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Old 08-13-2010, 08:52 AM   #1
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Default new prostitution legislation in Louisianna

here is a quote from the newspaper......

Hi! I'm Louisiana Governor Piyush Jindal.
If you commit a sex crime in My state, You will be labeled a Monster, a Sex Offender.
Oral sex is a Crime against Nature. If Our boys catch you engaged in Oral Sex in Louisiana, you will be banned from society and possibly thrown into our prison, Angola. You nasty sex offenders should stay away from Louisiana.
One note, I accept All donations as I am running for President in 2012. I hope I can count on your vote.
Note, the above text was not a quote from Piyush Jindal. Simply one tax payers opinion of his views after hearing him speak out on sex monsters in Louisiana. "

One note, I accept All donations as I am running for President in 2012. I hope I can count on your vote.

.............................. .................

Of the 7,986 sex offenders registered in Louisiana, 10 percent, 808, were convicted for a crime against nature and most likely are prostitutes, according to the Louisiana State Police.
In New Orleans, however, 41 percent of the 583 registered sex offenders are prostitutes.

Jindal has also signed into law Senate Bill 381 by Sen. J.P. Morrell, D-New Orleans, that puts the penalty for a first conviction for soliciting a crime against nature on the same footing as soliciting for prostitution: up to six months in jail, a maximum fine of $500 or both. It changes the crime from a felony to a misdemeanor.
But a second offense for soliciting a crime against nature would be a felony punishable by up to five years in jail, a maximum fine of $2,000 or both. If the initial conviction is solicitation of a youth under 17, the harsher penalties will apply.
The offender must register with police as a sex offender if he or she has been convicted of soliciting a minor on a first offense or after a second conviction of soliciting a crime against nature of an adult.
The new law takes effect Aug. 15.

http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2010/07/gov_bobby_jindal_signs_bills_a .html

http://www.cfcamerica.org/index.php?option=com_content&v iew=article&id=165:louisiana-crimes-against-nature-oral-sex&catid=12:legal-issues&Itemid=12


I love my New Orleans guys and wanted to show yall wy it is important to visit reputable girls...and why it is so important for us girls to screen.
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Old 08-13-2010, 08:57 AM   #2
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I feel sorry for anyone who really believes it's a crime against nature . . . what a deprived, depraved view of one of life's greatest pleasures . . .

And why a consensual, private act between two adults is illegal in any state is difficult to fathom . . . the folks in Canada and many other countries have figured that out . . .
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Old 08-13-2010, 09:34 AM   #3
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sounds like he has not recieved a bbbj of a lifetime! geez...
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Old 08-13-2010, 09:45 AM   #4
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"It changes the crime from a felony to a misdemeanor"
Might not be exactly what we want, but that part's a step in the right direction.
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:34 AM   #5
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IMHO the laws are developed strictly out of control. One person is offended by the way another lives and then wants to control others, to stop his own offensive feelings. There is no duty in this nation to not offend others, thus we should not have laws to prevent offending, in my opinion. If that were completely true, I am offended everytime I pay my taxes, so let's make that illegal. I am offended that brothels are not legal in Louisiana, I am offended when a lady I am with does not do BBBJ, so lets make it a law that BBBJ is part of all sexual experiences. I think you get the point of what it is I am trying to say.

Any law preventing people from doing a consentual act that harms no one in my opinion is unconstitutional and shopuld be abolished and I mean any act, BBBJ, greek, hanging from the ceiling fans, whatever. These laws never really wokr anyway. Just passing a law does not in any way or fashion stop the activity. Someone tell me which politician has not had a BJ from his wife or partner.

I will go a step further someone tell me which Judge has not driven drunk after a campaign raiser or fund raiser. The number is prolly small. Hypocrites all of us, that judge others and how they choose to live.

Just my .02.
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Old 08-13-2010, 02:58 PM   #6
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Why does it always have to come to a "crime against nature"? They should go ahead and ban kissing, shaking hands, anything and everything that involves touching another human being! It's ridiculous!

Sounds like someone's SO won't give up the goods, so they want to punish they rest of us for it. Not our fault. The only crime against nature I see, is raping small children and having sex with animals... sick freaks. I can promise you all, I have NEVER made love to a goat or a small child. What's wrong with these people?!

Just another dumb reason to add on to the already high list of why alot of us ladies are no longer newbie friendly. It's sucks having to punish you wonderful gentlemen, but it's become absolutely nessassary.
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Old 08-13-2010, 03:12 PM   #7
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Piyush "Bobby" Jindal is nothing more than a republican lapdog. This puts NO on my banned city list.
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Old 08-14-2010, 05:25 AM   #8
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Default There is only one reason

why some people call these acts "crimes against nature," and it is Religion. Outdoorsman has it right, it is really only an attempt to control (which is the main function of religion) by those who are insecure about their own sexuality since they were taught as children that it is bad, evil, dirty, whatever. If you want to know just how freaky nature gets (and just how boring human sexuality is), read "Dr. Tatianna's Sex Advice To all Creation." You will find that there really is no such thing as a crime against nature.

I live my life rationally and morally without mythology. Religion has got to go.
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Old 08-14-2010, 09:35 AM   #9
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this is why screening is so important!
let's all keep each other safe!!!
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Old 08-14-2010, 10:26 AM   #10
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Great post. Couldn't agree more.. screen screen screen

I personally if I was a man would not want to see a lady who didn't. I mean no telling what you are getting.
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Old 08-14-2010, 02:07 PM   #11
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Wow...a crime against nature...I don't see the correlation.
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Old 08-14-2010, 02:27 PM   #12
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Default ***Hi!***

41 percent of the 583 registered sex offenders are prostitutes.


Wow, To be labeled a sex offender, is a very harsh punishment for a profession that has been around for ages! That label is usual used or meant for "aggressive/underage" sex crimes in our city.

You take care over there in that city! I might make it one day...but after reading that...the consequences are extreme!

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Old 08-14-2010, 05:48 PM   #13
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Wow. Good information to know. Thanks.
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Old 08-14-2010, 06:52 PM   #14
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The biggest hit in the law is having to register as a sex offender, that is some major shit, and now offenders have to ware a ankle monitoring device that goes off if you drive to close to a school, day care, play ground etc. I know alot of apartment complex that registering as a sex offender automatically voids your lease, and you have 48 hours to move out, because as a sex offender you have to post a sign in front of your residence, and that would be a major kill to a apartment being able to fill vacancies. You are right when it comes to booking with trusted providers, but these days the way LE has the ability when they want to, to use all of the high tech monitoring equipment you never know what they are capable of setting up as far as a bust goes. Another thought would be if LE would have reasonable grounds for a arrest based on a posted client review, or use a providers ad as support evidence to prove she offers oral sex. One thing that usually happens right after a new law goes into effect is that they organize some sort of high profile enforcement trap to bring attention to the new law, so I would not be surprised if you see some high profile busts coming down in the next couple months.

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Old 08-14-2010, 08:20 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by UNDER THE RADAR View Post
... One thing that usually happens right after a new law goes into effect is that they organize some sort of high profile enforcement trap to bring attention to the new law, so I would not be surprised if you see some high profile busts coming down in the next couple months.

I'm not so sure in this case. The new law doesn't make oral sex illegal. It's been a felony for decades. In this case, the law makes a former felony into a misdemeanor. I don't see the incentive for LE to make a bunch of busts to publicize the lessening of a penalty.
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