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Old 08-10-2010, 08:30 PM   #46
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Everyone, lets all hold hands and sing a song of togetherness, let all feelings of past trespasses fall from your heart, put a smile on your face and lets sing, I will start Kum Baya my lord, kum baya, are well feeling forgiveness in our hearts, are we ready to cast out the wickedness of the devil who lives in our hearts, come on now, sing it and sing it loud.

Okay if that didnt work, grab a bear, grab some ass and then grab some gr... and lets sing a different song LOL.
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Old 08-10-2010, 08:51 PM   #47
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Old 08-10-2010, 09:51 PM   #48
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This is INSANE! This is supposed to be a HOBBY! It's not for providers to decide what constitutes a provider. It is for us, the consumers to decide. That some offer services others don't is a given in this "hobby". That anyone has the ability to post a link in their signature is proven to be allowed is a fact. If you don't like it take it up with owners of the site. But hammering. Another girl because you disagree with her choices in serice is wrong. Outing private information is unforgivable.

Now I have seen Christine. She is and does exactly as she advertises. Many who claim to be providers cannnot say the same. I am friends with many that will oppose and disagree with this post. But right is right. I hope they will understand this. Live and let live.
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Old 08-10-2010, 10:17 PM   #49
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Who knew sex could bring out this much emotion in people?
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Old 08-10-2010, 10:46 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Kaboom View Post
Who knew sex could bring out this much emotion in people?
This is probably exactly why Bubba left the thread open, to see who would self-implode, who would explode and who can be culled from the herd through their own action(s).

I'm going to take a posting holiday!

Have a great day everyone!


- Jackie
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Old 08-11-2010, 02:11 AM   #51
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I have to say that I agree with elena. I have been suspicious of this girl since she came from out of nowhere. How do we know she's not the police? Cuz she shows her boobs and a few guys have gotten a massage from her? She could be gathering info. You never know. And us providers know that you guys tend to have loose lips...and what do loose lips do? Sink ships! In all reality, if she's here for other reasons, it will soon come out. I just hope it doesn't take half of us with her! No offense christine, nothing against you personally. I would feel the same about anyone in your same shoes.

And swarmy you are an ass and you NEVER have anything positive to say. You couldn't even think of a positive handle.
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Old 08-11-2010, 02:27 AM   #52
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I don't know of many LE who would show their breasts to random men just to get info about the hobby. Though there was that episode of Miami Vice I watched last night....
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Old 08-11-2010, 04:01 AM   #53
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TNM's last posting rang true... she's not breaking any rules (now) that I know of. Any such rule breaking as defined by the site has been handled by the moderators. Her having a link to her site (in my opinion) is not a violation of this site's policies.

In fact, the fact that she is providing services that several men have requested in other areas of this site. I can't count how many times guys have posted on this site and others that they were looking for a good massage, and if she provides that service without HE or other such things then that is her perrogative. Just as it is the perrogative of actual VP to define and express the terms of the interactions with people.

What I don't understand is what others feel she is taking away from anyone else here? Some of the ladies here have a varied and extensive menu. I don't see why The Plaza III would ever have an issue with Paciugo. The former you can get salad, soup, a bottle of wine, a delicous steak and ice cream for dessert... The latter, you get Gelato. Sometimes, I just want Gelato.

Somehow, I just don't think that you guys are in the same league. And therefore she really shouldn't even be on your radar of interest. Outside of that, I don't think she should be allowed in VP only areas unless she qualifies as a VP... which means she can not post ads until she does. As far as her current signature, I don't see it as an ad. It is simply a link which expresses who she is and what she does and it conforms to the standards set forth on this site for all of its members.

Do I think TNM is a sleeper agent? No, in fact she's an old acquaintence of one of my best friends. So, after finding that out, I am likely to cut her some slack. As far as I know, she's not hurting anyone by showing a little breast and giving a good backrub at a competitive price for local certified massage praticioners.

