Originally Posted by mtndew
I started out as a huge Hornet fan, thanks to the Van Williams-Bruce Lee TV series in 1966-67. Branched out and now have a collection of the radio shows and a hardback copy (signed by Williams) of some of the NOW Comics
Green Hornet comics... er, excuse me,
graphic novels, that came out in the 1990s.
Anyway, my first reaction to "Seth Rogen is the Green Hornet" was, "Whatthefuck? Seth Rogen is the Green Hornet?
Seth Rogen?" I was sort of dreading it (but of course I'd go see it, because, to quote Lewis Black, "I'm a fucking
IDIOT!!!", and that's how I roll).
The trailer does look promising, surprisingly so. I figure the movie will bomb at the box office, but I'll watch it in the theater at least once, and I can see putting the DVD on the shelf next to my copies (yes, copies, deal with it
) of
Watchmen (another underrated superhero movie, IMHO, but that's a subject for another threadjack sometime).
I liked the quote because (and the trailer bears it out, I think), that's exactly the approach where "Seth Rogen is the Green Hornet" makes sense. He is a virtuoso at playing "irresponsible idiot". The thing's going to be, can he then show enough acting chops to play "serious vigilante hero"? That will be the interesting question.
FWIW, can find that quote (and much more, and the trailer again) in an interview that the SuperHeroHype website did with Michael Gondry (director) and Rogen here:
bcg (ok, that's all...)