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Old 09-05-2010, 09:38 AM   #1
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Default Arpaio Arizona Sheriff

Arapio being sued by Justice Departrment for failing to comply with requests to turn over documents to the Justice Department.
Arapio got grants in the amount of 16 million dollars in exchange for allowing Justice Departmnet officials to review his departmnet records.
He welched on the deal and now he's being sued.
By a hispanic Assitant U.S. Attorney General Mr. Perez.
Karma's a bitch.http://campverdebugleonline.com/main...rticleID=27898
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Old 09-05-2010, 10:32 AM   #2
Don T. Lukbak
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If you think the DOJ suit is anything more than election year politics, ck45, you're even more susceptible to folly than I thought you were. And you were already World Class in that department. Congratulations.

The Maricopa County Sheriff is hated by liberal shitbirds and their criminal mascots because he enforces the rule of law. The ruling class prefers winking at it. He'll prevail in court for the exact same reason he has already prevailed the first umpteen times the very same allegations have been brought. And lawyers get paid. With taxpayer money.

Thanks for the reminder that Eric Holder has got to go. He's an absolute incompetent with a middle-school notion of justice. But I'm sure you like him for that same reason.
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Old 09-05-2010, 11:31 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak View Post

Thanks for the reminder that Eric Holder has got to go. He's an absolute incompetent with a middle-school notion of justice. But I'm sure you like him for that same reason.
Once you are elected POTUS (heaven forbid) you will have the authority to dismiss Eric Holder. Until he is dismissed you might as well make the most of it.

Cuz he is the only game in town!
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Old 09-05-2010, 11:41 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Once you are elected POTUS (heaven forbid) you will have the authority to dismiss Eric Holder. Until he is dismissed you might as well make the most of it.

Cuz he is the only game in town!
...and the hell with that archaic notion of our system of justice as one of laws, not of men...right bt?

And one way to degrade the rule of law is to enact so many laws and bring so many junk lawsuits like this one that the system becomes overwhelmed and selective enforcement becomes the only possibility left...other than regime change.
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Old 09-05-2010, 02:07 PM   #5
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Not to get off topic, but whatever happened to the Terrorist Trials in NYC that Eric Holder and Caliphate Obama fought so hard for? Is there not a suitable venue until the Victory Mosque is complete?
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Old 09-06-2010, 08:06 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
... Eric Holder. Until he is dismissed you might as well make the most of it.

Cuz he is the only game in town!
And just ask him!

Fortunately for us all, even the Obaminable apologists like BT, we have a third branch of the government that keeps dumbshit want-a-be dictators in check......the judiciary.

"Arapio being sued by Justice Departrment for failing to comply with requests to turn over documents to the Justice Department." Car Kid.

This is not the first time that the Feds have tried to intimidate a Sheriff of a county in a Southwestern State. And it will not be the last. I do not believe the "Sheriff" is intimidated.....nor were the others.

This ain't Chicago.

And BT, this ain't no game.
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:14 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And just ask him!

Fortunately for us all, even the Obaminable apologists like BT, we have a third branch of the government that keeps dumbshit want-a-be dictators in check......the judiciary.

"Arapio being sued by Justice Departrment for failing to comply with requests to turn over documents to the Justice Department." Car Kid.

This is not the first time that the Feds have tried to intimidate a Sheriff of a county in a Southwestern State. And it will not be the last. I do not believe the "Sheriff" is intimidated.....nor were the others.

This ain't Chicago.

And BT, this ain't no game.
It won't be long before the civil rights violations start piling up on Arpaio.
I could see something coming Arpaio's way along time ago and see more going his way.
Gestapo Sheriff Arpaio is in a shit storm and still wants too fight.
Dumb ole fart needs to retire before he get's himself in more trouble.
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:43 AM   #8
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You know you're doing something right when somebody makes a website like this about you: Over Throw Arpaio
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Old 09-06-2010, 11:15 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by carkido45 View Post
It won't be long before the civil rights violations start piling up on Arpaio.
If this weak ass Chicago reject won't prosecute gang members intimidating voters with clubs at polls on election day, what is he going to do to a lawfully elected peace officer who is enforcing local laws in an effort to fill in the vacuum being created by the incompetent, political hack who appointed him, who is also "bred" from the bowels of Chicago.

