Originally Posted by rjdiner
hey whataloser had to leave town for a few days and missedya
come back so I can finish outing your cu*t white knight ass that XXsaviorXX started... we know who you are and that you are a pro who can't pick up a paycheck anymore...you have to give it away
Your P4P days r over sweetie
Maybe Berk can get this thread shut down too so you don't have to answer....LOL
"who am I? I'm the old whiney fart who writes complete sentences"....lol
what "we" are you talking about crybaby

? If you want to out me and you know who I am...bring it...I ain't scared of lap's bitch. I dare you...I double dong dare you...and why are you sooooooo infatuated with Berk??? Has she specifically done something to you? or do you have hatred because she never gave you the time of day?...
One more thing rjwhiner....don't call me sweety....save it for lap...you know...like when you're sucking on his titty and snuggling under his nutsack you whiney bitch...lol