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Old 06-03-2009, 02:41 PM   #1
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Default I learned my lesson yesterday

Please understand that this is not meant to slam anyone . . . it's just an observation I made.

I had a session planned in north Texas with a young, hot looking provider for over two weeks - done so specifically to make sure that evening was locked in as it was the only evening I would have and I knew she was popular.

We had occasional email contact back and forth during the waiting period and a couple of times I had to remind her of the time I had reserved. I was going to an out of town conference and was only available that one evening.

She asked me to call her on the morning of our appointment date so I did - only to hear the "The number you have called has been disconnected" message. After trying again over the next hour or so and receiving the same message, I went to a computer and sent her an email asking her to call me at a number I gave her.

While on my email I saw an email from my ATF in Austin. (I had originally talked with her to see if, just by chance, she might be in north Texas on that evening but she wasn't going to be. That's when I scheduled for the lady above.) Her email said that she was considering coming to North Texas for me and to give her a call. I did and she understood the other booking I had made, and told me to just let her know what I was going to do. She's in her 30's and is absolutely an outstanding lady!

About 2 1/2 hours before my first appointment I called my ATF back and we scheduled.

Then, 2 hours before the first booking, I get a call from lady #1 and she is asking if we can move our appointment to the following day. Now I'm wondering if she had paid attention to anything we had discussed over the previous two weeks. I told her that since I hadn't been able to contact her that day I had made other plans and could not see her any other day due to my schedule. She said OK and we hung up.

Long story short . . . I drove to Waco to meet my ATF there for the BEST (by far!!!!) session I have ever had . . . EVER! But that's another story.

My points here are . . .

1. Ladies, we know that sometimes things cannot be avoided and you have to cancel or change plans. I'm OK with that. But please, at least, jot down some type of note to yourself so that it appears that you remember me from one call to another after I've booked a meeting so I don't have to keep giving the same info.

2. Maybe plan ahead a little so that your phone doesn't run out of minutes on the day that a hobbyist is going to call you.

3. Try to understand a guy's psyche. When you are known to be a great provider, consider the fact that we, as guys, are REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to meeting with you . . . REALLY. After anticipating and being excited about our meeting, calling two hours before and asking if you can move it back a day can be a huge letdown for some of us - kinda like waiting until Christmas Eve to tell the kids that we ain't having presents!

4. I've found in my limited history that, generally speaking, ladies who are have a few more years experience in the hobby have gotten past the "flaky" stage and seem to be a lot more reliable.

I think, for future sessions, I'm going to stay in my comfort zone.

Again, I'm not putting anyone down. This is not meant to be a negative against Lady Behind Door #1. It's just my feelings and I thought I would post them here.

Good luck!
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Old 06-03-2009, 04:21 PM   #2
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It should be a negative against Lady Behind Door #1. I understand wanting to see her in the future but that is very unprofessional. So many others mind their phone and email. For those of us who have precious little time to get away it is really inconsiderate.

Any chance you are going to post a review on the fantastic lady you did see?
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Old 06-03-2009, 06:49 PM   #3
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For the reasons you just described, I prefer to see the more expereinced/mature providers. What I don't think many providers understand is that a lot of us who are executives or in sales schedule an entire couple of weeks around them. We are busy too. That is where the more experienced ladies really get it ---they have more experience running thier enterprise so to speak.
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Old 06-03-2009, 08:46 PM   #4
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I agree with everything Jericho said. I know as for myself i only get to come to town two to three times a year to play and usually i have it planned out in my mind months in advance so the ladies that i see have to be very reliable and so far i have been very lucky with all of my visits to Dallas and with the ladies i've seen.
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Old 06-03-2009, 08:50 PM   #5
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If I can't see you TODAY then I have no desire to see you. Occasionally I will plan a session for tomorrow a day in advance, but it is ONLY with someone I know and have seen before.

I have little or no patience with "call the day before, call me the morning of, call me an hour before, and call me when you get there" crap. Providers in general are too unreliable to be booking something a week in advance and expect it to go through exactly as planned. There are a few mature professional providers that I can depend on, but in general, I will not waste my time. If you are so busy that I cannot call at 9AM and get a same day appointment, you are seeing too many customers for my taste.

Sorry you experience the unreliability of one, but glad you had a great session with another.

I increasingly say screw plan B, rather just get Plan A right the first time.
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Old 06-03-2009, 09:58 PM   #6
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Default Xtra Butt Squeeze for You!

Originally Posted by Introuble View Post
I have little or no patience with "call the day before, call me the morning of, call me an hour before, and call me when you get there" crap.
I like to have my clients call me when they get to my incall. I get that last min Flip the Hair, Check the teeth, Adjust my cleavage, Group Hug, High Hive, or get my Last 10 Kegels in before I open the door.
Seriously, I don't see that as Bad Business.
I like to know when you're there. That's all.

