Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
It's about time. 
Originally Posted by Mokoa
It just took them a while to get to our area. The pruning has been going on for a while now.
I would not be cheering about this development yet. It may cause some of the, shall we say, undesirable types who frequented that place to start showing up here.
It seems that CL and BP always are talked about in a negative way yet everyday many here browse these ads and absolutely love to find a great provider that is unknown to our community. Many providers that are here and were on ASPD started out on CL or BP. There are providers here that are less than reputable. It appears that many have this attitude that if you are here you are somehow better that those that advertize on other sites. I will agree that you are more likely to run into a "rip off provider" on these other sites but I don't think it is good to see them go.
Originally Posted by sixxbach
Let's not celebrate just yet. Those ads will come back in some way shape or form, mark my words...
You're probably right but.... What if CL is gone for good and they now target BP. Pretty soon BP is gone and maybe they decide to target ECCIE. Then everybody will be crying foul and how LE needs to worry about more serious issues and leave all of us "good people" alone.
Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it.