Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
What's with the red text...that's hard on the eyes.
LOL......not if you're wearing sunglasses!
Actually, of all the P411 members I've met, I've probably only asked to see 1 ID and I was only checking the face and the name.
I tell the gents (who's ID I check (who may NOT be P411 members) to "put your thumb over your address if you want. All I want to see is that your face is the same person in the room and your name matches what you told me.") It's no big deal and most do it with no problem. As someone mentioned earlier in this thread---it's flashed in front of me so fast, I don't have time to memorize it, nor would I care.
I don't bother checking the whole 4 check-point system Gina has, but it's nice to know that I CAN if I want to if I am seeing someone I really get the 'heebie

geebies' with---to make sure they
are who they
say they are.
If you're getting a lot of ladies checking your ID and such, two things might be happening:
1). You're causing them concern over things you are saying/asking, email addresses not matching or just being really off kilter from the norm which might cause concern.
2). You're a newbie or from a city where LE activity has been high lately or your OKAYS are old or suspicious (or perhaps the girl you've seen last has been busted and thus there's concern your account may have been compromised if there was concern you were busted too.)
(oops...that was MORE than 2 things, but who's counting? Obviously not me

I highly doubt the majority of the ladies you've see on P411 check your 'ID & such' every time you meet for the first time. I mean, what is the % that do? Think about it? For me, as I mentioned above, probably only 1 ID from a P411 member in the 5 years I've been on there. We should, but we don't always. I rely more on the OKAYS

you have (as I tend to think most of the women do on P411).
So get out there and hookup

with someone today!! Enjoy the fact that P411 has made your hobby life (for those who use it) waaaaaaaaay easier.