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Old 07-29-2010, 04:02 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302 View Post
To the gents, if you share your client ID, with a buddy, seems harmless right, well lets just say your buddy with your client ID, cash and dash a gal, beat her and runs. Thats your client ID and reputation, meanwhile the poor gal is posting alerts and all that, and you didn't do anything. Your buddy did. How exactly would your prove your case.
Actually.........yes, they should be held accountable.........they let the fox into the chicken coop.
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Old 07-29-2010, 04:09 PM   #32
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That's my whole problem with this. Some fucktard goes and shares his information with his buddy who then rips off a provider or worse and it makes my access to pussy more challenging. The fucktard needs to face consequences more serious than a simple boot in the ass.
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Old 07-29-2010, 05:25 PM   #33
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i love p411!
hell i dont want to dig all into your personal life just to book a session, i think it is a great way for us to screen without being so invasive.
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Old 07-29-2010, 05:43 PM   #34
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I am curious as to whether any of you fellow hobbyists put a photo of yourself up on your P411 profile? What are your thoughts on that?

I like p411 and so far with all the providers I have seen there has only been one that asked for my I.D. It wouldn't really bother me if they did but like others I would cover most of it up and there is no way I would let someone else use my account.
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Old 07-29-2010, 05:48 PM   #35
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I have always been curious about this pack aspect to the hobby........hobbying is a lone wolf thing with me.........letting some fucktard use my account would be allowing him access to my private business that seems idiotic to me.
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Old 07-29-2010, 08:59 PM   #36
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I for one would just like to take this opportunity to Thank Gina and her staff at P411 for the excellent job they do for all members, clients and providers, everyday. I have found everyone at P411 to be 100% efficient and professional not to mention friendly and helpful. All of the clients I have meet through P411 have been classy, intelligent, and wonderfully passionate men. Thank you Gina and Staff!!!
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Old 07-29-2010, 09:30 PM   #37
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What's with the red text...that's hard on the eyes.
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Old 07-30-2010, 01:31 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by oilfieldscum View Post
What's with the red text...that's hard on the eyes.
LOL......not if you're wearing sunglasses!

Actually, of all the P411 members I've met, I've probably only asked to see 1 ID and I was only checking the face and the name.

I tell the gents (who's ID I check (who may NOT be P411 members) to "put your thumb over your address if you want. All I want to see is that your face is the same person in the room and your name matches what you told me.") It's no big deal and most do it with no problem. As someone mentioned earlier in this thread---it's flashed in front of me so fast, I don't have time to memorize it, nor would I care.

I don't bother checking the whole 4 check-point system Gina has, but it's nice to know that I CAN if I want to if I am seeing someone I really get the 'heebie geebies' with---to make sure they are who they say they are.

If you're getting a lot of ladies checking your ID and such, two things might be happening:
1). You're causing them concern over things you are saying/asking, email addresses not matching or just being really off kilter from the norm which might cause concern.
2). You're a newbie or from a city where LE activity has been high lately or your OKAYS are old or suspicious (or perhaps the girl you've seen last has been busted and thus there's concern your account may have been compromised if there was concern you were busted too.)

(oops...that was MORE than 2 things, but who's counting? Obviously not me )

I highly doubt the majority of the ladies you've see on P411 check your 'ID & such' every time you meet for the first time. I mean, what is the % that do? Think about it? For me, as I mentioned above, probably only 1 ID from a P411 member in the 5 years I've been on there. We should, but we don't always. I rely more on the OKAYS you have (as I tend to think most of the women do on P411).

So get out there and hookup with someone today!! Enjoy the fact that P411 has made your hobby life (for those who use it) waaaaaaaaay easier.
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Old 07-30-2010, 02:17 AM   #39
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great points tia...actually alot of great points from numerous people

i was somewhat relieved when i signed up with gina's team...she has created one hell of a service that protects the providers and hobbyists...and she's always very upfront about her views, business, and practices...doing business in a fair and professional manner

so what if you didn't read all the fine print...it's always been policy and that won't change...now you just have to decide if you want to book dates through P411 or not...if you don't like the policies then hit the road and get verified some other way...but i'm betting it will be much more difficult than showing a part of your ID...suck it up or move on

and THANK YOU to all the ladies and gentlemen that are using the community as just that...a welcome resource to help like-minded, fun-loving people stick together and get the most out of life!

