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Old 06-05-2010, 10:21 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Review: Neotek and CanDo01...the ultimate PSE/BFE combo

Date: 06/05/2010
Provider: Neotek and CanDo01
Phone: Upon screening
Email Address: Upon screening
URL / Website: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=57336
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Upscale hotel in Dallas
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes, a little late but forgivable.
Activities: Gorilla suit, rescue from gorilla, CanDo tossing (no midgets available), hamster play,BFE/PSE, DATY/DATO, TUMA, CIM (in theirs, not mine), COF (theirs, not mine), ASS SLAPPIN', HAIR PULLIN', BITIN', DFK, LFK, DOGGY, FOOD PLAY, LIGHT TUBE SOCK BONDAGE, GREEK NOT ON THE MENU.....YET (CanDo is more receptive to anal play, YMMV, see ROS), MSOG available and inclusive, crying and humiliation, spooning, cuddling, and pillow talk.
Session Length: 2 hours (went WAY over but I tipped well)
Fee: YMMV but buy about seven crates of tomatoes just in case
Hair Length and Color: Both dark brown, one long haired and the other medium-length (SEE ROS)
Age: early to mid 30's but they look a lot younger in person, IMHO
Smoking Status: Non smokers.
Ethnic Background: Neotek: Russian CanDo: Native American
Physical Description: Neotek: Russian PSE man beast sex God, 6'1, athletic build, dark hair, made of steel and rage, gorgeous deep brown eyes, seven tattoos including one of Gary Coleman (SEE ROS), no metal, pics are accurate (yes the avatar is really him!); CanDo01: About the same height and weight, Native American BFE+++++++, long, dark hair and dark eyes, beautiful tan, these two are a really hot pair.
Recommendation: Yes

Rest Of Story:

I was trolling through ECCIE the other day, looking for something new and exciting. I came across something that I had not tried before when I saw the ad that CanDo01 posted for doubles with him and Neotek. I was apprehensive at first...what could this lead to? Would I like it? It seemed so very taboo...yet I was intrigued. I decided to throw caution to the wind, TOFTT, and I made the call.

CanDo answered the phone immediately, and it took me by surprise. It was as though he could feel I was about to call. He has a very sultry, raspy voice...sort of like Barry White meets my chain-smoking Grandfather. I was instantly aroused, but I didn't let on; I played it cool. I had already seen Neotek a couple times, so screening was not an issue. I am a busy lady, so I asked if it would be possible for them to make an outcall, which they were hesitant about, but I promised to buy a hamster for Neo (his request, I just like to make the providers as comfortable as possible) so they agreed. We made arrangements to meet ASAP. I went out and bought a nice bottle of wine, an economy sized box of Magnum XL's, a hamster (per Neo's request), a ski mask, a package of tube socks, and a banana for the event. I was dripping with anticipation......

They called me when they arrived, although they were about 20 minutes late, but they let me know that there was a lot of traffic, so I wasn't too upset. They have excellent communication.

When I opened the door, I was very pleased. Both of their pictures are very accurate. CanDo was wearing a skimpy mesh tank top and daisy dukes...he had his thong pulled up just enough so I could see the hint of hot pink peeking over the top, and the way they were hugging his curves had me exploding with eagerness. His long, raven hair and natural, all over tan were almost too much. Then I turned my attention to Neo. Let me just say that this guy personifies that immeasurable quality of "hotness" that is spoken of so frequently on these boards. He's tall, beautiful eyes, and has several new tattoos, but I did not find them distracting at all, except for the one on his ass of Gary Coleman, but if you squint just right, it looks like Emmanuel Lewis, who I find to be far more attractive but I digress.... Neo was dressed a bit differently; I had made a very special request for him to role play with us as a gorilla that had escaped from the zoo and was on a sexual rampage, fucking and sucking everything/everyone in sight... He was wearing his gorilla suit, but he didn't have the head on, as to not attract the attention of my nose-y neighbors. There were beads of sweat forming on his upper lip, glistening in the sunlight. It was all I could do refrain from licking the sweat from his beautiful face. I was ready for the fun to begin, and invited them inside.

As soon as I closed the door, the two of them were on me like white on rice. CanDo, standing in front of me, let his hair down from his ponytail, and shook his head out like a shampoo commercial...I think it was even in slow motion, although I am not sure how he did that, it must have been all that
MAGIC. Ladies, I dare you to resist all that magic! Neotek was behind me with the banana I had purchased for this tawdry event, and he teased me with the unpeeled love fruit. Before I knew it, hands were exploring, hair was being flung about, and fur was flying! Neo quickly got into character, and picked CanDo up and threw him across the room (the rampage part of the fantasy), and grunting, he tore my clothes off and began some hot banana play. Once CanDo regained consciousness, he stripped down to his hot pink t-backs (SC reference!), opened up the bag of tube socks, and put on the ski mask. His role was to save me from this savage Russian gorilla-beast, so he jumped on Neo's back, tied him up with the socks, lifted the gorilla head and shoved one in his mouth for good measure before putting the head back on. I could see the glint in Neo's eye as he did this...he was very aroused. Once the beast was subdued, CanDo was ready for his turn. He grabbed me by my hair and gave me a passionate DFK. CanDo is very BFE. He grabbed a cover, and we fell back onto the bed for some very intense k9 action. After about 30 minutes, Neo was making whimpering sounds, and we were snapped back into reality! CanDo went over and removed the gorilla head and sock from his mouth, and we noticed Neo had been crying. That glint of arousal I thought I had seen when CanDo was gagging him with the tube sock, was not a glint at all; It was tears welling up in his eyes, and a sign of things to come. I quickly untied him, as I was afraid we had crossed some kind of unspoken boundary, as sometimes happens during threesomes. He told us he was upset because he wanted to play with the hamster, so I let him have the little guy. His face lit up like a child on Christmas Day! I asked him what else he had in store for the critter, and without saying a word, CanDo spread his butt cheeks and motioned for me to put it in the holiest of holies. I agreed, and he moaned with pleasure as I inserted the rodent deep inside him. He really enjoyed this, but Neotek was quickly upset again, and the crying really became a bit of a distraction. I turned around and slapped the shit out of him, which made him very happy, and we left CanDo and his ass toy to have a moment to themselves. Neo began his famous ass-slappin', hair-pullin', biting, face-fucking, and my personal favorite......the Neotek choke hold. He never lets me down, and is definitely one of my top 5. This man is a PSE lover's dream come true!

