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The Sandbox The Sandbox is a collection of off-topic discussions. Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a wide variety of other topics can be found here. If it's NOT hobby-related, then you're in the right place!

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Old 06-30-2010, 06:31 AM   #1
dirty dog
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I have been checking out the main boards, the Diamond and Tux board is similar to the sand box, they are far more harsh, argumentative and willing to call names than we are here in this forum, ours is civil in comparison, yet I have not see a MOD say one thing. I was just wondering what the difference is. Anyone care to enlighten me?
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Old 06-30-2010, 08:00 AM   #2
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Many ignore the Sandbox already. Personally, I don't like the pissing contests (like Diamond and Tux). I'm glad for the civility, even if it is imposed.

My $0.02 ...
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Old 06-30-2010, 08:24 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
I have been checking out the main boards, the Diamond and Tux board is similar to the sand box, they are far more harsh, argumentative and willing to call names than we are here in this forum, ours is civil in comparison, yet I have not see a MOD say one thing. I was just wondering what the difference is. Anyone care to enlighten me?
I noticed this as well. And if I'm not mistaken, there are some mods in that forum stirring up stuff as well. I agree with BB that we should have a certain amount of decorum here. But sometimes it is nice to call someone out on their BS.
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Old 06-30-2010, 09:54 AM   #4
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Disagreeing with opinions is fine....personal attacks are not! Discussions are fine, pissing contests are not. Adult like conversations are fine, child-like bickering is not.

DD....Keep in mind that the D&T forum is a national forum where a wider range of people post. It could be that is one of the reasons the rules are a bit more relaxed. City boards are in my view, different. They need to be ran in a way that the majority of the people are comfortable.

It is my opinion that here in KC we have a very small number of people that on occasion seem to get carried away. I can either let the minority run wild or do what I think the majority want.

Between here and ASPD I have been a staff member for about 10 years. I have seen what can happen if things, even a specific forum, are allowed to run wild. It starts with one forum then spills over to the others. As long as I have anything to say about it, that won't happen in KC or St. Louis.

When the time comes where what I think is right and best for KC differs from what the majority believe, I will gracefully move on. Until then.................
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Old 06-30-2010, 11:46 AM   #5
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Damn It LOL! I thought your post was going to be about why people are afraid to talk about or post on different topics outside of "political" or "have you seen" type posts.

We don't even really talk about things like sports anymore. PS Free Agent starts tomorrow (midnight LOL), and all hell is getting ready to break loose LOL. Lebron going to Heat or Bulls or staying with Cavs LOL? You get my point about we need some new material in the Sandbox LOL.

Maybe it's like saying the Main Board is the world (where anybody can do anything they choose) versus the KC Board is like being at home (where your dad/mom don't allow you to treat your siblings or parents with disrespect). Seems to be the best analogy I can think of as to why the moderators decipher what is acceptable and not acceptable on here in the KC Section.

If we all would start talking more about fun sexual stuff (experiences/fantasies/silly happenings, desires/needs, jokes, etc) instead of politics 24/7 & who can piss farther than the other, I think most of the fighting would cease to exist.

If the Sandbox was more enjoyable and safer to enter, more people would participate instead of all but a handful that banter back and forth until the thread finally tires like a toddler or worse...gets closed by a moderator.

Doesn't matter what it is. If it is the same old shit all day & all night, eventually boredom sets in causing others to move on to where there is FUN!

I'll be the 1st to admit. Lately I have been straying away from the KC Board, and have been perusing other boards in search of more interesting topics. Sorry
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Old 06-30-2010, 11:54 AM   #6
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I wasn't saying it was bad, it was just different. Like Pappa sometimes it is nice to call BS but I do not think that the board should be wide open, There are strong, dominate personalitys on this board, of which I am one I freely admit so there is a need for control. I just wondered how fair it is to assign points in one group while others can run wild and not get points.

So Bubba, Iam not saying your not needed.........

BB - yes some people avoid the sandbox, I think these people are the type that feel like they can make statements and their statements are not to be challenged, when they are questioned or challenged they get offended. I am sorry that they do, but I expect everything I type to be challenged by someone in someway. I believe some of the women expect that they can say what they want and get a bit of a pass, when they dont they get offended, especially when they are debating men, who as all men know tend to get agressive and call each other names, its not personal its just how men debate. Women for the most part are not used to this and take offense IMHO, which I am sure someone will challenge.
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Old 06-30-2010, 12:07 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth View Post
Damn It LOL! I thought your post was going to be about why people are afraid to talk about or post on different topics outside of "political" or "have you seen" type posts.