And since when did an illegal alien have the civil right NOT TO BE taken into custody and deported?

The ship of Obaminable is sinking and the rats are starting to flee, and the more his henchmen pound on their agenda with strong armed tactics and the discriminatory abuse of power, the more holes get blown in the hull and the more rats jump ship.

I just hope that wimp Obaminable and his "gunslinger" over at DOJ, go after BP for the $20 billion they bragged about "recovering" like they are going after a Sheriff for enforcing laws they are too scared to enforce.
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Old 09-06-2010, 11:57 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by carkido45 View Post
Karma's a bitch.
I don't know who Karma is, but I know Eric is about to be one.


"In addition to the drive to kill the new law, Attorney General Eric Holder is also suing the Maricopa Community College system in Phoenix, alleging it broke the law by requiring a job seeker to provide a green card before being hired. And on Thursday the Justice Department filed suit against the Maricopa County Sheriff's office, run by the flamboyant Joe Arpaio, as part of an extended investigation into alleged civil rights violations there.

"Despite the splash of attention from the newest lawsuit, the Justice Department's investigation of Arpaio could end badly for Holder. When the Department first informed Arpaio that a probe was under way, back in March 2009, it sent a letter saying the investigation would focus on "alleged patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures." But now we learn that just six months before that, in September 2008, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, did its own investigation of Arpaio's office -- and gave it a clean bill of health. Arpaio's lawyers recently got a copy of the ICE report through the Freedom of Information Act.

"ICE officials evaluated how the sheriff's office performed under a law that allows specially trained local law enforcement officers to enforce parts of federal immigration law. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, which is the largest sheriff's office in the Arizona, has 189 officers who have been trained by ICE to enforce federal immigration statutes.

"The report, crammed with acronyms and bureaucratese, is not light reading. But struggle through it, and the key sentence is this: "The OI and DRO supervisors consider the conduct and performance of the MCSO ... officers to be professional and meeting the requirement of the MOA." Translated, that means officials from the Homeland Security Department's Office of Investigation (OI), along with officials from the Detention and Removal Operations office (DRO), concluded that the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO), in its handling of illegal immigrants, acted in a professional manner and complied with a memorandum of agreement (MOA) under which the government gave them the authority to enforce federal law. That agreement included a ban on racial profiling.

"ICE investigators also interviewed top federal officials involved in illegal immigrant cases in Arizona. They found an "excellent" working relationship between the sheriff's office and the feds. ICE talked as well to federal prosecutors in Phoenix, who described the cases brought by Maricopa County as "high quality.""

________ End of quoted material______________________ ___

I wonder what kind of "working relationship" the Black Panthers have with the Department of Justice?

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Old 09-06-2010, 12:30 PM   #11
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I pray that the cops don't start doing these racial sweeps in my neighborhood. The day I have to worry about getting pulled over and asked to show my "papers" because of the way I look or I fit a certain profile is the day I'm just going to start shooting cops.

F*ck suing the racist bastard. Somebody needs to put a bullet in his head. And the sooner the better.
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Old 09-06-2010, 01:11 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Tony Montana View Post
The day I have to worry about getting pulled over and asked to show my "papers" because of the way I look or I fit a certain profile is the day I'm just going to start shooting cops.
Before you "shoot" are you going to ask the cop if he pulled you over ....

... because of the way you "look" or because you "fit a certain profile"?

Or are you going to just "shoot" and "ask the cop later"?

Now, if you already "look" like you don't have "papers" and you already "fit a certain profile" ... don't speed, cut red lights or stop signs, let your inspection or registration expire, drive with defective equipment on your vehicle, and/or fail to wear your seat belt.

Otherwise you might "shoot" a "cop" for no reason at all when he or she is legitimately making a traffic stop ...... and then spend the rest of your unnatural life bunking with like minded idiots.

Personally, if there are more "like minded" people as you in "your neighborhood," it would seem a responsible shift in focus if the "the cops" spend a little more time "community policing" in "your neighborhood" to reassure the "other people" living in "your neighborhood" that you, and the other "like minded" folks, do not start indiscriminately shooting up the place because you "perceive" the "other people" might think you do not have papers or fit a "certain profile"!

