I don't believe in Karma per se, but I
DO have a great belief in the "Three Fold Law" - Any energy you send out, shall return to you three-fold.
If you're a dick and you act like a dick and you do dickly things and surround yourself with dickly people, eventually it
WILL come back to get you. It may not be visible to those around you, but you'll know it.
Ever sat at the deathbed of a pure-d black-hearted person and listened to them apologize for every crap thing they'd done or make bargains with their God? They knew what they had to look forward to.
I believe in the reverse as well. If you get up every morning and do your level best to be good to others without expect anything in return that you will be "rewarded";
NOT monetarily necessarily, but with a full, good and happy life.
If you can go to bed at night secure in the knowledge that you haven't hurt anyone for pleasure or gain or on purpose; if you've done things for others without thought of "evensies", just for the personal pleasure of seeing them happy, you will be "rewarded".
Or maybe I just tell myself those things to make myself feel better. IAE, it seems to have worked for me

The older I get, the more I know and the more I've seen, the more interested I become in Wicca and its ethics and mores.