Originally Posted by BiggestBest
God decided to give us free will. It's not free if he overrides it. So he has chosen NOT to do that.
For him to script every outcome of every decision would make it NOT be free will and then we would be robots.
Reality: There is no God. You have free will.
Christianity: There is a God. You don't have free will. You just
think you have free will.
Christians' view of Christianity: There is a God. He's like my Daddy. He gives me free will. I can choose the path of good or the path of evil. God can choose to interfere or not. Sometimes he answers my prayers, sometimes not. He has the power to answer all of my prayers, but sometimes chooses not to.
In all three cases, a person thinks they have free will. The first two cases are the only ones that don't have huge glaring inconsistencies that you could drive a galaxy through.