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Old 07-22-2010, 09:53 AM   #1
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Default Is it that obvious ???

Recently I was eating in a northshore restaurant that has a bar visible from the table area. A guy in his late 50's to early 60's walk in with a girl that looked like she was 15. I noticed her show the bar tender a I.D. so I assume she was over 18. The guy is holding her hand, and they are doing some light kissing etc. Then I hear a lady at the table behind us comment along the lines "look at the bar, now isnt that disgusting, she looks young enough to be his grand daughter". After a little while they got up to leave, and I noticed the older lady go over to the man and girl and commented " you have the most beautiful grand daughter" the guy seemed a little lost for words and before he could say anything the lady walked off and out the restaurante. Several minutes later the man and girl got up and left.

The scenerio above got me to wondering how do most of the older hobbiest handle a session where you take a younger provider out to eat, or maybe a movie before you go back to the hotel or house and close the evening? Are you conscience or afraid that you may be noticed out by a friend, family member, or colleague who would know that the girl you are with is your younger paid for escort date?

I realize that the age of concent is 18, but has it ever bothered your conscience that you are seeing a provider that is old enough to be your daughter or grand daughter persay ? I realize that some time a girl does what she has to, but some of these young girls really seem to look really young and when you read their responses or ads really nieve. Some are like a bunch of young girls playing follow the leader. Its like the new young provider in B.R. who in her ad says " I have been wanting to do this all my life since I was 15" and she just turned 18. I just can not see how a sound minded dawg with at least some moral compass could could not walk away from a session with a 18 year old girl and feel alittle ashamed, especially if say he has a 20 year old daughter in college.

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Old 07-22-2010, 10:49 AM   #2
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I generally try to maintain the appearance that the date is my daughter or (hate to say it, grand daughter). Minimal touching etc.

However, I have a response ready for anyone who asks questions such as the one you pointed out. "Oh, she isnt my daughter, we're lovers."
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Old 07-22-2010, 12:10 PM   #3
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I would never engage in PDA with someone that old period lol. It is bound to raise questions and eyebrows....and I know way too many people to have to answer for that. Even if I am out of town, it still makes me feel uncomfortable when a client tries to let the entire place know we are "together."

There are much more subtle ways of doing things than begging for the wrong kind of attention. If I saw that scenario play out and I have on many occasions, I always laugh thinking "He must be paying her." On those rare occasions it's real love, but that is not the norm.

Slick you would be surprised if you knew just how many so called respected dawgs, will go for under 17 if it's right in their face. To me it's disgusting among many other things that are accepted in this business, but to each his own. I guess for some men, it makes them feel more secure if they know they can still "get it" from someone that young...never mind that if they didn't have the money she would never talk to them lol.
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Old 07-22-2010, 04:07 PM   #4
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I guess everyone has their so called moral compass, and some girls are older from a street standpoint then others. I believe though that karma has a way of paying people back. I believe that we do not always pay for our transgressions ourselves, but that we have to suffer by watching the people we love be treated and exploited in the same manner we treat others.

Unfortunately some girls are raised hard on the streets, or come from home environments that do not afford them choices and opportunities, so they have to do what they have to do. On the other hand there are young girls that run in groups, that are doing this for the money, and because their friends are doing this as well. It troubles me in a way to see these young 18 year olds out selling themselves.

Everyone has their own choice and path to make in life, but I can not imagine a sound minded provider or client that would want to see their 18 year old daughter, granddaughter, niece out here selling her self.
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Old 07-23-2010, 05:06 AM   #5
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A couple of thoughts...

First, while you may be out with a lady and already know how the day/evening is going to turn out, that is no substitute for having class and a little decorum. Unless, of course, the guy was getting off on what others felt about his situation (entirely possible. We didn't hear how he reacted to the grand daughter comment). Hands and lips to yourself in public unless you are prepared to deal with the nosy nellies and the morality police.

Which brings me to my second point. Just who the hell was this women to get involved in a stranger's business? From my experience, she probably has more than enough on her plate just taking care of her own business to go getting involved in someone else's. Live and let live. You want to make a comment, do it privately, at your own table, to your own guests.

Biology is biology. Sex is the greatest single driving force in nature (which is why just about all complex life forms do it- only humans and their hang-ups about it have problems with it). From this perspective, older man/younger woman makes perfect sense. If you think humans have unusual sexual tendencies, read "Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice To All Creation." It'll make things like monogamy and homosexuality look puny and bland compared to other species. Ain't life grand?
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Old 07-23-2010, 09:31 AM   #6
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I look extremely young, I'm told.

I'm very cautious about who I see in public. I always make it appear as if they are friends of my parents who have decided to take me out while in town. I have a story prepared if I run into anyone.

It only happened once as a result of a restaurant switch last minute. And, I knew it would. Fortunately, she's a pretty open-minded girl seeing as how we had girl-girl sex a few years ago. She just assumed him to be a good lookin' sugar daddy. --And he was actually pretty hot!! Oh, memories.
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Old 07-23-2010, 01:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jacquie View Post
I look extremely young, I'm told.

I'm very cautious about who I see in public. I always make it appear as if they are friends of my parents who have decided to take me out while in town. I have a story prepared if I run into anyone...
I would have an "excuse for knowing her" prepared before a public meeting with any provider who looks too young to be dating a man in his early 40s. Any PDA more overt than a "greeting" type hug or kiss will draw a lot of attention that you don't want.
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Old 07-23-2010, 02:43 PM   #8
Lea Madisson
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Originally Posted by marco2007 View Post
I generally try to maintain the appearance that the date is my daughter or (hate to say it, grand daughter). Minimal touching etc.

However, I have a response ready for anyone who asks questions such as the one you pointed out. "Oh, she isnt my daughter, we're lovers."
I agree with a lot ot the comments about the less PDA the better. However, I do want to make one suggestion to Marco...

Instead of "we're lovers" try using "oh, this isn't my daughter. It's my sex therapist. I am taking her out to eat as a way of saying thank you for a great job! I am fully functional now!! Would you like her card??"

Then just sit there, smile... and stare at the person asking until the leave!!


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Old 07-25-2010, 09:08 PM   #9
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That would bring an 18 year old to dinner on the NORTHSHORE has got to be an idiot..hahaha. That is unless you are 24.... annie
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