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Old 07-12-2010, 06:50 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Woody of TX View Post

Do you tour and participate in Austin?

lol... that's what it's all about!... I'll also book if you visit..
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Old 07-12-2010, 06:50 PM   #92
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Exactly. Whispers would have to pay me VERY good money not to be ignored.

Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302 View Post
Whispers, Whispers, I believe you love the battles..do you not...pretty woman debating with you over numerous discussions. Does it make your day?? Curious question.
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Old 07-12-2010, 06:52 PM   #93
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I'm on team eric and team edward! Also, team green. Not the green you smoke, but the paper kind! He he
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Old 07-12-2010, 06:54 PM   #94
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The answer is male memberships ...

You can use that old saying "If you Build it.. They will come" ...... It doesn't matter if a few ladies that can't see the light are lost along the way...... Or if a few guys decide to go elsewhere because it is a little too much for them to comprehend......

But if the Board builds the Male Membership......Grows the Review Forums...... Increases the Content that will drive traffic....

Well then Male Membership will continue to grow...
I am going to have to disagree with you there....nothing builds male membership like having a bunch of ladies in the room/on the board. You don't see to many clubs generating large crowds of men simply because there are more men. Nope, they do it by attracting the women. If this board was all men no chance I'd be here, not saying I'm homophobic, just that I'm here to spend time with the ladies BCD. And some actually are nice enough to make sure when I'm ill or my back is out to call to see if I need anything. But then, I haven't gone through any business classes at ACC to figure out the sure fire way to draw in men is by having women around.

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Old 07-12-2010, 07:28 PM   #95
Maxeen Monroe
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Yeah! It's reopened! I gotta tell you how frustrated I was because I spent time copying some stuff you were saying, Whispers, and replying to it and then I got a message saying it was closed! Darnit! All that good wisdom and advice I was kicking around lost! I think I really would've gotten through to you though! You would've changed forever I'm sure of it! But now it's lost forever. I must start again! Ugh! (Btw, my keyboard seems to be messing up on me so if I am mistyping it's the computers fault I swear!)

Two things real quick then I'll catch up on th posts...

You asked about teams and not getting your jersey right? You were the one that started that by stating the mods were less corrupt now they weren't part of my team. I can go back and quote it exactly but I have much studying to do and you get the point. So ask "the cool kids" on your team for your jersey. I don't know why they would leave out the captain.

Ok, so one thing I do remember saying was that you mentioned how girls get flack for knowing you or being part of your team BUt your bud Sixx was just jumping on another gent in another thread the other day saying something to the effect of "Well I guess you were one of the guys at that barbq the other day." Sly way of calling him PW and all the guys at our party PW. So the guys on my "team" are PW's and yours are all the "cool kids?" Besides, you have really worked hard on your rep so why would it truly bother you that it precedes you?

And one mor thing, so make it 3 real quick, sorry! You talk about people removing posts and recreating themselves. It used to be ok (not sure about anymore) for an OP to remove their post. With the way some of them would get out of hand and ugly I can understand why an OP would have it removed. And it was ok policy back then. Also, some ladies do have to recreate their personna for security reasons sometimes. I've heard of guys recreating theirselves, changing their handles or bypassing screening by omitting their handle and using p411. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Ok I will head back and catch up now. Just had to say that before I forgot it or it became closed again.
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Old 07-12-2010, 08:55 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe View Post
Yeah! It's reopened! I gotta tell you how frustrated I was because I spent time copying some stuff you were saying, Whispers, and replying to it and then I got a message saying it was closed! Darnit!

I understand darlin... happened to me too.... But we got it fixed and here we are! Although I really need to get out of her in a few.....

All that good wisdom and advice I was kicking around lost! I think I really would've gotten through to you though! You would've changed forever I'm sure of it! But now it's lost forever. I must start again! Ugh! (Btw, my keyboard seems to be messing up on me so if I am mistyping it's the computers fault I swear!)

I have the same keyboard I think.....

Two things real quick then I'll catch up on th posts...

OK... But I'm warning you I gotta go shortly and get laid by one of those young strippers that take too little of my money you referred to....

You asked about teams and not getting your jersey right? You were the one that started that by stating the mods were less corrupt now they weren't part of my team. I can go back and quote it exactly but I have much studying to do and you get the point. So ask "the cool kids" on your team for your jersey. I don't know why they would leave out the captain.

Hey... Thanks for recognizing that I hang with the cool kids..... Actually I'm kinda old and don't remember everything but if I got drafted to be on some team... well. if they pay me well enough I can try.... I'm usually a bit more of a loner though... But a Jersey would be cool....

Ok, so one thing I do remember saying was that you mentioned how girls get flack for knowing you or being part of your team BUt your bud Sixx was just jumping on another gent in another thread the other day saying something to the effect of "Well I guess you were one of the guys at that barbq the other day." Sly way of calling him PW and all the guys at our party PW. So the guys on my "team" are PW's and yours are all the "cool kids?" Besides, you have really worked hard on your rep so why would it truly bother you that it precedes you?