~Blessed Be~
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Old 07-30-2010, 02:43 AM   #40
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I wouldn't mind showing ID. I would do whatever makes the provider comfortable. Too many risks I've read in this hobby so it is understandable to be cautious. Of course, I wouldn't do anything bad to y'all in the first place, it would go against my personal code of Ethics.
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Old 07-30-2010, 06:14 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by sabre692 View Post
I wouldn't mind showing ID. I would do whatever makes the provider comfortable. Too many risks I've read in this hobby so it is understandable to be cautious. Of course, I wouldn't do anything bad to y'all in the first place, it would go against my personal code of Ethics.
Thank you! You are a gem....
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Old 07-30-2010, 10:17 AM   #42
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Angry just my opinion......take it or leave it.

I have to chime in on this one. I have been in this business for a long time and am pissed and ashamed of all you guys out there that are refusing to show a provider something that verifies you are the p411 account holder we may be speaking to via email. I understand about wanting to keep your information private but come on!!!!! HOW are we supposed to know the person at our door is in fact the person with the account if we have never met anywhere before????????
Normally I wouldn't say anything because that is just the way I am but because I DO CHECK ID'S and am actually pretty sick of hearing the same ole lines........"I made those numbers up", I don't want to show you my DL", "No one has EVER asked me for my id before" blah blah blah when it CLEARLY states on my p411 bio that I do ask to see whatever form of id it was that you set up your account with and if you don't have it, you will be asked to leave.
With that being said, IT ISN"T fair to a provider who does check and states she checks, for a guy to book an appointment and then when he arrives refuses to show me proof that he is in fact the person I was speaking to via email. Recently, while traveling, this did happen to me and I normally DO NOT take appointments earlier then 10am but this time I did. 8AM Only to have the guy get there and tell me "I made those four numbers up" and refused to show me any id. I drove to another state and came in a day early just to see this guy, spent money on a room etc only to have to cancel at 815am. Is this fair to do to us? ABSOLUTLEY NOT!!
I am all about being fair and any cancelations I have had to make in the past--I ALWAYS make it up to the gentlemen, weather it be in the form of extra time on the next visit, or a discount on the money but way to often the guys don't think that a last minute cancelation for something they knew ahead of time, is a waste of time. NEWSFLASH--IT IS A WASTE OF TIME and I do believe that a cancelation fee is FAIR.
I don't book alot of appointments and those of you who know me, know this, so every appointment is important from a money stand point. This is a business similiar to others. Many businesses charge a cancelation fee if an appointment isn't cancel within 24 hrs, why is that exceptable and here it is not?
I do whatever I can to make a gentlemen feel 100% comfortable about seeing me and and obviously they do or they wouldn't be contacting me in the first place. There is an over abundance of information out there about me and I hardly think that me asking for an id to verify someone is to much to ask, especially if we have never met before.
I don't give a shit about anyones personal information I just want to verify they ARE who they say they are.

Kudos to gina and her staff and website. It is a wonderful service--it just sucks to think that some believe they are above the rules and shouldn't suffer any consequences for not following them.

and here I thought EVERYONE was concerned with safety........my bad
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Old 07-30-2010, 10:26 AM   #43
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Sooooo .... if you have your license taken away because you are "too old" to drive ... can you just have your driver show his TDL ...
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Old 07-31-2010, 01:57 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by LAVixian View Post
Thank you! You are a gem....

You're very welcome. It's the least that I can do for you Ladies. You all put your bodies up for display for people to see, so I have no problem flashing a small piece of paper/plastic to confirm my identity to a Provider. I haven't had the pleasure yet though...but getting close to choosing someone to pop my hobby cherry.
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Old 07-31-2010, 07:46 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
I am curious as to whether any of you fellow hobbyists put a photo of yourself up on your P411 profile? What are your thoughts on that?
Oh, like I don't have enough trouble getting a provider to see me who has never seen me... once she sees me... she will probably never see me... you see?
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