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Old 06-08-2010, 06:55 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
(can't resist) A conspiracy theory from Longermonger? The RIGHT wing press was covering for Bush???

You do know it is possible for people to do two or three things at the same time? ie; gay prostitute, reporter, not much difference between the two.
No theory here, just facts. Jeff Gannon was given peferential treatment by the White House and got his Journalist credentials from a weekend course at the Leadership Institute (Karl Rove has very close ties to this place).

Of course you could ignore facts and dismiss the rest as mere theory, but that means you must accept the unlikely scenario that a homosexual prostitue just decided on his own accord to become a right-wing pseudo-journalist for GOPUSA.com, infiltrate the White House, fool the Secret Service, and become best buddies with Rove, Bush, and Scottie. That theory makes him sound like a one-man CIA with no motive.
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Old 06-09-2010, 12:21 AM   #17
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Well, back in class again. What I want to know is Longermonger going to call me Doctor in a couple more years?
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Old 06-09-2010, 07:26 AM   #18
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A true devotee' or admirer of resourceful journalism would never post a link to a Midget Korean Submarine re the Gulf Spill. WTF? To me it counters all that you espouse re the expertise and qualifications of a news source.

I thought you could get a PHD in weeks from an online university?
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Old 06-09-2010, 08:52 AM   #19
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"I thought you could get a PHD in weeks from an online university?"

Dont know, you tell us which one did you get yours from?

"A true devotee' or admirer of resourceful journalism would never post a link to a Midget Korean Submarine re the Gulf Spill. WTF? To me it counters all that you espouse re the expertise and qualifications of a news source."

Just asking here but couldn't the same be said for your comments. Was it necessary to give JG a back handed slap, or is that just your way? BY the way if I am not mistaken I believe he is attending KU, but correct me if I am wrong JG.

Cat please explain to me how your comment provided any imput to this thread other than being the vehicle from which you could deliver an insult aimed at JG. Are Progressives/Liberals taught at their training camp to attack personally anyone they disagree with and cant formulate a educated response too? Just a question?
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:12 AM   #20
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Back to the topic...

Megyn Kelly is a real journalist. She has some pretty good analysis and she can hold her own in an interview setting:


She gets my vote.
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:55 AM   #21
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DD- I started working at 13 years old and went to a bona fide college and paid every cent out of my own pocket earned by working a 40 hour week at the same time. 2 weeks after graduation I enlisted in the Army(1969). FYI I shot every weapon that they had available at the time.

I did use the G.I Bill later to fill out missing parts of my education and to make some beer money.

Here is why my comments have some validity. If you let the big lie go on without challenge it can become credible. Dropping hints and links of NKorean Midget Submarines in the Gulf is a Matt Drudge rumor type of thing. If one person believes it without comment it is a disservice to journalistic truth which was the point of the thread.

If you don't stand up for truth then you live and accept a lie.
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Old 06-09-2010, 10:26 AM   #22
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" I started working at 13 years old and went to a bona fide college and paid every cent out of my own pocket earned by working a 40 hour week at the same time. 2 weeks after graduation I enlisted in the Army(1969). FYI I shot every weapon that they had available at the time."

Oh and you know something about JG that we don't. How do you know he didnt do just what you described. Your experience entitles your to belittle his accomplisments. Why is this? What is special about you, that your entitled to do this?

I have looked for a link, never found one, in fact the only mention of N.Korean mini subs was a comment from JG that Micheal Savage spoke of them and there was some talk on Google, he never said he agreed or disagreed with the comment, in fact the comment was in repsonse to the thread vearing towards conspiracies for a moment. Out of this how is JG promoting the "big lie".

"I have heard, only heard, that Michael Savage was talking about a North Korean ship that left port in Cuba three days before the blow. This ship was supposed to be able to carry a mini sub and had no legitemate reason to be in the area. Never heard it myself mind you but heard about it through the grape vine.

Goggle search reveals that it has been talked about quite a bit; pro and con.

I guess that is a very good reason to thoroughly investigate and I don't mean BP or Obama. I mean the US Navy. "

Lets be honest here, you dont like JG because he has beliefs which differ from yours, so you tend to isolate his postings so you can attack and belittle him. I may be an asshole, opinionated, forceful, straight to the point etc. But I try very hard not to make it personal, sometimes I fail, but for the most part its just debate. You liberals have to learn to be able to debate a topic without hating the other side.
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Old 06-09-2010, 10:55 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
You liberals have to learn to be able to debate a topic without hating the other side.
They can't help themselves. The supposed ideology of tolerance is not tolerant of ideas that differ from their own.
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:15 AM   #24
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DD I read your post and the part where you said ' I may be an ***hole and such' and I commend you for your truth in posting.

