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Coed Discussions - Upstate New York Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 07-05-2010, 09:53 PM   #31
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Love the avatar China. And yes they are IMO, thanks for the post monkeyking. a good one

Originally Posted by China Doll View Post
Yes, you're right. I too, have noticed the strong bias against people who do not regularly post. I don't understand why those who do not contribute as often are not entitled to their opinions.
fear!!!!!!! not worth it-another.
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Old 07-05-2010, 10:14 PM   #32
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It would appear to me that the best way to lessen the influence of the frequent posters, would be to add to the dialogue with different points of view. I hope I'm not brown nosing too much, but the Mods have done a tremendous job keeping these boards relatively civil. It's not until the threads get into name calling and character assasination that we can't all learn to appreciate a difference of opinion. Unless of course you're disagreeing with me and then that's totally unacceptable! LOL
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Old 07-05-2010, 10:23 PM   #33
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just having fun sorry carry on, and done with this post. And the story started on post 28
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Old 07-06-2010, 07:53 AM   #34
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Hostile? As one of those newbies, I'd say yes. Way too much drama around here.

It's like a high school "clique".

Makes me think about returning to lurker status.....

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Old 07-06-2010, 07:56 AM   #35
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Gentlemen and ladies...
It is true ... AT TIMES.. that this board can appear hostile and less civil than it can be. Instead though of always looking at the mods, it is the policy of this board that members try to police themselves. As mods we are simply referee's, trying to keep things from getting out of hand, whether or not it gets out of hand in the first place, is up to you the posters. Adding a lady mod would not control that. I saw it referenced several times in this thread about agenda's and ego's and blah blah blah... It is about that, on and individual basis. Only those who post know whether or not they have an agenda they are trying to promote, or if they are posting to boost their ego.. only they know...
The main purpose of this board is to share information and have fun... period. unfortunately, as with every disussion board, the forums will be infiltrated by those who have no ohter purpose than to stir shit up.. usually they post once or twice and then go away.
Now with regards to the several of us that are mods. Our goal (not supposing to speak for the others) is to try and keep some assemblance of peace, while enforcing what rules exist, for purposes you may or may not be aware of, so that we do have this information sharing forum at our hands. I think that we have been more than fair in trying to do this... I knwo that if we do have a problem that arises, we DO NOT air it first in public, we will send pm's out to the parties involved seeking clarification of their post, or proof as the case may be, and moving on from there... only in repeat circumstances, or when our attempts to solve this through back channels and in a personal manner fail, do you force our hands at solving issues publicly. As much as everyone thinks they know whats going on and why things are done, you may know, but then again you may not... our decisions are solely based on information we receive from parties involved.
Lastly, I will say it again, if we (you) members feel that this board is too hostile, then maybe we need to reflect upon ourselves and see if we are in some way responsible for some of the hostility we think exists... this inclused the admonishing of "newbies" when they post...
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Old 07-06-2010, 09:23 AM   #36
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Time to change the signature line.
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Old 07-06-2010, 10:44 AM   #37
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edit out per one of (sorry)

to all: I am no angel. Yet I have found that after I was part of a dispute. I will try and not to post in any thread started by, or thread that person has a great interest in for some time. And if they post in a thread of mine, well if they make a good point. thank them(go out of your way to thank them). If you do not think they made a good point let it pass.

jet airliner please don't take me to far away. Ok farther now please. As I get on that 707, and that other line about something in the city

and this is still a Grand illusion

hope the gals like the moody blues pick for them.

yes all ten have a meaning. The 4 steve miller band, me. The rest to some or all on the board.
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:42 AM   #38
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ok I am a bad boy. as to the jet. I wanted to not post for a week or two. And so as I go to work. I will try harder not to. As many do not understand me. Mods please pm me I will get back when I can thanks
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Old 07-06-2010, 12:28 PM   #39
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Hostile...?..Amusing would be the word that comes to mind for me. I'm still amused by the same guys high-5ing it after one of them reviews a local hottie. I don't know whats more amusing...the guys falling all over each other claiming to have bedded said provider, or the guys who say they are going to.

