didn't know how good they had it.

The War of 1812. They didn't HAVE to fight the British coming to reclaim their own.

The Civil War or the War of Northern Aggression depending on your point of view. If only the Union had let the Confederacy alone all would be O.K.

The Mexican War. I'm unclear as to the causes but, hey, did the U.S. HAVE to massacre the kids at Chapultepec?

The Spanish American War. We all know the Maine blew up. It was an inside job.

The First World War. It was the fault of the U.S. and its policies, not the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

The Second World War. Again, the policies of the U.S. precipitated Hitler's actions.

The Korean War. The U.S. didn't have to go into Korea.

The Vietnam War. U.S. policies against peaceful people wanting to go socialist was misplaced.

Gulf War I. When Saddam went over to Kuwait he was just reclaiming what had been part of Iraq at an earlier time.

Gulf War II or the War on Terrorism. U.S. policies across the globe caused airplanes to fly into buildings and the peaceful Muslims were the scapegoat.

The War...Oh, that hasn't happened ...yet.
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:39 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
"lets" ... includes YOU!

In 200 years name the "wars" that the United States of America STARTED.
Oh God mmmmm too many to mention BUUUUT

K. let me enlight your brain with a little bit of history sir.

1- 1798-1800 Franco-American Naval War.
2- 1801-1805; 1815 America fought a BARBARY war with this poor nations Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli.
3- 1812-1815 AMERICA vs. Great Britain.
4- 1813-1814 United States vs. Creek Indians.
5- 1836 Texas ( with the help of other American states ) vs. Mexico.
5- 1846-1848 United States vs. Mexico.
6- 1898 America vs. Spain.

America might not start these horrific wars, but it indeed enlish their blood thiersty/ warmongering.
7- 1914-1918 World war 1
8- 1941 -1945 WW11
9- 1950-1953 The Korean war.
10- 1960-1975 The Vietnam war.

11- 1961 Bay og pigs invasion America vs. Cuba.
12- 1965 invasion by American marines into the Dominican Republic.
13- 1983 Granada invasion.
14- 1989 Panama invasion.
15- 1990-1991 Persian gulf war.
16- 1993 invasion of Mogadishu
17- 1995-1996 Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina ( American forces as NATO peace keeper, let us be clear on that )
18- 2001 Invasion of Afganistan.
19- 2003 Invasion of Iraq.
20- Not to mention the American civil war 1861-1865 Union vs. Confederacy.
21- American in one way or the other helping/participating in military aid/money.

22- in the 80's in Iraq/ Iran war.
23- El Salvador civil war.
24- Nicaragua civil war.

And this are the next victim IRAN.
And i do believe Iran is a terrorist sponcer state and yes, they are seeking the A-bomb and America will go to war ( again )..


What else Bud?
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:42 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Timk48 View Post

The First World War. It was the fault of the U.S. and its policies, not the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

The Second World War. Again, the policies of the U.S. precipitated Hitler's actions.

I totally agreed with you sir.
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:48 AM   #8
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Default Going down.... on who?

American is going down????.... on who?

I don't mind going down on Miss China or Miss Russia, oohhhh yeahhhh Miss Iran... I hear iranian woman are the most sexiest when you remove all the clothing on top of her.

Are there any Iranian provider on this board? Please PM me.
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:54 AM   #9
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[quote=futile;593278]American is going down????.... on who?


Seriously sir, is just a matter of time look what happen to the Ex Soviet.

America is creating enemies world wide, wasting biilions and billions of dls. in none sense war while China has become already the second larga economy and will be the first by year 2030
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Old 09-16-2010, 09:10 AM   #10
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You must have been taught history in English.

Every great society in history has collapsed at some point.
Most of the time it has been because the leaders sought appeasement and/or supported bad economic policy.

The Roman empire wasn't defeated as much as it collapsed under the weight of it's own greed. At one point The Romans had over 150 official public holidays.

Imperial incompetence is the culprit and so it will be for America if/when that ever happens. The war we choose not to fight will be our undoing.
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Old 09-16-2010, 09:31 AM   #11
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You have this this crazy notion that a war should be civil. I'm not sure where you get that idea, but let me make a few points:

WW2 was not started by the US. If memory serves correctly, we had no intention of entering the war until we were attacked by JAPAN! (with me so far?) If someone sucker punches you in the eye, do you intend to hit him back in the eye and hope that it ends there, or do you re-arrange his face and KNOCK HIM THE FUCK OUT to make sure he doesn't hit you again?! We had intel that said a ground war on Japan would have result in millions of lives for both sides. So, our choice was that or to shock and awe the fight out of the Japanese. I, for one, am glad we SPARED all those Japanese (after all, they created the PlayStation3) that would have died if we had chosen invasion.

