Originally Posted by PIMP
Yea everyone should rent this guys "ranch" girls for more money, nice try dude!
Your a threat to the hobby, you have brought nothing but trouble to our community. Ella was busted and cooperated with LE. You keep bringing unwanted attention to us which we do not need.
I will be relieved to see your face on the evening news soon. I wonder how many hobbyist whom you keep personal information on that you will take down with you. You are able to continuously expose those who do not stand for your BS. You went as far as to post personal information about a moderator. This should be a sign of what is to come for the rest of the hobbyist who have given you their hard earned money and trusted you and your mini criminals with their lives and well being.
I can gladly say without a doubt that I am not going to be one of them. Good luck to the rest of the men who continue to harbor this disgrace to our community which was once known for being some of the most upstanding and highly regarded hobbyist in the south.