This wasn't true sex, more like dry humping except for the fact we were in salt water.
In the Mediiterranean Sea while on vacation in Majorca. I was teaching a girl I had met how to swim. I was supporting her while she was practicing the breast stroke (I was doing some breast and pubic bone stroking at the same time

). When I removed my hands, she swam away a short distance, stopped and placed her feet back on the bottom. My "periscope" was up and looking as she came back to me so excited about her accomplishment. She put her arms around my neck and jumped wrapping her legs around my waist landing on top of "you know what." She started moving and all was going good until I got greedy and tried to move the restricting clothing. Not here, was the response. She jumped off and went back to the beach. I swam around for a while to allow shrinkage. Unfortunately, we never did connect despite my attempts. Hell, what can I say, I was young and the hormones were working overtime.