Your point about the atomic bomb is stupid. We do not indiscriminately drop bombs as we see fit. It merely serves as a deterrent to any government that might consider using it on us. The US does not go around the world picking fights with other nations. Leave us alone, and we will gladly leave you alone. We do believe in standing up for civilians when faced with tyrannical governments, but I hardly call that picking a fight. More like, standing up the little guy.
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Old 09-16-2010, 09:57 AM   #12
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[quote=hardwood;593409] We had intel that said a ground war on Japan would have result in millions of lives for both sides.

Thats a lie and you know it. Before America drop indiscrminately into a civilian population the A-bomb Japan was almost totally defeat it in larga parts thatnks to the mighty Russian army..


The US does not go around the world picking fights with other nations. Leave us alone, and we will gladly leave you alone. quote]


You should try " HARD " to keep a conversation civilize and not using your type of poor language sir, show your " education "........ mmmm did i said EDUCATION?
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Old 09-16-2010, 10:21 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by eagle View Post
America is only 200 plus year old and have cause more bloodshet/war than any other nation in the world. America have the right to build nuclear weapons, but not the muslims or Africa or Latin America.
That's a bold statement coming from a man who's own country of origin has a long and storied history of violence, cruelty, barbarism, genocide, slavery, invasion and mass-murder; and whose current leadership openly stands with the United States in curtailing nuclear armament, but secretly deals the technology to actively hostile states and regimes.

Originally Posted by eagle View Post
America was and still the only nation that drop discriminately 2 atomic bombs into 2 civilians city of Japon.
Arguably, the dropping of the nuclear weapons that ended the open hostility of WWII, while horrific and incredibly violent, may have actually saved hundreds of thousands of lives by preventing an assault of Japan's main islands. The civilian casualties of an invasion like that would have predictably been substantially greater than the losses at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and this says nothing of the military losses and damage to infrastructure, industry and trade.

The Japanese Army and their culture of honor would never have surrendered without an overwhelming display of force and strength, despite the already catastrophic losses they sustained during the war. We can argue this point because its speculative, but you won't convince me that an invasion of Japan would have been more merciful and less violent than the dropping of the bombs.

Originally Posted by eagle View Post
I love this country and i will fight to death if any country ever dare to invade us.
You may not be anti-american, but your rhetoric is.

It is easy to isolate specific pieces of historic information, cobble them together and paint a picture of the United States as an imperialist, war-mongering state. Indeed, you do a pretty good job of it. I'm calling bullshit though. No nation does more to provide humanitarian aid, to promote peace and free trade, to prevent war and violence and genocide than the United States. I challenge you to name one.

You are behaving as if mankind's history of war and violence begins in 1775 with the shots fired and Lexington and Concord. Grow the fuck up. Human beings by nature are cruel, violent and competitive. War is a condition of human existence. Just because the United States and its free enterprise lead to better technological development, making us more efficient and successful in the engagement of war, doesn't make us the first and most violent of nations.
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Old 09-16-2010, 10:38 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by enderwiggin View Post
That's a bold statement coming from a man who's own country of origin has a long and storied history of violence, cruelty, barbarism, genocide, slavery, invasion and mass-murder;


We are not talking about Russia.


No nation does more to provide humanitarian aid, to promote peace and free trade, to prevent war and violence and genocide than the United States. I challenge you to name one.

Peace or war? America kill over a million innocent Irakis from 1991 to date who is the nation the blocks others? you know the one that put embargoes and people starve to death? mmmmm tell me.
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Old 09-16-2010, 10:41 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by eagle View Post
Peace or war? America kill over a million innocent Irakis from 1991 to date who is the nation the blocks others? you know the one that put embargoes and people starve to death? mmmmm tell me.
That would be the U.N., not the U.S. Its generally a good idea to know what you're talking about before you start typing.

You might not be talking about Russia, but I am. Let's not forget which nation's failed invasion of Afghanistan provided ours with a blueprint of how NOT to fight the Afghanis...
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