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Old 05-10-2009, 11:35 AM   #1
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Wink Guaranteed Bail Money

I am starting this thread for some input to evaluate whether or not there is an interest. I have discussed this with T-Bone and I think we both agree that this could have some merit. First it would not be in any way connected to this board or any other board. It has to be a separate entity of its own. The purpose would be to provide bail for providers and/or hobbyist that should be arrested in the Metroplex only at least for now. It would be ideally an organization of volunteers to manage, negotiate and contact bail bondsman who has agreed in advance of program participation, possibly include legal representation through prenegotiated rates as well. The group in charge would consist of 10 to 12 individuals that would include hobbyist and providers.

There would be a cost involved to participate in the program. Not sure but think it could be accomplished for about $100.00 per provider and maybe $50.00 for a hobbyist. Again these are off the wall type numbers. These would be a onetime charge to establish a trust to back the gaurantee hopefully. The way it would work is if you are arrested, you would have a list of people you could get in touch with, they would then notify the Bondsman to post bond with this organization guaranteeing the money. You will be required to pay back any funds forwarded on your behalf. If you want your own lawyer, which would be fine, if you want the organizations lawyer you would be expected to pay the groups rate.

Now to be a member as a provider my thoughts are you can only join if you are a recognized provider from one of the local boards. New entries joining into the organization would be taught how to screen properly, how not to send up red flags on themselves and so on in order to enroll, hobbyist would have to be recognized by various boards as well. This would in my opinion provide some security to the providers allow all of us to help new members to do things correctly and help bring good people to the boards.

An additional thought I had, is in strength there are numbers. If the organization wanted to branch out, it could get into providing possible a group healthcare for providers at a reduced cost.

I am looking for input and whether there is an interest for this type of group. Realize this is only one man’s thoughts and he needs tremendous input from the community. Your opinions will determine to pursue these ideas.
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Old 05-10-2009, 07:19 PM   #2
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I think it is an admirable and ambitious idea.
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Old 05-10-2009, 07:26 PM   #3
wookin' pa nub
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Agreed. I don't know what other legal issues may be involved, but have thought I'd sure like to have a couple of reputable numbers on speeddial if something ever occurred.

I'd be interested.
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Old 05-10-2009, 11:46 PM   #4
Kelly TNT
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Default I like it.

Sadly, I know of Several providers in the area that have been busted. This was years ago. At that time they all worked for someone else. So, they had someone to call and show them how to handle everything. The Independent Providers don't have that support system.

The laws have changed over the years...and I bet a lot of us don't have the First clue on What to do if it ever happened.

(Suddenly I feel sick to my Vagina)

I think it would be quite comforting knowing I had a "SET PLAN" in case something like this ever happened to me. Shit, I can't believe I don't Already have a set plan. WTFO?!

Good Thread. I hope others see the benefit behind this.

I know I sure do!

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**Oh, I can be the Money Holder...er...r...er.**
(Or not. Whatever.)

~Kelly TNT
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Old 05-11-2009, 06:06 AM   #5
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I'm sorry but IMO this is a bad idea. I take personal responsibility for my actions.
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Old 05-11-2009, 09:34 PM   #6
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Default SP, I have always done the same, but

SP, I have always done the same, but I have become aware recently, that most ladies don't. Am I saying it will work, NO. That is why I have floated this thread. I see a need for it, but not sure the people who need it the most realize it. The other side of it, if nothing else is accomplished, it will make some aware of their need for a plan. It is my understanding, when they get busted the police take all of your cash, cell phone and hold it for evidence. It is difficult for anyone to be in this situation, and I am sure they are not treated very well by the guards.
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Old 05-12-2009, 06:57 AM   #7
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CF your intentions are admirable, however Step One: we admitted we were powerless over OTHER peoples lives.............

I've done the save a HO thing before all it leads to is you being disappointed and out lots of money.

You youself admitted the ones that need it the most don't realize it, one day they might.
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Old 05-13-2009, 10:02 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Kelly TNT View Post

Suddenly I feel sick to my Vagina)

~Kelly TNT
Awwwww! Can I kiss it and make it better?

I love your sense of humor! Its such a turn on!
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