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The Sandbox-Mississippi The Sandbox is a collection of off-topic discussions. Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a wide variety of other topics can be found here. If it's NOT an adult-themed topic, then it belongs here

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Old 07-10-2010, 12:28 AM   #1
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Default chat thread...

MJ brought up a good thought and I figured I would act on it...cause that is just me.

This is a chat thread....no closing for hijacking allowed (giggle) cause anything that is said would be considered on topic since we are chatting ;-)
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Old 07-10-2010, 05:38 AM   #2
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what cha wanna chat about ?
making some changes to better effect the providers ?,
stop all bullies?, notice if one person says one bad direct thing it becomes
a court yard bully attack on one person....
what the hell is Hijack a thread?
joking and playing taken too personally?
Not understanding how the hell this place is being moderated?
where to put something posted and not where to post something?
trying to figure out abbreviations?
trying to figure out if you can help someone without the world
knowing every little thing in order to get an simple answer?
cant figure out why ppl are more helpful?
why are there sooo many that psycho analyze and they have no degree?
cant understand why ppl dont defend each other more?
cant understant why there is no really intelligent, deep conversations? like the oil spill, the govt, the law, and everyones thought is not degraded
The avatar represents ppl not being able to do anything or make change so their hands or binded. Only been here four months and if its this way now then what will it be like later? and its all over the board in other areas as well...
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Old 07-10-2010, 08:34 AM   #3
April Showers
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Very good thread idea Lilith!
Awesome questions MJ!

Hobby Acronyms/Abbreviations:
Excellent list!

Thread hijacking in internet forum communication is the act of steering a discussion off-topic by discussing a subject entirely unrelated to the subject at hand.

Here is an example of a hijacked thread. Everything was going good till about post 6.(major hijack here, but none the less, a good example of how a thread can go astray)

Joking. playing, flirting and friendly banter are all key elements to this board and doing it using a written format such as in this forum can take a little finesse. Telling someone to "go get fucking laid" at the end of what the reader sees as a rant can very easily be perceived as an insult rather than a joke. Something along the lines of "Now why don't you get that cute little ass of yours over here so we can both relieve some stress!" might go over a little better.

Body language such as a smile and that twinkle in your eye are lost with the written word so we have to be creative and insert them within the text. Use your smilies! That's why they are there!

As for how this board is being moderated.... at this moment in time we have only one mod working several cities and he has a HUGE load on his shoulders! I think it would be nice that once the new mod(s) are appointed he/she/they address the board and give us all an idea of what we can expect from them.

How to help someone without giving away too many details can be tricky but you still have to give those from whom you are seeking help a clue.
" A friend of mine needs help finding someone very dear to her. His name is John D** and his phone number is 555-55*-5**5. Please PM me with the starred out info if you think you may know him"
In the above example I used the name John Doe but you would use his first name and the first letter of his last name starring out the rest. The stars represent info that is omitted in order to protect his identity. (Don't give clues that help the reader figure out the stars!) It also helps keep search bots from logging it.
*Important Note* you should always run this type of post by the mod to be sure that it is ok before you just post it. They may have other ways that they may want you to post.

People here are helpful, we just need to know what you are talking about in order to help.

If you want deep, intelligent convo, Start a thread about something! If it's hobby related put it in the Co-Ed section, Non-hobby stuff goes in the Sandbox. If it's an alert about a bust or about a rip off or scam it goes in the Co-ed alerts. If its an alert on a Hobbyist/Bad Client then it goes in the Infoshare.

The MS board is one of the friendliest boards on this site! Little to no drama and everyone is very willing to help out when needed! Calm down, relax and you will get the hang of things soon! If you don't know something or you are unsure as to what to do, PM someone and ask!
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Old 07-10-2010, 09:20 AM   #4
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dang...great answers April...thank you

MJ does that clear up your question hon or you still have somethings?

Always remember that your typed word will not necessarily be perceived as you thought you wrote it. If someones words seem to *rub* me the wrong way I will go read something else and come back to it. Sometimes it will still read the same way but I have let the SHOCK moment recede

MJ you know when I am talking in person that I will giggle every now and then...that is where the ....giggle...in my post come from kind of helps me put out there the lightness of the words I am trying to convey.

since I have had the privilege of meeting you a....insert breast grab here...or insert hair toss here or I am pointing now....would really help a little in knowing where you are going with your words.

also....if I may...it is REALLY hard for me to read some of your posts...can you try to put an enter in between thoughts so I can keep up a little better?
something like this...

What cha wanna chat about ? hmmmm

Making some changes to better effect the providers ?,

Stop all bullies?, notice if one person says one bad direct thing it becomes
a court yard bully attack on one person....

What the hell is Hijack a thread?

Joking and playing taken too personally?

now anyone have anything about me? giggle
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Old 07-10-2010, 09:23 AM   #5
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I'll chat!

