Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
One small correction, in my humble opinion.
A Master is a leader, not a ruler.
I do not rule, I lead. By listening, by working with my Submissive, Listening to her verbal and non verbal cues. By pushing and respecting limits. By creating scenarios that allow her to dive deeper into her submission, safely and with abandon.
I am charged with her care, emotional, physically and in a sense, spiritually. I am charged with keeping her spirit intact. Caring for her and pushing her.
I will add more later...
I have to agree with PPE on this thread.
I am a submissive who is a TRUE submissive. I live to please, to care for, to love the one who leads me. Not the one who "rules" me. In my mind a Dom who is looking to "rule" can become more then I can handle. More then I want to deal with.. He only becomes an "ass" in my eyes.
A TRUE Master will lead a submissive. Lead her to a darker side slowly, gently, and sensually. He will show her how to grow and know the other sides of herself, sides that she never knew before with out pushing her limits too far, too quickly. And all the while he will show her love and respect. This is what helps gain trust and respect.
In my eyes this is why a submissive can grow close and attached to her Master in a short period of time. And if he continues to show her that respect she will continute to to give back the same.
In my eyes a relationship that is respected to the fullest can turn into TRUE LOVE.

An uncollared Starr