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Old 09-14-2010, 06:14 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude View Post
Well.... sorta..... Sometimes ya gotta give the lil' dude a break......Not a long break.... just a little.......


Well you tried......... No good deed goes UN-punished.............


A few more shitty comments like that one you just made to JaD and to the decent folks around here that have tried to school you, I'm pretty sure you won't have much to worry about.
I'm twice your age so listen closely.....You will not always look like that. If you don't take heed to some of these helpful suggestions someday, sooner than you realize, you will be just as arrogant, self absorbed, pushy, rude, and disrespectful,as you are now but old, alone and without that pretty face to fall back on.
Yes you are beautiful...........and then you open your mouth and ruin it for everyone.........especially yourself. What a waste............And before you reply.....give it some thought. I'm not Reese. I no longer advertise or use this board for my income. That is why I take extra care to be respectful and stay out of things that no longer concern me, business wise. I am a guest here so to speak.
However, I will not allow you or any one to speak to me the way you do the women on this board who have been around and put in their time and effort and who deserve to be respected on those merits alone. Wake up girlfriend........


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Old 09-14-2010, 06:29 PM   #47
Hot to Trot Daphne
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I'm just getting my post count up bitches... 2000 here I come
Carry on
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Old 09-14-2010, 06:31 PM   #48
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Thumbs up You have your personality I have mine

I call it like I see it. If you don't like the way I talk to UCD-someone you don't know.....MANY on here knows it's a man named Kosair by writing style. Please feel free to ask older members. I used to do this a few years ago and had a go round with him and now he's at trying to "pimp" me again.

There's a great deal of people are not reading between the lines.....Ask Surcher, Mr. Clever, Big Jake, who would post something like this thread and try to turn it.

While I respect your standing up for women, I really don't mind if people like me or not...I am .....just as I am....I haven't disrespected anyone on this board in anything but a playful remark the same way they are directed at me.

You want me to take and not give back- not going to happen.

For all the remarks like JaD there are 10 Pm's that like a fiery personality. I'm here for a short time as well just to pay a school debt, this is not a lifetime career goal. Although I do not disrespect the ladies who have chosen this as a way to survive tough times. I may come back in a few years who knows. I'm not knocking anybody. But I will roll with the punches.

Hopefully with all maturity we can agree to disagree.
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Old 09-14-2010, 06:33 PM   #49
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Call it as you see it, huh? Well you might want to take your shades off, Sugar. I don't need to ask anyone anything. I can read. I could care less about all you have listed. Those are not the people I'm talking about. You know exactly who and when. You drove up stepping on toes. You say you're not knockin' anyone? Please. You have yet to stop. You don't care if folks like you? There is always room for self improvement. And what a lovely attitude to have when you're in the 'service' industry. Hope you boys are paying attention, for once. "10 pm's" that like your firey personality? Really? Thats what you thinck they're after? And once they've had your "fiery personality" I suspect that'll last 'em a long while. I know I've had enough. As I understand that providing is not your lifetime career, modeling is. Business slow in the world of glamour? And BTW, are'nt you just a bit past the retirement age already? And if you do indeed plan on coming back might I suggest you puruse my original post again and this time, with feeling......... And as far as rolling with the punches? You would'nt have to if you would stop flailing about. You want to be on the 'in' so bad yet you're not sharp enough to get out of your own way. Once again.............

Pretty is as pretty does...........see? It's ever so simple....................

With All the Maturity I could Muster,
Thehitta/ Cheri
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Old 09-14-2010, 06:41 PM   #50
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You have a whole 3 months on this board more than I do..And in 90 days you know all the history of all the boards and the old ASPD messes. I did this is college and yes I kept my eyes on the boards. Is there a 90 day certificate and I missed that sticky? Well it's all spelled out in another thread by Wake Up.
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Old 09-14-2010, 06:45 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by angelinadream View Post
I call it like I see it. If you don't like the way I talk to UCD-someone you don't know.....MANY on here knows it's a man named Kosair by writing style. Please feel free to ask older members. I used to do this a few years ago and had a go round with him and now he's at trying to "pimp" me again.
Funny choice of words you use there........

Originally Posted by angelinadream View Post
There's a great deal of people are not reading between the lines.....Ask Surcher, Mr. Clever, Big Jake, who would post something like this thread and try to turn it.
You obviously don't know me......

Originally Posted by angelinadream View Post
While I respect your standing up for women, I really don't mind if people like me or not...I am .....just as I am....I haven't disrespected anyone on this board in anything but a playful remark the same way they are directed at me.

You want me to take and not give back- not going to happen.
Funny..... I was trying to stand up for YOU! But thanks... Not sure if I should be upset with what you said, offended, or just laugh it off.....

