Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
This is our only point. We have enough of our own problems lately. If you have had a problem with a specific issue yourself or with a specific hobbyist and you'd like to set the record straight, by all means state your business so that everyone knows. But I think that maybe you don't understand our answers and we don't understand yours. From what you said to me in your pm it doesn't sound as though any Arkansas providers have mistreated you, but please correct me if I'm wrong. And if you have any questions or problems during your stay, I would be more than happy to help 
Again, I have no issues. Alot of ladies provide service in tn. ark and ms so,with that being the case lot of providers service all of these areas, so yes they are providers in ark. and everywhere else I mentioned. I wanted input in the cities I travel to often. Mr Chang is the only one who has given some useful input on the question I asked! Everyone, else has brought drama...this is discussion board, isnt it?

my review on this board was posted in tn and yet he wanted to address the issue of me attaching a pic and my site to the review posted in tn here in ark! Yeah, but he meant no harm to my rep!