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Old 01-17-2010, 10:26 PM   #16
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Not sure 7 offensive lineman would have helped, but I get it dharma
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Old 01-19-2010, 05:14 AM   #17
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I would go into the Cowboy Cheerleaders locker room and drool all over them.. LOL
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Old 01-19-2010, 05:04 PM   #18
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If I wear clothes, are they invisible, too?

Can I pick up objects and make them invisible?

Without my glasses, everyone else is invisible to me.

How do you do things from a practical viewpoint? Do you have to drive somewhere near your intended target, and then get undressed in your car? Then you have to hide your keys somewhere so you can get back into your car later. Then you walk through the cold barefooted to wherever you're going. If you step into a puddle, or something dirty, do your feet show up as a thin layer of muddy footprints walking around by themselves? Then when you get to whatever you're trying to take, can you somehow sneak it out? Or stealthily move it from one concealed spot to another when no one is looking?

Are the fillings in your teeth visible? If you eat something, does it become invisible when you take a bite off of it?

If all light passes through or around your body unaltered, how do you see anything? Transparent retinas just won't work.
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Old 01-19-2010, 05:50 PM   #19
Chainsaw Anthropologist
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Originally Posted by GneissGuy View Post
If I wear clothes, are they invisible, too?

Can I pick up objects and make them invisible?

Without my glasses, everyone else is invisible to me.

How do you do things from a practical viewpoint? Do you have to drive somewhere near your intended target, and then get undressed in your car? Then you have to hide your keys somewhere so you can get back into your car later. Then you walk through the cold barefooted to wherever you're going. If you step into a puddle, or something dirty, do your feet show up as a thin layer of muddy footprints walking around by themselves? Then when you get to whatever you're trying to take, can you somehow sneak it out? Or stealthily move it from one concealed spot to another when no one is looking?

Are the fillings in your teeth visible? If you eat something, does it become invisible when you take a bite off of it?

If all light passes through or around your body unaltered, how do you see anything? Transparent retinas just won't work.
You're being entirely too logical.

and just because.....ln honor of last evening's Golden Globes...

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Old 01-20-2010, 08:33 AM   #20
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:44 AM   #21
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I would only do it if i could take one person along with me... and do the nasty in all the cool places without having LE bothering us...
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Old 01-20-2010, 11:05 PM   #22
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After I got tired of hanging out every high school girl's locker room in the metroplex and doing everything I could to them while they were bent over in the shower I'd sneak on a plane and go to wall street or whatever town necessary to listen in on every fortune 500 company board meeting that I possibly could. I would redefine the concept of insider trading and then I'd have enough money to do what I wanted whether I was invisible or not.

I thought about going to Ft Knox, but seriously - what are you going to do with a gold bar? Know a pawn shop that would advance you a few million on it?
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Old 02-17-2010, 02:23 PM   #23
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Arrow If invisible I would go and do

the fly on the wall routine at any one of the, now fewer, spaces termed studio's ... so I could see what was SFF to everyone else.

AND THEN .. I would go crawl inside the jeans of this man I think is SO HOT it gives me chills up and down every extrmemty on my body when I think of him...and I'd see if I could chill him the same.

AND FINALLY.. I'd go swipe me a cigarrette boat on the ocean....confuse the owner so he wouldn't miss it..and I'd begone.

NEXT.. ??

/\ /\ /\ \\//
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Old 02-19-2010, 09:51 AM   #24
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Default id sneak into

Tara's bedroom first go down on her then make love to her then repeat as often as possible. on the second day id sneak into Tara's room first make love to her then go down on her [hey variety is good]. on the third day id sneak into Tara's room and 69 her all day. on the 7th day while god rested i would sneak into Tara's room and do all the things i didnt do the first 6 days as well as all the things i did do the first 6 days. God I wish there were women here in Buffalo as sexy as that woman.
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Old 02-19-2010, 11:13 AM   #25
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Hey petiteassman, that reminds me of the time Superman was flying over the beach and saw Wonderwoman sunbathing on the beach naked with he legs open and eyes closed he said to his self, I can use my superspeed and go fuck her without her ever knowing it was me. So he did. After he flew away Wondewoman opened her eyes and said "what was that"? The invisible man said "I don't know but my asshole sure is sore".
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:46 PM   #26
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Default i like the humor

heres a cute one thats pg but funny.. i think

A woman is just getting out of the shower when the doorbell rings. Her husband, heading to the shower himself, asks her see who's at the door, so she wraps herself up in a towel and runs downstairs.
When she opens the door, there stands her next-door neighbor, Rob.
Before she can say a word, Rob says, "I'll give you $500 dollars to drop that towel that you have on." After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of him.
He looks for a few seconds, hands her $500 dollars, and leaves.

Excited about her earnings, the woman puts the towel back on and runs upstairs. Her husband yells out from the shower, "Who was that?"
"It was Rob from next door," she replies.

"Great," the husband says. "Did he say anything about the $500 dollars he owes me?
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