'You liberals....' How do you know I am not a 'centrist" that just doesn't like the far out fringes of the 2 parties?

Me thinks thou dost protest too much about how you feel so bad and your feelings get hurt just because you are a conservative with weapons. Well trust me you are not a mainstream American by any sense, nor God help us all will you ever be. Beware of the self proclaimed richeous.

Good for JG for serving his country and trying to improve his education at a place for higher learning. The there is hope that he will politically evolve to the "rational self interest" of his handle. Happened to me.

You ain't injured by comments from any as you describe liberal poster you just like to make noise.
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:51 AM   #25
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I forgot to quote, so this is in reference to DD and NSA's posts.

That could be said of both sides wouldn't you say, not just one.

Doesn't matter if you're liberal, republican, indie...etc, people in general need to learn the fine art of debating and how to discuss a topic without insulting, shoving beliefs off on them, etc.
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:51 AM   #26
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"Me thinks thou dost protest too much about how you feel so bad and your feelings get hurt just because you are a conservative with weapons. Well trust me you are not a mainstream American by any sense, nor God help us all will you ever be. Beware of the self proclaimed richeous."

Are you taking medication? Where did I say I was hurt by anything you or anyone else has stated. Statistics point out that I am closer to the mainstream than you are, and I never proclaimed myself richeous. This response is just proof of what I have stated. You cant respond to what I wrote because you were wrong to attack him and you know, since you can't defend your actions you must then attack me personally. By the way what do any weapons I might own have to do with thread? Are you suggesting that I am only a conservative because I have weapons?

"DD I read your post and the part where you said ' I may be an ***hole and such' and I commend you for your truth in posting."

Well no problem, I have stated it more than once. Did you think what you wrote would offend me. You have a very inflated image of selfworth, if you think for a moment, I take anything you or anyone else says about me serious. You see the difference between you and I, I would rather be an asshole than pompous and arrogant.

"You ain't injured by comments from any as you describe liberal poster you just like to make noise."

Like I said before, I never claimed you injured me, so really dont skip your medication. As for making noise, read your last post. I am seriously doubting you completed your education as you described previously, at least cheaper has a valid excuse for his posting.
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:55 AM   #27
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"That could be said of both sides wouldn't you say, not just one.

Doesn't matter if you're liberal, republican, indie...etc, people in general need to learn the fine art of debating and how to discuss a topic without insulting, shoving beliefs off on them, etc."

Elena, your right but since I was addressing him, I taylored my comments to him. But in response to your points, I taylor my responses to whats directed at me, if you have an attitude when you direct something to me, I will respond in kind, if your nice, I am nice, its a charactor flaw, but oh well, thats me.
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Old 06-09-2010, 12:25 PM   #28
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Sometimes you go into a quiet bar just to have a cold one and relax. Then some guy sits beside you and talks about being a straight shootin a**hole, straight forward and that stuff.....and normally you just move away to a safer place.

"Editing here on my part but; I would rather be an a**hole than pompous and arrogant." pilgrim the truth is you just hit a triple with you false humility.

I am going now to look at titty pictures and better myself.

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Old 06-09-2010, 12:38 PM   #29
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What ever, see you around the next time you feel the need to attack someone personally. Your the little yappy dog that hides under the table, runs out and bites someone on the ankle and then runs back under the table and hides, and I see that once again you failed to answer the questions I asked and went straight to the personal attacks, your nothing if not consistant. Have a great day.

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Old 06-09-2010, 01:14 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
The style of writing characteristic of material in newspapers and magazines, consisting of direct presentation of facts or occurrences with little attempt at analysis or interpretation.
One small change. Analysis is actually quite acceptable. For example: An article on growing numbers of college graduates with heavy debt from student loans (fact) having trouble finding employment (fact) and that this may have an impact on the housing market by lessening the available pool of first-time homebuyers (analysis). That's solid writing.

In context, I think the word you're looking for is editorializing. On that score you're completely correct, IMO. There's very little journalism anymore - most articles are thinly veiled op-ed.
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