Originally Posted by Rudyard K
That is a good movie. But it lacks "greatness"...IMHO...becau se of the casting of Jim Hutton. I don't care what you do...he can't pull it off to be oil field trash. 
Hutton was in Green Berets too.

He was better cast in Animal House!
What I really wanted was The Duke to come on down from heaven and put this BP mess out
Originally Posted by ANONONE
I like just about everything The Duke made, but I will always like Rio Bravo and Cowboys the best.
Man I'm with ya on The Cowboys....I love it when Mr Nightlinger gets to pray for the men he has killed and the one's he's about to! Bruce Dern likes to shit a brick!
El Dorado is a mirror of Rio Bravo, like'em both. Only poem I ever memorized was El Dorado, teacher thought I liked Poe
(fuc that crazy son of a bitch!)! Shadow said he, Where can it be , this land of El Dorado ........