Originally Posted by oldyoungkid
had a question for the community ... i stand at a "gigantic" 5-foot, 5-inches tall  , not sure if that's small or average height ... but, I have been intrigued for a while about meeting up with a lady who is taller, maybe something in the range of 5-8 or 5-9 .. as you could probably decipher, I have yet to do so ...
I'm curious to know if that would be classified as a fetish?
plus, for the ladies, what's your feeling on meeting a man that you are taller than?? would it be no big deal? a deal killer??
any input is welcomed!!

I love men that are shorter than myself. I posted a thread in the main discussion forum many months back about the *short & tall of it*.
As the men I see tend to be shorter than me. And one is 4'11 and the sweetest most energetic sexual being I've know. And YES I have to wear my 6" heels for him. He wouldn't have it any other way.
Another is someone on the E. Coast whom I've known for a good long time whom I call my Joe Pesci. When we go to dinner arm in arm. I wear my 6"inch heels all while he stands at 5'5.
I feel like a beautiful woman when I'm with a man shorter than myself.
It's hard to explain. But they seem to appreciate and treat women in a different way. (per my experience).
But that doesn't go without saying. That I love standing on my toes to kiss a tall man. Seems strange looking UP at tall man as I very seldom meet someone taller than myself. But it's sexy!
Do I consider it a fetish? No. I consider it natural to be attracted to someone taller or shorter than oneself.