Now see... that's where you TOTALLY misunderstood Sixx and his problem with that thread..... Have you met Sixx? ... I have.... Sixx is a Round guy like me..... His problem with that thread was more about the BarBQue and not getting any than it was about anything else..... My stomach kinda growled as well when I read it.....I enjoy a good 3 Meat Plate when I can with all the fixins.... Being a Round Guy and hearing about a BarBQue without an invite is a bit disturbing..... BUT... No worries.... I lit up the grill and will be sure to feed Sixx at the next Luncheon and all will be well....

If you would like an opportunity to "Bury the Hatchet" I'll consider inviting you but you have to promise to bring two 3 Meat plates for us.....

And one mor thing, so make it 3 real quick, sorry! You talk about people removing posts and recreating themselves. It used to be ok (not sure about anymore) for an OP to remove their post. With the way some of them would get out of hand and ugly I can understand why an OP would have it removed. And it was ok policy back then. Also, some ladies do have to recreate their personna for security reasons sometimes. I've heard of guys recreating theirselves, changing their handles or bypassing screening by omitting their handle and using p411. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I always disagreed with allowing an OP to have a post removed... I think Ownership here has changed that a bit and we won't see that happening just so the OP can escape the humiliating scenario they created for them self.....

ya know... I asked Gina about that very thing last week and she never heard of such a thing nor were any Mods ever presented with any proof of anything like that from what I was told..... personally.... I have always been Whispers on ECCIE and ASPD....

Kinda like it and would not consider changing....... unless someone wants to buy the Whispers Franchise...... Now off the boards I don't call myself by any silly online name..... and really laugh at those that do....

Ok I will head back and catch up now. Just had to say that before I forgot it or it became closed again.
Ok... I really gotta go get laid ..... although I have Britney on my mind..... Ya know she used to be a stripper and she is really smart...... I have a thing for smart girls...... When a lady gets into my head intellectually they often find their way to my wallet...... That's how Maddie hooked me..... She is pretty smart too.....

Anyway..... Off to see a not so smart 5'100lb stripper that wants to show her gratitude for all my kindness and generosity...... I wonder if she will let me call her Britney?

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Old 07-12-2010, 09:25 PM   #97
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Geesh, this is better than any reality show! I think it would be rather fun to have a debate party...you never know...we may all end up kissing and making up! Ok...maybe not!

"Whatever spiteful fools may say, Each jealous ranting yelper, No woman ever went astray, Without a man to help her ~" Abraham Lincoln
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Old 07-12-2010, 10:10 PM   #98
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For someone new to this site, this is like reading Latin
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Old 07-12-2010, 10:16 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by shaft.drive View Post
For someone new to this site, this is like reading Latin
What a sad introduction to the eccie community.

But trust me. It's not always like this.
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Old 07-12-2010, 10:22 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by shaft.drive View Post
For someone new to this site, this is like reading Latin
Well we are glad you have joined and look forward to reviews and whatever contributions you bring. Let me know if you have any questions or anyone for that matter

Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
What a sad introduction to the eccie community.

But trust me. It's not always like this.
Very true Sophia. Hopefully soon people will see that the board is not running any differently than it was two weeks ago
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Old 07-12-2010, 10:53 PM   #101
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hey! im the guy who wasnt invited to the BBQ. it didnt bother me not being invited either.i know maxeen and weve shared a few evenings together. and i think shes a wonderful provider as well as a great person to be around. i did have a problem with people thinking just because you feel a provider ,any provider shouldn't be disrespected automatically makes you a WK. i would have felt the same way even about a provider i hadnt met yet. if that makes me PW then so be it( have you seen her pussy!). im sure if any of you other guys prefer to be dick whipped theres a site for that too.
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Old 07-12-2010, 11:29 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by shaft.drive View Post
For someone new to this site, this is like reading Latin
Yea, sorry about that. Sophia is correct. It's not always this negative. I'm just skimming at this point because the posts are turning way too long to bother.

Some of us are here to have fun, and enjoy life! That's just me though. Call me crazy!

I haven't seen anything like this in months. But I think they really get into it and enjoy it.

Ok. Commercial break is over. Back to our program.
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Old 07-13-2010, 08:20 AM   #103
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O K post # 103 that’s how old I fell after reading all this enlightening Thread! LOL
My hope is; know one post under me. Lets just stop here, it’s just been going around and around. I know I have know power to ask this, all I can ask is, PLEASE.
My S O asked why I’m on the computer so much and I’m not sure. It’s like TV, 200 plus channels and it’s all just not that good. So let the shit end here.

So Whispers should go get laid morning, noon, and night!

Maxeen; Lets go horseback riding (CG), or out to eat (69). Are maybe it’s time for what massage?

You two have been like Boxers, but your fingers have got to be tired.
I have a new repeat for Whisper writing. Have you thought about politics?
Maxeen you did yourself proud and I love your spirit!

To all the Providers and Hobbies that have added to this thread, please go find a fun one or start a new one.


PS if there are any providers with a 50 precent special please MP me.I need to get laid too.
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Old 07-13-2010, 02:49 PM   #104
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There was a BBQ?

Damn, I miss out on everything.
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Old 07-13-2010, 05:10 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by shaft.drive View Post
For someone new to this site, this is like reading Latin
It sure is. Maybe someone will write a post, "Opening the Seals of the Apocalypse for Dummies."
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