Originally Posted by Lakefrontguy
Sophia - this is London's attempt to get involved when she shouldnt. She does not know what happened with my session with Jaselle and proceeded to make comments that have no relevance, foundation and simply are untrue.
You will see more I am sure....
You know for an Attorney, your attention to details and facts are seriously lacking lol. I didn't say you did anything...simply said she was not the only person who made those same claims, and she isin't. If you want to act like a little girl and turn a simple discussion into a cat fight, be my guest....I have better things to do.
You still have not proved a thing lol. PROVE those pictures are not me! Why am I allowed to use them when the milk photo had to be removed? Thanks! And yea sweetie, I charge $500 for FS locally. Ask ANYONE who has ever had my massage lol. It is JUST a massage...NOT EVEN A HAPPY ENDING which I tell them before they even see me, so you lose again.
Get some new material will ya because we have all heard this before, and it has not affected me one bit. You honestly think with all the tired azz talent guys have to see over and over again, they are not seeing women you have bashed? Think again. If a girl is even 75% as good looking as her pics, treats her clients like kings, possesses intellect beyond high school, is discreet in EVERY way, and delivers an insane gfe, they are seeing her babe. They may not write a review or admit to seeing a girl, but guess what? She still got their money, without having to offer a discount! Look at all the YEARS of bashing towards nola escorts and ABE...are they still in business? Yep, and still charging 3-4 an hour too so you can stop with the Red Herring act already.
I am very straight forward about my services, and always have been. Let's just say for kicks that none of the pictures on my site are me...who cares lol. It sure as hell is not stopping me from making money now is it? It is also not going to haunt me when I leave this business, nor is it affecting my current job status. I have never had ONE guy arrive at my location and walk out...NOT ONE!! In over 23 cities no one seemed to have any complaints lol. I can see how that pisses you and everyone else off who has to go all out just to get some business.
I flat out said I did not know either of you well enough to make an informed conclusion, and that's not what I did. You were the one who made accusations you can't prove, and have zero evidence to back it up lol. Case dismissed.