I'm the laughing type....... But thanks for giving us all a little bit more insight.....

Originally Posted by angelinadream View Post
For all the remarks like JaD there are 10 Pm's that like a fiery personality. I'm here for a short time as well just to pay a school debt, this is not a lifetime career goal.
Firey Personality is one thing... disrepsect and disregard is a complete other.... and yes... for the 125th post you've made, and made it clear in nearly all of them.. we have heard you say its a "short time" thing..... Very best of luck to you in your endeavors....... Sorry I got in your way and tried to help you out since you are only here for a short time until you get your school debt paid off and on to bigger and better things, but I guess I reap what I sow........

Sorry for the hijack everyone... I'm done now....

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Old 09-14-2010, 06:46 PM   #52
Hot to Trot Daphne
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all due respect, 1hitta is a veteran

time to go mama before we get points...bring your liquor with you
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Old 09-14-2010, 06:53 PM   #53
Kurrin Beverly
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Anyone who recognizes my writing style, will definitely know that this is a woman behind the keyboard. Where's Dearhunter when you need him? Geez. In fact, I'm certain that many more members, other than the few you've mentioned, will recognize my writing style. Angelina, you have interpretation problems and I won't waste anymore of my time trying to help you understand my context and my points. I'll give you a hint, Onehitwonder wasn't defending me. Never mind, it's useless with you.
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:00 PM   #54
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I never thought I'd say this:

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Old 09-14-2010, 07:02 PM   #55
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Talking Great is she "the vet" or a vet? I have an idea

Lets all build a campfire and all the vets can tell us stories about Vietnam. We can all sign Kumbayah and call it a day. So in 70 something days I can be a vet too. Man I gotta get some war stories.....

Everyone is different and everyone has to have a level of tolerance for others. There is no need for grand standing or trying to be the big fish on campus. We are all here for one reason....JaD has proven he is patient and has a very pacific POV on things. If they can give it they can take it. Can't we make that a sticky?

So, who's building the campfire?
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:02 PM   #56
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Default Missing the point.

The original post before was regarding BCD conversation between a provider and hobbyist. Alex and Kosair in all fairness should have the question answered and addressed.

DED hit it right on, it is YMMV and we (the hobbyist) will bring up what we read in a review...for instance CIM and Greek. Alex I am sure you will allow CIM for some and not for others. At least until you are more "comfortable with them". At least that is what I've heard. It is OK for a guy to bring that up before surprising you with your daily protein shot, it would be wrong if he didn't.

If however they are asking about things like the "Alex has a pimp" thread, you can simply say you've been instructed to "not talk about that". Unfortunately though they are paying for the hour and they can bring up whatever they like. If Kosair rather you not see them after that it is totally up to him. He can ban them from his board and that's that.

To each their own. They might get off on that you never know. Some guys prefer their GF to provide and have other guys CIM. Maybe he likes the taste and that's why he pushed her to work again.

You never know, I'm just saying.
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:03 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Raphael View Post
I never thought I'd say this:

I thought I would never say this.

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Old 09-14-2010, 07:08 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by angelinadream View Post
So, who's building the campfire?
I will build the campfire.

Will you supply the blue water to put it out with?
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:28 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by angelinadream View Post
You have a whole 3 months on this board more than I do..And in 90 days you know all the history of all the boards and the old ASPD messes. I did this is college and yes I kept my eyes on the boards. Is there a 90 day certificate and I missed that sticky? Well it's all spelled out in another thread by Wake Up.

You just don't get it. I'm over it and you. I've been around since I looked like you, kid. Do yourself a favor ....AND.......get over yourself. You could really be somebody......one day.........Meh.......whatever .
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:41 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Millennium Man View Post
The original post before was regarding BCD conversation between a provider and hobbyist. Alex and Kosair in all fairness should have the question answered and addressed.

DED hit it right on, it is YMMV and we (the hobbyist) will bring up what we read in a review...for instance CIM and Greek. Alex I am sure you will allow CIM for some and not for others. At least until you are more "comfortable with them". At least that is what I've heard. It is OK for a guy to bring that up before surprising you with your daily protein shot, it would be wrong if he didn't.

If however they are asking about things like the "Alex has a pimp" thread, you can simply say you've been instructed to "not talk about that". Unfortunately though they are paying for the hour and they can bring up whatever they like. If Kosair rather you not see them after that it is totally up to him. He can ban them from his board and that's that.

To each their own. They might get off on that you never know. Some guys prefer their GF to provide and have other guys CIM. Maybe he likes the taste and that's why he pushed her to work again.

You never know, I'm just saying.
Can you please explain to me how this answers my questions?
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