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Old 06-21-2010, 09:20 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by rex4998 View Post

I see people in the gym all the time, and have seen them for months and years on end, and they never look like they are getting anywhere. And, I'll notice they are always doing the same thing. Again and again. They think "cardio will make me skinny" when in reality, the quickest way to physical change is by adding in resistance training to strengthen your muscles. Your muscles are what burns calories, and by your entire body being more physically active, you will shed pounds quicker, be more tone, and see more results vs. just cardio.

I’ll also add that it is a complete MYTH that women who lift weights will get “bulky”. The fact of the matter is that women get “leaner” when lifting. They do not possess the chemical compounds (i.e. testosterone, etc.) that males do that build bulky muscle. Women who do bulk up take a LOT of supplements to achieve their results, and they also lift in a muscle building manner (read: heavy weight, lower reps). So, women should NEVER shy away from resistance training out of fear of bulking up. Finding resistance levels that they can do reps of 15 to 20 per set is ideal for tone (vs. picking a weight that is heavy and you can only get in 4-8 repetitions per set).

Anyways, if you would like to discuss this topic more in private, feel free to PM me.

A lot of ladies will ask for advice on how to lose weight. The last time this question was asked, I advised lifting weights and got something along the lines of 'I don't like weights.' I have even suggested just adding some body-weight squats to start, but people tend to want a quick fix that will most likely only lead to failure. Forget long-term results and the hard work it takes to get those results.

Anyway, awesome post.

*now...back into lurk mode...*


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Old 06-21-2010, 09:36 PM   #32
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I'll also add that losing fat, toning up, and getting "fit" is a lifestyle change. It's not something you can do, achieve, and then go back to your old habits and expect to stay "fit".

One of my soapboxes is people ranting that low carb diets don't work and that you just gain the weight back (or any "diet" for that matter, low carb or not). That is sooooo incorrect. Low carb diets melt fat away because you deplete all of the glycogen (carbs) in your body, and once this happens, your body goes into ketosis. Ketones are broken down fat stores that your body uses for energy in the absence of glycogen. Low carb diets are one of the absolute FASTEST ways to lose fat (because nearly all of your daily energy needs are met through synthesis of the ketones, or better put, by synthesizing your fat!).

The reason most people gain the weight back is because after they get to their desired weight level, they get off the low carb system and regress to their old eating habits (which generally means more calories than they burn, and thus steady fat accumulation). It's not that you gain the weight back after getting off the low carb diet. It's that your bad habits undo all of the work that ketosis did.

so, when asking if P90X works, yes, it does (as almost every eat right / workout right plan does, whether it be P90X, Body-For-Life, etc.). But if you go back to your old habits, regardless of what method you used to trim down (P90X, low carb, etc.), you'll just go back to your old self because you aren't embracing the concept of proper nutrition and exercise.

/end rant
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Old 06-21-2010, 09:56 PM   #33
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All you have to do is put yourself in a calorie deficit. thats it. Burn more calories than you take in. Anyone can do that by just limiting their calorie intake and taking an aerobics or step class at your local gym a few times a week. and better yet, wieght training.
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:25 AM   #34
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Ron B - bingo. Eat/drink less, exercise more. Pick your program, it doesn't matter which one. There are no shortcuts. The MOST important success factor is a regular routine that you can stick with. If you want advice on how to structure a routine that you can stick with, feel free to PM me.
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:26 AM   #35
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It does work if you do it step by step. A few of my guys used it before we deployed again, I told them they could have given me the money they paid for it, I could have just PT ed them to death...lol
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Old 07-07-2010, 01:22 AM   #36
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You guys should try Insanity it is a more intense version of P90X in which work outs vary between 20minutes and 60 minutes. Same results as P90X except it'll get you there in 60 days instead of 90. Good luck. Have seen several providers who have been doing P90X, none of them have had "zero results."
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Old 07-07-2010, 08:07 AM   #37
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I would agree with what Rex4998 and Ron Burgandy have said.

P90X is great for beginners because most people (men and women) are intimidated by the gym atmosphere at first. This will put you in your own home and produce results, as long as you follow a sensible diet.

I would say this program is going to help you get started, see some results, and motoviate you to take it the next level. Keep in mind that at some point, this program will not be difficult anymore. Our bodies are highly adaptive so that's why they change the movements up so much. The problem is, it's the intensity that and workload our bodies adapt to so this program will only work for so long.

I would highly recommend anyone on a workout program create an account on http://www.fitday.com. This will track your calories for you and tell you exactly how much you are eating.

The most basic diet you can follow is:

1. Don't drink your calories (sodas, tea w/sugar, etc.)
2. Cut out the junk (candy, chips, fast food)
3. Time your carbs - try to eat your complex carbs in the morning to mid day. Don't eat them at night
4. Don't cut out all fats; fat is needed
5. Getting a hamburger and french fries, but with a diet coke doesn't count as dieting
6. starving yourself all day and then gorging at night will not work
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Old 07-07-2010, 02:17 PM   #38
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I actually did p90x starting back in Feb to April and loved it. Lets face it they are not offering a miracle cure. They are just giving you the tools to do it yourself. Do these exercises and eat like this and you will see results. I was never for video workouts but the thing about p90x is they mix it up and their videos are quality. You are doing different videos each week and alternating each month to get new exercises in. You won't get bored with it. Also they give you the option of doing it without sound so you just get the prompts when to start the exercise and when to stop. Which helps because after 90 days you get tired of listening to Tony.

My background - I was out of shape and 235lbs. 6'1". The exercises killed me but after two weeks and a great deal of pain, I noticed it was getting easier with each week and after each month and the photos I was seeing good results. Even if you can't keep up, you can pause it, rest, and continue. By the end of my 90 days, I was actually fast forwarding through their breaks as it was two slow for me. In the end, I was 210lbs and had tacked on muscle with that weight loss. Clothes fit better and my energy was so much more abundant.

I have now been doing my own variation of work outs, biking, running and kayaking with a good healthy diet I learned from p90x. Starting in August, I am actually going to start Insanity which is another Beach Body Product. Can't Wait.
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