In my opinion, the only guys worthy of high-5ing one another are the guys who bed these local beauties without paying for their time...now THERE are the guys who I want to have a chat with.
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Old 07-06-2010, 12:48 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by silverfox View Post
I'm still amused by the same guys high-5ing it after one of them reviews a local hottie. I don't know whats more amusing...the guys falling all over each other claiming to have bedded said provider, or the guys who say they are going to.
This is a review site. If you don't think the reviews are useful, you are entitled to ignore them or this site, but not ridicule those who participate.
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Old 07-06-2010, 04:33 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by GP View Post
I have been saying this for months, but to no avail. Instead the board ownership decides to appoint some guy (I think he is from Hawaii) as an upstate mod who has only posted in this area 2 times that I can recall and one was the posts welcoming him. I say shit or get off the pot. If you are not going to do the job, I have no use for you.

[ass-kissing]PS: The rest of the mods are doing a spectacular job. [/ass-kissing]
Sorry I have not been active in this section of the board since being appointed as a mod. Dave, jack & jaymie are doing a fantastic job. I must say that I have been a little intimidated by this Upstate NY crew and this thread is appropriate from the posts I have read. I have been trying to get acclimated without being the new guy spouting off.

I won't make any excuses and will try to be more involved in this area.

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Old 07-06-2010, 05:40 PM   #42
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hey everyone....I am fairly new to this site fore say but O have watched on aspd and eccie since I came around a while ago......my first post ever on here I was attacked as well....but you see its not about getting people to stop by making the mods work even harder then they already have to or adding mods or w/e else.....its about getting them with kind intelligence..I posted my first comment on a entire thread of lotssss of people throwing out blame and freaking out about a situation with a past service I watched for days before posting, because I was the only one sitting there that actually knew the ENTIRE Story about this issue and was trying to figure out a way to diffuse the issue without handing out information that is unnecessary to hand out...when I posted someone freaked in their next post saying my word wasn't good enough and so on...simply instead of name calling and freaking out back I responded with a simple message of intellect and FACT and the person completely stopped...we are all in this together that's why we are here to get a hold of each other and read about each other.....and that's another point provider bashing is not right by any means.....someone may have rubbed you the wrong way or you don't click but the next hobbyist might see that person three times a week.....also we do all help each other I have gone to some of you guys on here for advise and i have gotten the same from them........its not so much about playing nice its about playing smart here guys........we all have our reasons for this but mostly its a whole different world then reality so why wouldn't you want it to be a great fun other world and leave all the stress at home or work or wherever else .....i know i do
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Old 07-06-2010, 07:26 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by KohanaKoa View Post
I won't make any excuses and will try to be more involved in this area.
I appreciate the anticipated effort.
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Old 07-07-2010, 10:31 AM   #44
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There's one reason only, albeit a fairly good one, for noting a reviewer's scarcity of previous posts: shills. An inherent inevitable part of all anonymous web postings, shills will be with us always. Readers of a forum like this are bound to see posters whose history is long and various as having more credibility.

Calling attention to a poster's scant history is completely valid, because it forms the basis for a judgment of credibility. But maybe there's a way to do it without leading to a situation where n00bs and lurkers feel hesitant to post lest they be flamed.

I have seen many here respond with "nice first review!" or "thanks for reviewing, please consult the guidelines." Those alert veteran readers to a statistic of interest, without intimidating a person whose post is regarded, at least for now, with valid skepticism.
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Old 07-07-2010, 01:39 PM   #45
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outing a supposed shill is kinda iffy. if you want to grow the upstate board it would be better to say nothing or make a comment that don't trash the review. can't say a poster is a shill though.
some comments i've seen in something like the ISO threads kill off any discussion right away when the poster is instructed to follow step one then step 2 then step 3,,,,,,, there isn't really that much dialogue on here to start with and maybe there are people (guys) who follow the code- never read the instructions !
instead of putting down something negative or insidious in a reply it would work to draw out responses with a discussion.
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