If you are so busy that I cannot call at 9AM and get a same day appointment, you are seeing too many customers for my taste.
Now, come on....
You need a little extra butt squeeze or something hon.

~Kelly TNT
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Old 06-03-2009, 10:16 PM   #7
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Unfortunately, this won't be the last time you experience such. There are way too many that can't run a schedule.
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Old 06-03-2009, 10:31 PM   #8
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Thanks for supporting my position. Being relatively new to this hobby I was afraid I might have been chastised for being too particular or not being flexible enough.

KellyTNT, from what I have heard about you, I expect you will remain at the top of everyone's list. I certainly know that you are on mine but I just have to have another conference in the area. I certainly have no problem with the call ahead of time, I just want the other party to take care of my business as they would have me take care of theirs. I think you definitely understand this.

And yes, I will be posting a review of my ATF from Austin. I will say, though, that it will not be typical of most reviews. I tend to gravitate toward the entire experience, not just the physical act. I go out of my way to put a smile on her face as well and I have so much respect for this lady that I don't want to do a "sex review" as much as I want to do a " this lady is the total package" review. Give me a couple of days.
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Old 06-03-2009, 11:27 PM   #9
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Hon, you were not in the wrong here.

I think that it's Door #1's Loss on this one. She should have NEVER asked you to move your appointment. Especially if you had this booked in advance.

I like that you pointed out the Feelings from the Guys perspective.

It makes me giggle and blush a little bit just thinking about it. I love that!!

Someone is That excited about seeing me?!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!!
Come On! That's Good Lovin!

This Whole thing sounds like it turned out for the Best anyway. Door #2 sounds like an amazing lady. I will keep a look out for your upcoming review!

I bet Door #1 would be a little sad right now...
I sure would hate to be the one that spoiled Christmas.


~Kelly TNT
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Old 06-03-2009, 11:44 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mesquitor View Post
KellyTNT, from what I have heard about you, I expect you will remain at the top of everyone's list.
And that is not just because of her stunning beauty. It is because she runs her business like a business, even if it is all about pleasure. She prepares for the appointment, is polite, and follows through. Time after time.
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Old 06-03-2009, 11:57 PM   #11
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It's so cute to me that Kelly would seem surprised that someone would be that excited about seeing her. I'm sure everyone that sees her is that excited or more.
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Old 06-04-2009, 12:39 PM   #12
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Kelly, I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet, but I loved your comments on this. Believe it or not, I think a lot of guys get truly excited seeing the likes of you. I mean we took the time to research you, find out about you, and book. so I too personally get excited for the right provider---and it's even more of a turn on to know that you do too!!! Kelly we will have to get together sooner rather than later. Your comments about blushing and such were adorable!!!
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Old 06-04-2009, 12:52 PM   #13
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Man for a while i thought it was just me. I have been in this hobby about 7 months now, and have met some great ladies that i still see. i went through a streak there that i was either ncns or last minute cancelled on 6 times in a row. i understand that things come up, and sometimes life gets in the way. i am a single dad i understand that more then anyone. I guess what i am saying that the ladies that run there business like a business are a treasure that you cant put a value on.
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Old 06-04-2009, 04:48 PM   #14
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Kudos to you Mesquitor!

Ya know, all too often, when something like this happens, the hobbyist will vent, and does slam a provider.

I think your post was very well written and demonstrates alot of class on your part.
Simple fact is girl #1 lost out, girl #2 didn't.
Hopefully, girl #1 will think about it.
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Old 06-04-2009, 05:31 PM   #15
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Again, I appreciate the positive responses. They make me feel like I really do fit in here!

Jericho said it best when he said, "we took the time to research you, find out about you, and book. so I too personally get excited for the right provider---".

I spend considerable time choosing those ladies whom I feel I would most enjoy my time with (sorry, I dangled my participle!). I read and re-read their reviews looking for the little nuances that tells me more about what type of person she is and if I think we will "click". Quite honestly, when I made the booking for Door #1, I didn't totally feel like we would click . . . but as we have all done, we look at her photo again and say to ourself, "DAMN!", and I booked it.

Then, for two weeks, I think about very little but our meeting. It makes mowing the yard much more pleasant because I have something to think about. It makes driving to and from the office much more bearable. I find myself thinking about our meeting when I should be paying attention to meetings at work. Each day the excitement grows and the anticipation becomes almost unbearable.

Then the big day arrives and I make sure I'm showered (everywhere!), and I even shave again in the evening to make the lady more comfortable. I've even been known to chase down a little gift for her and have it ready.

Hell, this is a big deal for an old fart like me!!!!

Anyway, Kelly, you remind me so much of my Austin ATF. I really think you would love her . . . hmmmm . . . this gives me an idea!!!

Damn! I can feel my blood pressure rising!
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