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Old 07-10-2010, 09:32 AM   #6
April Showers
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Oh Lilith... I could go on and on about you and all the dirty little things I want to do but I am afraid that I may bore the guys if I do....
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Old 07-10-2010, 10:24 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by April Showers View Post
Oh Lilith... I could go on and on about you and all the dirty little things I want to do but I am afraid that I may bore the guys if I do....
Now April you are just being a tease cause now we have to use our imaginations and you know how us guys are we are just visual. Trying to make us think has been something women have been trying to do for centuries. Why do you think that old image of the caveman hitting his woman over the head and then dragging her to the cave is still around. No thinking involved.

So in my opinion just go ahead and tell us what you want to do to Lilith. Please on behalf of my species I am begging. If you paint the picture then we dont have to do any work and you know how that appeals to us. Well maybe some work by the hand might be accomplished.
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Old 07-10-2010, 10:27 AM   #8
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FD I have to agree with Lilith sometimes some of your posts just seem like you are not taking a breath put a pause in every once in a while. Now that I think about it doesnt Lea give breathing lessons. Just something to think about
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Old 07-10-2010, 12:27 PM   #9
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hey SAS welcome...how are you today?

April...not sure if bore would be the correct wording ;-)

elcid...giggle...you are just going to have to put forth a little effort darling...I can't exceed your fantasies if you don't think any up!
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Old 07-10-2010, 01:41 PM   #10
April Showers
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lol.... very well said lilith!

ok elcid, I will take pity on you and give you a little something to ponder.....

Picture lilith laying in bed just like her avatar there and me at her feet, my hands slowly sliding up her legs as I gently push them apart.....

ok now someone else gets to continue....

anyone can participate, lets see where this goes,LOL!
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Old 07-10-2010, 01:54 PM   #11
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FD - I agree with Lillith & April. I know you, probably as well as almost anyone on this board, and I have problems with your posts. Often they sound like "stream of conscious" ramblings more than organized thoughts/questions. Use of smilies does help, I try to use the or "hehe" "LOL" or the like.
I haven't seen anyone really bully anyone on this board. Most posts are meant constructively, even if critical. It is a protective group (it seems) and we all try to look out for each other. Sometimes putting things out in the open is appropriate, but there are times, especially when it involves personal information, it is best done back channel. We don't want to out anyone, especially if it may be a misunderstanding. If I recall, there is one client that FD has seen that many of us have turned down b/c he sounds like LE. Even then, I think he tries to stiff a girl (and not in the good way!) after a few visits. I think his basic (non-personal, maybe just his handle) info was shared via infoshare or maybe even providerbuzz site, I don't recall. But, as usual, I digress. That's me. Wordy as hell and forget my point.

eclid - Maybe we should take a few pics for you when us ladies end up in a big pile in Lilith's bed. Wouldn't that be a site? You'd have to guess who's what is what... just a big pile of legs, boobies, kitties, hands.... hehe. Mmmm I think I'm exciting myself. That's always been one of my fantasies... an all female orgy. Yummy!
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Old 07-10-2010, 03:14 PM   #12
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Old 07-10-2010, 04:46 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by JxnBiLady View Post
FD - I agree with Lillith & April. I know you, probably as well as almost anyone on this board, and I have problems with your posts. Often they sound like "stream of conscious" ramblings more than organized thoughts/questions. Use of smilies does help, I try to use the or "hehe" "LOL" or the like.
I haven't seen anyone really bully anyone on this board. Most posts are meant constructively, even if critical. It is a protective group (it seems) and we all try to look out for each other. Sometimes putting things out in the open is appropriate, but there are times, especially when it involves personal information, it is best done back channel. We don't want to out anyone, especially if it may be a misunderstanding. If I recall, there is one client that FD has seen that many of us have turned down b/c he sounds like LE. Even then, I think he tries to stiff a girl (and not in the good way!) after a few visits. I think his basic (non-personal, maybe just his handle) info was shared via infoshare or maybe even providerbuzz site, I don't recall. But, as usual, I digress. That's me. Wordy as hell and forget my point.

eclid - Maybe we should take a few pics for you when us ladies end up in a big pile in Lilith's bed. Wouldn't that be a site? You'd have to guess who's what is what... just a big pile of legs, boobies, kitties, hands.... hehe. Mmmm I think I'm exciting myself. That's always been one of my fantasies... an all female orgy. Yummy!

Well Tess wouldnt that be fun being Sam Slade and trying to match the picture to the various ladies. It might take a while but it would be a labor of love. And just think of all the fun that I would have doing it.
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Old 07-10-2010, 04:51 PM   #14
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April just the thought of where you are going with Lilith is revving my engine and since I jsut found out the she knows her way around an engine the tune up would be great. I have also travelled up those wonderful legs to the promised land so I know how that story ends

But to continue the thread: She grabs your hands and flips you onto your back so the guy who is watching can come to the bed and give you a deep kiss and then one to her and then both of them start to take your clothes off pausing now and then to nibble as they go...... cont.
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Old 07-10-2010, 09:43 PM   #15
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April slowly works her way up Lilith's long sexy legs, kissing them softly with an ocassional lick, Lilith is giggling softly with every lick. Meanwhile Lea is waiting for the just the right moment to put her strap on into April's wet sweet honey hole while stroking her own kitty with a mink glove.

I can dream can't I
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