We don't even really talk about things like sports anymore. PS Free Agent starts tomorrow (midnight LOL), and all hell is getting ready to break loose LOL. Lebron going to Heat or Bulls or staying with Cavs LOL? You get my point about we need some new material in the Sandbox LOL.

Maybe it's like saying the Main Board is the world (where anybody can do anything they choose) versus the KC Board is like being at home (where your dad/mom don't allow you to treat your siblings or parents with disrespect). Seems to be the best analogy I can think of as to why the moderators decipher what is acceptable and not acceptable on here in the KC Section.

If we all would start talking more about fun sexual stuff (experiences/fantasies/silly happenings, desires/needs, jokes, etc) instead of politics 24/7 & who can piss farther than the other, I think most of the fighting would cease to exist.

If the Sandbox was more enjoyable and safer to enter, more people would participate instead of all but a handful that banter back and forth until the thread finally tires like a toddler or worse...gets closed by a moderator.

Doesn't matter what it is. If it is the same old shit all day & all night, eventually boredom sets in causing others to move on to where there is FUN!

I'll be the 1st to admit. Lately I have been straying away from the KC Board, and have been perusing other boards in search of more interesting topics. Sorry
Have you started a thread about sports sexy, I would love to talk football, personally though I do not like hockey, or Basketball or snoreball (baseball), this is why I dont start sports threads, I start political threads because that seems to be what people participate in. I know you and most of you out there will find this hard to believe but I dont really like the drama either, I tried to start a repectfull thread about a senator that died and it turned into a thread about why some can't be respectful. Is that my fault? I guess it could be but had I not said anything, the haters would have just piled on and then it would have been a hatefill thread about a dead democrat, instead of a man who devoted 50 years to this country. If you look I have started a lot of threads and have tried to start threads that are not political such as my threads about guns, who are shooters, name that mobster, very few participate. So I am all for topics and threads about fun things, start some!!!!!!!!

I think some of the problem is there were a string of events that brought many emotional issues to debate and feelings got hurt over them, immigration, BP disaster, the war etc. I also believe that many feel like they should be able to comment and expect what they say to be taken at face value, when it doesn't peoples feelings get hurt.

I would love to discuss issues that are not related to politics or emotial subjects, but no one starts the thread.
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Old 06-30-2010, 03:37 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth View Post
If we all would start talking more about fun sexual stuff (experiences/fantasies/silly happenings, desires/needs, jokes, etc) instead of politics 24/7 & who can piss farther than the other, I think most of the fighting would cease to exist.
I always thought political or religious discussions are counterproductive here. We find something in common that brings us together (the hobby). We help each other out through reviews, alerts, ads and hobby related discussions. We begin to make some friends. Then we start a political thread that makes many of the new friends hate each other. That is my idea of dumb.

Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth View Post
If the Sandbox was more enjoyable and safer to enter, more people would participate instead of all but a handful that banter back and forth until the thread finally tires like a toddler or worse...gets closed by a moderator.

Doesn't matter what it is. If it is the same old shit all day & all night, eventually boredom sets in causing others to move on to where there is FUN!
You and quite a few others.

Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth View Post
If I'll be the 1st to admit. Lately I have been straying away from the KC Board, and have been perusing other boards in search of more interesting topics. Sorry
You and quite a few others. Great post BF!
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Old 06-30-2010, 03:40 PM   #9
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cheapers thought on this is we have more class than those bastards plus I bet we as a whole bust more fakes on here because so many people stick around for longer. I mean points or not I bust balls on newbies because i earn my respect. sorry to the powers that be i would never pay to be on a site but i earn my way the hard way with time. I must say the old guys get alittle more layway than others but hay thats the way it is. just like this hi dirty how are you doing good I hope just wanted to say fuck off & the cannoli's you be eating.
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:52 AM   #10
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Damn cheaper what did I do now
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Old 07-01-2010, 12:17 PM   #11
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Cheaper.....I would warn you for taking a shot a DD but I'm not really sure what you said.....LOL!!!

I agree with Omahan. I have never done a scientific study but my gut tells me that about 70% of the threads dealing with politics or religion have posts where someone has taken something or made something personal.

Cheaper....if you are taking shots......stop it!!
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