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Old 08-11-2010, 06:27 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by midwestmonique View Post
I have to say that I agree with elena. I have been suspicious of this girl since she came from out of nowhere. How do we know she's not the police? Cuz she shows her boobs and a few guys have gotten a massage from her? She could be gathering info. You never know. And us providers know that you guys tend to have loose lips...and what do loose lips do? Sink ships! In all reality, if she's here for other reasons, it will soon come out. I just hope it doesn't take half of us with her! No offense christine, nothing against you personally. I would feel the same about anyone in your same shoes.

And swarmy you are an ass and you NEVER have anything positive to say. You couldn't even think of a positive handle.
You make some valid points. When a newbie requests info or does a review, they are met with suspicion and sometimes rude comments. A new provider posts, shows some tits, the little head takes over and here come the white knights to the rescue should you raise any questions.
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Old 08-11-2010, 08:05 AM   #55
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I am not a White Knight. Anyone who's seen my posts on here should know that. But, as I've said, I've seen Christine, and if she's LE, I'm a monkey's uncle.

I guess I just don't see why this is such an issue. The VP's on here are getting up in arms about someone that isn't even competition. That she's not allowed in the VP areas has been dealt with. That she's allowed to have a link in her posts has been dealt with. This was all handled a long time ago. What's the issue now? And why does it have to be a 4-page fight spanning 2 or 3 threads. It is what it is. I don't see the need for this. This adds nothing to the hobby. Nothing to the debate. It endangers no one. What's the big deal? Let's move on.
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Old 08-11-2010, 10:07 AM   #56
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I don't have a problem with it. I don't see why everyone else does. She's not bothering ME.
It takes all kinds. This is NOT a secret society. If it was they would be more selective about who they let join.
No one is making anyone click on her site in her signature line.
If it's not hurting you, stop worrying about it.
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Old 08-11-2010, 10:25 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Sens55 View Post
I am not a White Knight. Anyone who's seen my posts on here should know that. But, as I've said, I've seen Christine, and if she's LE, I'm a monkey's uncle.

I guess I just don't see why this is such an issue. The VP's on here are getting up in arms about someone that isn't even competition. That she's not allowed in the VP areas has been dealt with. That she's allowed to have a link in her posts has been dealt with. This was all handled a long time ago. What's the issue now? And why does it have to be a 4-page fight spanning 2 or 3 threads. It is what it is. I don't see the need for this. This adds nothing to the hobby. Nothing to the debate. It endangers no one. What's the big deal? Let's move on.
It's not a big issue. It's just a bunch of chatty, petty, jealous girls crying. They can't stand anyone else taking their sunshine. For those who didn't know before, the past 4 pages have really let their true colors come out.

For Monique to say that "How do we know she's not the police?" is quite possibly the most ignorant thing I've heard her say. And that is really saying something. I have a feeling Moniques response is less about Christing and more about her hatred of me...but I really don't give a shit.

In case any of you ladies are wondering, most men are not attracted to pettiness, cattiness, immaturity and jealousy. Those are not attractive qualities. I guess you can either get over it or go crying into the arms of your white knights.
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Old 08-11-2010, 10:26 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by midwestmonique View Post
And swarmy you are an ass and you NEVER have anything positive to say. You couldn't even think of a positive handle.
Does mean we can't still be friends?
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Old 08-11-2010, 10:39 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by swarmyone View Post
In case any of you ladies are wondering, most men are not attracted to pettiness, cattiness, immaturity and jealousy. Those are not attractive qualities.
I don't agree with swarmyone very often, but I have to second this one. Most guys see drama or pettiness or arguments and steer clear of all of it.
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Old 08-11-2010, 11:04 AM   #60
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Remember the Men are from Mars, Women from Venus book? We're different. Most of us guys don't see a problem with Topnotch...obviously some women DO.

I have a question...why doesn't Topnotch just become a VP. People in this thread have vouched for her (and if security is an issue, that's about as far as it goes). I know she doesn't provide all the services others do...but what is the threshold? I'd say a topless massage qualifies as at least a 'sensual massage' or 'body rub'.

Anyway, if she became a VP, would people's problems with her go away?

BTW, never seen her, never talked to her, I don't have a dog in this fight.
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