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Old 01-17-2010, 01:07 AM   #1
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Default Mission impossible

Am I the only one who goes through the ads on craigslist and backpage trying to decifer the good from the bad? It's great when I see someone interesting, then come here and find a great endorsement or warning. But there are so many who don't have any info.... and I am left wondering.

So, as I was watching Julie & Julia with a friend recently, I had an idea. Over the next year, I am going to go through every ad on craigslist and backpage and write clear, honest reviews on all of the women advertising there.

It is a daunting task, but I think I am up to it.

With that in mind, I am interested in getting advice on who I should definitely steer clear of, who I should bump to the top of the list, and who people are curious about. And in the process, I hope to win over some of the diamonds, and convince them to join us here at eccie.net.

As far as I am concerned, the more the merrier.

That is, the more good information we all have, the better off we will all be. After all, knowing is half the battle.

So, please, give me your thoughts.
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Old 01-17-2010, 01:34 AM   #2
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Trust me on this, you are not the first to think of this

If you had premium access, you could see some of what has been said and benefit greatly.
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Old 01-17-2010, 02:20 AM   #3
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I am working on it. I hope to be welcomed into the ranks of the premium club very soon... I know three reviews got me in on ASPD... how many for this site? : )
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Old 01-17-2010, 03:17 AM   #4
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I believe I read that one review will earn you 6wks of premium access to get you started?

Yep...it's a daunting task to find those diamonds on CL....(hey I didn't know any better not asking for references 3yrs ago)
Sounds like a place for you.. as those ladies most likely won't ask you... sir. You know what they say about Karma?

(And please don't mention Miley as you did in your newly posted review. It's give our ladies a false pretense..as Miley is no longer here. AND I know for a fact, that she wouldn't have seen you again)
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Old 01-17-2010, 06:21 AM   #5
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No you are not the only one. And it is good that some take the risk. As I rather take that risk looking for UTR. But even looking here you are taking a risk when it is a first time meet.

For myself I would not want to meet all that are on this very board posting in upstate ny. Why risk a good on line relationship. If you think she or yourself would not have a good time in person with each other.

"Those that are always looking for anew, do so for they can not repeat"

If you want to review all on BP and CL, you will always be looking for anew. And never find the end. You will never keep up with the girls that keep changing the name they use. And so miss some of the new ones that will post a ad on BP or CL.
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Old 01-19-2010, 08:44 PM   #6
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Yeah I am sympathetic to this quest but it seems like a great way to increase your statistical chance of ending up on the local news after getting beaten down by somebody's pimp.
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:41 PM   #7
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Yes, I was just going to say - Hopefully you don't get robbed so many times that you have to give up your goal!

Best of luck though, stay safe!

~Mme X~
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Old 01-22-2010, 01:57 PM   #8
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I was stupid and was on CL for a bit when I first became independent. It was all I knew at the time and did not do extensive screening as I do now. Also many of the girls I have met off there turned out to be addicts . . . theives . . . or just plain bad appointments. Not to mention LE that goes on there, both sides of the fense. I had good luck though but ran into way more "waste of time" clients.

Play safe and be respectful. Rumor has you may not be. The only advise I have for you is to change your ways and stay safe!!! CL is dangerous for us both . . . but then again it was CL boys like you that gave me a chance into this world without an agency. ecom, ter and here are your best bets.
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:32 PM   #9
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This was an interesting discussion..

I also look the CL and BP postings over.. I never see any reviews of these ladies. Once in a while I see one but that is it.. Most of the time they are a big NO..

I just wonder if there is a site a person can visit and get some good information.

We have a limited number of providers that I would even consider seeing or for that matter spending my hard earned $$ on..

I have had some bad experiences and been fooled a few times,but that is on me. Turns out to be a good lesson and to be careful from now on.

Just thought I would share
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Old 01-22-2010, 04:35 PM   #10
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yes, if you live in Buffalo GP out of the goodness of his heart, and ability, is developing a site on the CL/BP women. Maybe... just maybe he will expand to Rochester.
There is a post on this board about it. Try the Lounge.

Some guys like the adventure of CL/BP, finding the next diamond. But my CL/BP days are behind me. As Chloe said "ecom, ter and here are your best bets."
In the long run you can't beat quality information.
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Old 01-22-2010, 04:46 PM   #11
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Looking for a UTR is safer than CL or BP.
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:15 PM   #12
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Only way to find out is to earn or buy premium access
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Old 01-22-2010, 09:42 PM   #13
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Actually, I have lost a great deal of interest in this venture. Having made many phone calls and emails, I was a little disgusted with myself and the responses I was getting. I was so happy to meet Kanday, that I was hopeful that I would stumble on a treasure chest of great experiences. To be honest, not one of them sounded like a real person who I wanted to spend time with. And that made me wonder about my motives altogether.... hmmm

I don't know why I have a hard time revisiting providers... I guess I walk into each encounter hoping it will fill a hole in my heart, and sometimes it does for a short time. (And during those moments, I know I have said things and made promises that I should not have.) But when I walk out, the hole is still there. So, I look to the next.

I know my expectations are unrealistic, but they are what they are. And as a result, I feel kind of broken....

I wish I could get over the emotional block that prevents me from establishing long-term friendships with providers, but I don't even know what that block is. When I am spending time with a great provider, it feels incredible. I feel connected and appreciated and desired, and when I leave, I feel alone. Maybe I am wrestling with idea that I have to spend money to find a woman to appreciate me.... I don't know.

All I know to do is keep moving forward..... but providing an inventory of cl and backpage opportunities is not the path for me.

But, even as I say that, I still wish there was more information available about the best these two resources have to offer......
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Old 01-22-2010, 09:56 PM   #14
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And, Chloe, if I have been disrespectful to anyone, it was never with malicious intent. As I struggle to self-medicate myself through my divorce, I am as open and honest as I can be. But, like I explained above, I have said things and made promises that I shouldn't have. In the process, I hurt someone's feelings. I wish I could take that back, but all I could do was apologize. I am not sure how to even the kharmic balance in that relationship....
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Old 01-22-2010, 10:02 PM   #15
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It appears that the issue is not whether you should rely on CL/BP or stick with the established providers, but rather what you are looking for in hobbying. IMHO, hobbying is fulfilling only if the "hole in your heart" is the lack of intimacy and you are otherwise satisfied with other aspects of your life, including work, family and friends.
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