By the way, do you have "papers"?
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Old 09-06-2010, 01:51 PM   #13
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I have no problem with immigration laws being enforced. Someone can only be deported once his/her status is brought to law enforcement's attention. The problem I have is how my status is brought to le's attention. Now if I get arrested for committing a crime and my id is run and it comes to light that I'm here illegally then ok they got me fair and square.

But, if I'm driving/walking to my local quickie mart to buy a lottery ticket and I get stopped and questioned simply because of the way I look, I'm going to feel like my basic human rights are being stepped on. I'm going to feel like I'm being treated like a 2nd class citizen and I'm going to become angrier than you can probably imagine.

It's one thing for a civilian to discriminate against me for my race or even make racist comments towards me. I can handle that. I have the option to simply avoid that person or maybe even sue them, but when police officers with badges and guns are being ordered to delay me and treat me as a criminal simply based on my skin color I'm going to feel like I'm being backed into a corner. I'll have the option to either bow down to their will and be treated like a dog or fight back by any means necessary.

And, by the way, I'm a U.S. citizen.
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Old 09-06-2010, 02:38 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Tony Montana View Post
I have no problem with immigration laws being enforced. Someone can only be deported once his/her status is brought to law enforcement's attention. The problem I have is how my status is brought to le's attention. Now if I get arrested for committing a crime and my id is run and it comes to light that I'm here illegally then ok they got me fair and square.

And, by the way, I'm a U.S. citizen.
The problem with "this discussion" is that neither you nor President Obama can point to one REAL circumstance in which THE SHERIFF (or his deputies) have

..... stopped someone who was "driving/walking to" his "local quickie mart to buy a lottery ticket and" as "stopped and questioned simply because of the way" that someone looks!

or taking their kids for an ice cream
buying shrimp in Florida
or whatever.

"You all" (which means you and like minded persons e.g. Obaminable) create these scenarios in an extreme case to justify your outrage and opposition .... fictitiously generating attitudes in cops that portray them as a racially motivated lynch mob who cruise around the country looking for just any dark complexioned person to stop, jack up, and take to jail... just because the person has a dark complexion.

It makes good bullshit to keep up the hate against "white cops" ... (and I assume that you do not believe that "cops" with dark complexions DO NOT "cruise around the country looking for just any dark complexioned person to stop, jack up, and take to jail... just because the person has a dark complexion," because if you DO BELIEVE THAT then is it RACIALLY MOTIVATED?).

Please do not be so egotistical and self-centered to believe that "the cops" are looking for you, because you have a dark complexion....comb your hair back, have a nice car, date hot ladies, make more money than they do, blah, blah, blah. Pssstt..... THEY ARE NOT LOOKING FOR YOU!

And neither is THE SHERIFF.

I am a U.S. citizen also.

I carry "papers" when I travel in this country, and outside this country.

And when I have been asked for my "papers" in a country in which my skin color distinguishes me from the folks living in that country, I show the officer my papers, so that the officer will know that I am there legitimately and I have answered the "officer's" questions honestly and politely in order that I might enjoy the remainder of my trip without necessity of pain medication and/or stitches...... after being relieved of every friggin piece of clothing, money, equipment, and thing of apparent value to compensate the "officer" for the low income he receives to kick my ass.

And when in this country traveling if an officer stops me to ask me for my "papers" because I have Texas license plates on the vehicle I am driving then I also politely show him my "papers" and answer his questions honestly without getting an attitude or being a smart ass, arrogant, stupid, ass hole who is insisting that he is violating my constitutional rights as a U.S. citizen and a Texan to freely travel about the country. I do those things, because I realize that I have no .. NO ... legal justification to shoot a cop because he wrongly asks me to show my "papers" to identify myself as having the PRIVILEGE of moving about the country.... and passing through HIS jurisdiction.
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Old 09-06-2010, 07:43 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Tony Montana View Post
I pray that the cops don't start doing these racial sweeps in my neighborhood. The day I have to worry about getting pulled over and asked to show my "papers" because of the way I look or I fit a certain profile is the day I'm just going to start shooting cops.

F*ck suing the racist bastard. Somebody needs to put a bullet in his head. And the sooner the better.
Isn't that a bit over the top? When was the last time they had racial sweeps in your neighborhood? If you can recall one, I'd like to know the approximate year, location and details.

Or are you including an ICE raid at a local mercado/catina as a racial sweep?
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