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Old 08-10-2010, 05:19 PM   #1
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Default Making some major changes for a better me..Input needed on one

I have a major urge for some self improvements which requires change...change is a big thing for me I like my safe zones but have become stuck in them and I don't like that...

The two important ones I am focusing on first are Health and Education:
My plan is to go back to college this fall so I will need move my permanent incall to a new location in October when my lease is up since I will be going back to school I will need to redirect my income from a big place to a smaller one so I can keep up with tuition and books

I need input on where a new permanent incall would be both beneficial to me as well as you

My main question is If I move back to *that forbidden county*where I originally was 5 years ago...would it make a difference being that I am a well review well trusted member?You that one fact that its *there* keep you from seeing me?
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Old 08-10-2010, 05:52 PM   #2
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I have seen a few ladies in "the county that shall not be named", so it is a non-issue for me. Of course these were all well reviewed ladies... damned if I would meet a newby there.

Congratulations on continuing your education, every day that I learn something new, is a good day.

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Old 08-10-2010, 06:02 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn View Post
My main question is If I move back to *that forbidden county*where I originally was 5 years ago...would it make a difference being that I am a well review well trusted member?You that one fact that its *there* keep you from seeing me?
Part of what keeps you on my 'speed dial' is that you're usually available on short notice if I really need you, and assuming you are in the same place as the last time I saw you, you're rather convenient for me to get to as well If you were to move to another county, that would probably prevent me from seeing you again.

On the other hand, I don't want to discourage you either, so you do what you have to do, and best of luck to you!
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Old 08-10-2010, 09:26 PM   #4
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VL.....Glad to hear you are going back to school. It's tough to determine how much living in Nazi County will affect your biz....it certainly won't help it.....GOOD LUCK!!
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Old 08-10-2010, 11:08 PM   #5
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I would go as close to the line as you can go. People will flip out for many reasons, why chance it.
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Old 08-11-2010, 12:31 AM   #6
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Wouldn't faze me, but I know some that would have issues.
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Old 08-11-2010, 12:41 AM   #7
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FYI: Just to make my last post a little more clear... when I said I probably wouldn't see you again, it's not because you moved to a specific county, but more of a case that I often find myself in your current area, whereas I've never been to *that forbidden county*, so you're just a lot more convenient where you are right now

But if I happened to be in that county and needed some TLC, sure... I'd give you a buzz! In other words, I would not be intimidated.
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Old 08-11-2010, 01:32 AM   #8
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Congrats on going back to school! Good for you girl.
VL, I am sure you know there area ton of resources but I forgot about this one until recently, Capital Idea.
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Old 08-11-2010, 08:52 AM   #9
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I just moved out of that county but can honestly tell you that although I may have missed some biz and just don't know about it, I didn't see a difference. I am well-reviewed and think that helped and mostly saw regulars. Just be careful...but you already know all about that.

As for the other, I think it is wonderful idea to continue your education. We can't work in this industry forever and I have already started working towards a second Masters. I think that no matter how much we enjoy our lifestyle at times, it can also suck the life right out of you if you don't take charge and "man up" to begin the necessary steps toward achieving other goals that you need in order to lead the life that you want to live. You're a beautiful, intelligent, and strong person so GO FOR IT!
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Old 08-11-2010, 09:12 AM   #10
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The problems with that county cannot be over-stated. It's not just that the police there are dishonest, but it's the District Attorney's office and some of the judges as well.

It's one thing for a Sheriff or Mayor to curry favor by ordering illegal arrests of people who merely show up for an appointment. However in that county that's not all that goes on. The DA will also press charges in cases where no laws have been broken. And the reason why they will brazenly do so is because several of the judges are corrupt regarding this issue, and will uphold the illegal arrests and prosecutions.

Unfortunately this is only one area of profound corruption there. That county has always been rife with lawlessness and crime among many public officials. The disgraceful matter of former Sheriff Maspiro, who was removed from office after being seen at Perfect 10 crawling around in the VIP room and barking like a dog, is only the tip of the iceberg. That guy was a major perv, and most of these crooked office-holders pretending to be moral examples are in fact total hypicrites and weirdos.

Anyone accused of crimes there related to the hobby can have the law firmly on their side yet lose anyway.

Stay away please.
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Old 08-11-2010, 11:22 AM   #11
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I cannot state this strongly enough, do not move to the county in question. It is a completely different world when it comes to law enforcement. I know there were threads on this subject where a number of members were in agreement, it is an awful place to be accused of a crime.
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Old 08-11-2010, 12:06 PM   #12
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Congratulations on working on self improvement. Good luck

Some problems I can see with the location:

The amount of your business starts to go down. Is it the location or is it something else? Do you spend a lot of time fixing other things, but you can't fix it because it's the location? Or do you blame your problems on the location instead of fixing what's really wrong?

There's a news frenzy about harassment in your area. What happens to your business?

Something happens that makes you nervous about the neighbors, etc. How much more nervous will you be in the new area?

How much will the "always looking over your shoulder" effect bother you?
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Old 08-11-2010, 12:19 PM   #13
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Hmmm.... I'm rather new and would appreciate someone PMing me the name of the county in question. I want to make sure I stay far, far away.

Vic, why do you plan to move back there? Is it for cheaper rent or to be closer to school? I know of some decent, safe college type apartments in central Austin, that aren't very expensive. Feel free to PM me if you want more details.

Good luck with your move and going back to school. Study a subject in which you'll actually be able to find a job. It's going to be a tough job market for years to come.
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Old 08-11-2010, 01:49 PM   #14
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My main number 1 reason to move in the first place is for my little people.. the schools in the current place suck and suck badly and I dont play when it comes to their schooling and I like to keep home and incall with in a certain distance ...MY drive to school for me doesnt matter I dont mind the drive ....

The forbidden place is where I started out and for 2 years never had 1 single problem plus the calls were way more frequent but then again things may have changed alot in the past 6 years.....So I guess the goal is to move to a safer better area without losing any income...I am already suporting a few sick family memebers as well as me and my girls....
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Old 08-11-2010, 08:45 PM   #15
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As someone else suggested, maybe try an incall as close as possible to the forbidden zone but within Travis County. Then it wouldn't be too bad a commute.
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