Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Get off tha gas gurl! I love him! Can't explain it but that boy does it for me.
Looks are not a factor with me when it comes to MEN. If you lined up 5 guys I am attracted to none of them would have anything in common, visually. Can you say, swagga'? I've never seen SKF but I've been crushin' on him for a minute. LOL. He's got "Mack". It's his attitude, I guess.
However, the WOMEN I'm sexually attracted to all basically look the same. Tall, thin, sm-med boobies, hips, toothy smile...put you in mind of anyone Daphne? I'M JUST SAYIN..................
I'd have to say that it's the same for me.. and guy doesn't have to be a stud to rest of the world for me to think that he is awesomely handsome. Then it's all about his core.
Take for instance
Forest Whitaker
Tim Robbins