Before I knew it, my time with them had come to an end. CanDo shat the hamster out, Neotek cleaned himself up a bit, and we all laid down together for some gentle caressing, cuddling, spooning and pillow talk afterward.

These two are a dangerous combination! They are very eager to please, the rates are a bit high because of the fee by the inch, but they are known to give very generous discounts to their most loyal clientele, and they are NOT clock watchers at all. I do highly recommend them. You will not be disappointed, no matter what your own MFM fantasy may be. They are true freaks, and I will be having my way with them again very soon.
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Old 06-05-2010, 10:40 PM   #2
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That was fantastic! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. But just in case there's anyone from PETA here, you should let us know if the hamster is okay.... should we take up a collection for therapy?
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Old 06-05-2010, 10:51 PM   #3
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omg i'm on the floor laughing dannie


i nominate you for a pullitzer prize. best ROS ever.
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Old 06-05-2010, 10:56 PM   #4
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I am happy to report that the hamster is fine. A little shook up, but he's gonna make it. He's currently recovering at the Ninja Kitties Dojo, where he will confront his next obstacle...cats.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, I had a blast writing it
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Old 06-05-2010, 10:57 PM   #5
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I hope the tube sock was clean! Nice review!
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Old 06-05-2010, 11:00 PM   #6
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You should have put a disclaimer at the bottom. "No animals were harmed in the making of this review"
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Old 06-05-2010, 11:07 PM   #7
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Dannie, you "make lovin' fun"!
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Old 06-05-2010, 11:13 PM   #8
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Obviously, you must have some luck or maybe they just really like you, because I can not get them to even take a few minutes to answer my email, text and pms. I have sent them like 10 of each since they posted their ad. I am very disappointed in their customer service skills. They obviously don't want my money. I just don't get it. I only told Neotek that I secretly had dreams of having his baby. Do you think that was a bit stalkerish? Oh shit, that is why they won't respond! Oh man, I really messed up! Can you put in a good word for me and tell them that I am really okay, I just need some lovin'
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Old 06-06-2010, 01:59 AM   #9
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You're an absolute goddess of writing creativity!

Except..............you left out a Super-Hero
guest appearance, a papal blessing and the clown show .
I'm sure at some point there must have been some sword fighting taking place which you mercifully neglected mentioning.

Excellent entertainment!!
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Old 06-06-2010, 02:14 AM   #10
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I only have 1 question.

In the post coital caressing stage was the little guy smoking a cigarrette? lol
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Old 06-06-2010, 03:46 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by St.Mateo59 View Post

I only have 1 question.

In the post coital caressing stage was the little guy smoking a cigarrette? lol

LOL!! Smoking is a disgusting habit that is not allowed during session!

Thank you, CA! I will be making a visit to these two again, so I might just get to all of those things eventually. They are ECCIE's new ATFs'sss'!

Reese, I am more than happy to put in a good word for you; It's my understanding that Neotek can't wait to have lots and lots of babies, so I think he is just being very coy with you. He can be very shy at times. I think you should probably try harder! Have you tried texting him yet? The best time to call him is around 4am on the weekdays. You can go with me next time and we'll have a foursome or moresome

Thanks for all the love, everyone!
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Old 06-06-2010, 08:27 AM   #12
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Excellent first time review! I have a friend of the female persuasion who is too cheap to pay for ROS access and she wanted me to ask if Gerbils were on the menu and if their backs were shaved or natural???

Thanks for the Sunday morning laugh...that was brilliant?

I was thinking of getting into the business myself but getting paid by the inch would mean I'd have to work twice as hard to make an average living.
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Old 06-06-2010, 08:52 AM   #13
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Default Very Good Review Dannie, for a newbie lol

I love your sence of humor and the review was GREAT reading as well as your imagination but 7 crates of tomatoes is too pricey, lol I could split that up and have 3 BNG's and 1 30-min. session for that price. AND your statement of: Russian PSE man beast sex God, is a SURE sign of WKing. lol otherwise, a GREAT review.

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Old 06-06-2010, 09:09 AM   #14
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As an FYI, Neotek and CanDo01 were UTR for a while before going public and have seen several of my female friends. From what I've heard, , CanDo01 has a strict rule that he only allows Neotek to insert the animal and only after telling him the hamster or gerbil (gerbils are usually only allowed after multiple visits) really likes him.

Clearly, the fact that Dannie spent time with CanDo01 last Friday offering him his fave cocktail (amaretto stone sours) and telling him how sexy hamsters and gerbils were has worked wonders. This just goes to show that it's a YMMV world on both sides.

On a more serious note, Dannie, that was an excellent review!
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Old 06-06-2010, 09:14 AM   #15
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Great find Dannie and a very informative review!

Your review has put them on the top of everyone's list...they're the new flavor of the month.

They're getting so much interest, someone told them they should raise their rates and upcharge for critter play...that fecker is gonna ruin a good thing for everyone...bah!
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