It was horrifying
Last week I had this little surgical intervention on my apollonian bod and the quack made me eat Levaquin for a few days after to reduce risk of infection. That is some nasty shit! Gave me muscle cramps and diarrhea, but the worst side effect was nightmares.
Now I usually never have bad dreams; mine are usually so funny I wake up laughing. But those pills gave me horrible was bad enough to spend one night thinking I had to return to the profession I practiced for 35 years...when I retired it was like the little cat fucking the little skunk and had to quit because, while he didn't get all he wanted, he had all he could stand. Another night my ex-wife, Sarge, barked at me all night long. Those were bad enough, but last night was flatout horrorshow. Last night my nightmare was President Obama, mincing around in jackboots, puttees, and a friggin' pith helmet announcing he was abolishing the Marine Corps and replacing them with census "workers" and postal clerks to make up that so-called civilian force of brownshirts he threatened us with during his campaign.
It took me a couple hours to get my nerves together when I woke up this morning. "Obama abolishes USMC", horrifying! Thank God I'm out of those dang pills. Maybe the nightmares will stop.
But I'd take 'em every day for the rest of my life if Obama would resign.